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It was a great episode in terms of the message and the poignant feel of it all. So credit to the Dr Who team for tackling an issue like that, many wouldn’t have a clue about the story. However it didn’t feel like a Dr Who episode. I’m not necessarily mean where’s the planets and aliens, etc, but it didn’t have that slightly manic, cookie way of going about things, but given the subject line, that’s probably understandable.

I do think she’s playing the doctor really well though and I’m enjoying her interpretation. Some rather fun one liners and over the top reactions, is totally Tennant in nature, but she’s got that strong moral compass and steely side that Capaldi sort of had. I did think she’d go mental at the companion for stealing the weapon and using it though?

As for big spiders next week, f**k that for a laugh!

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10 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Are you going to watch next week? 

Your favourite subject matter, I believe. :)


My exact words when the trailer for next weeks came on

"Fantastic.  A fucking spider episode"

I can legitimately watch it from behind the sofa now.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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32 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Was possibly the weakest episode of the series so far but it was still watchable enough. 

Hope @KnightswoodBear is okay.


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I was massively hungover yesterday with lashings of the fear.  No chance I was watching this.

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I was massively hungover yesterday with lashings of the fear.  No chance I was watching this.

As someone who fucking hates spiders, it’s actually watchable since it’s not meant to be scary at all. I mean I still didn’t like it, but I could watch it in a way I can’t watch the bloody spider scene in LoTR!
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I enjoyed the episode, possibly the most so far this series. It was nice that it wasn’t an all-out look at these massive, scary spiders type story.

Obviously, it’s still early but the episodes are still quite light so far and slightly without complete resolutions. The baddie last week will presumably return at some point, and they certainly built up Chris Noth’s character as though he will as well.

In the past last night’s ending would have included either a reporter talking to a camera outside the hotel, or a news report on TV in the background of someone’s house (eg back at Yaz’s parents), reporting that the new hotel will no longer open due to deaths related to an environmental issue (or similar). It didn’t even confirm the three people (2x American’s assistants and girl in the flat) were the only people killed, which seemed unlikely. It’s just small touches like that I’d like to see more of.

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3 minutes ago, Jaggy Snake said:

I enjoyed the episode, possibly the most so far this series. It was nice that it wasn’t an all-out look at these massive, scary spiders type story.


Obviously, it’s still early but the episodes are still quite light so far and slightly without complete resolutions. The baddie last week will presumably return at some point, and they certainly built up Chris Noth’s character as though he will as well.


In the past last night’s ending would have included either a reporter talking to a camera outside the hotel, or a news report on TV in the background of someone’s house (eg back at Yaz’s parents), reporting that the new hotel will no longer open due to deaths related to an environmental issue (or similar). It didn’t even confirm the three people (2x American’s assistants and girl in the flat) were the only people killed, which seemed unlikely. It’s just small touches like that I’d like to see more of.


Yeah it annoyed me slightly how they didn't bother explaining what happened to all the spiders, unless I missed it. You seen them get trapped in the panic room to presumably die? 

Then there's the ones roaming about the block of flats killing folk, who seem to have been left in a kitchen and forgotten about. 

I'd rather they spent more time trying to make a coherent episode than wedging in ham fisted moral points and Donald Trump piss takes.

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