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I didn't really like it. I can't quite put my finger on why i didn't like it though.

The new companion wasn't originally meant to be cast as "Oswin". Moffat was impressed with her and came up with something on a whim. There are so many wild theories out there that i guess we'll just have to wait until Christmas.

The new companion's name is Clara

I'm not sure i'll like next week's episode either.

Rory's dad is in it!!

Along with the Egyptian woman and the hunter guy,

Seem's like it's one of those "gather up people with a debt" routines, similar to the AGMGTW

The ship they are on is a stolen Silurian ship.

Then we have the Pond's exit to look forward to biggrin.gif

Rory get's "caught" by a weeping angel and sent back to the 1930s.

The Dr. can't save him so Amy gets "caught" by the same one and goes back to live with him happily ever after

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The sooner the abomination that is Amy is gone the better - cant act for toffee and a fucking horrible character.

Bring back Dodo and Zoe says I.

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Wait a minute...I'm confused. The hot Dalek woman is the new assistant? How? I mean, she's not real. She used to be , but she just imagines that she's real now.

Three possibilities:

1. Same actor two characters (see also Karen Gillan).

2. She already knew the Doctor but feigned ignorance to avoid a paradox: she met The Doctor for the first time earlier in her time-line but later in his (see also, River Song).

3. Something happens that leads to The Doctor saving her at a later point in his own timeline (but just avoiding crossing his own) or there was in fact a cryptic "de-Dalek" thing going on that nobody spotted was possible because of the way the scenes were crafted (see also implemented ideas like the defective nanogenes in Ecclestone's series or Amy Pond disappearing from space-time then having her whole life-story rewritten with the crack)

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Option 4 - its a repeat of The Massacre but inverted so the companion JLC is an ancestor of the dalek dead JLC.

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No its not, karen gillan was playing two distinctive characters, option 4 is that the characters are related ala The Massacre and lets not even get started on the theory that Steven is actually the other ancestor of Dodo.

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No its not, karen gillan was playing two distinctive characters, option 4 is that the characters are related ala The Massacre and lets not even get started on the theory that Steven is actually the other ancestor of Dodo.

There is no distinction to be drawn. Option 1 simply stated that the same actress played two (no mention of "distinctive") characters. That is what happened with Karen Gillan. That's what you've described in option 4.


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I'm going to go for her memory was erased for some reason before she became a Dalek (Donna Noble style)

Just watching Ecclestone's final The parting of the ways.

Amazing the difference in the how between then and now, also I'd ride chavy looking Billie Pipper, looks like she's give a fantastic gobble

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matt smith is off putting, simply because of how fucking ugly he is, and not even in a intresting grizzled ugliness

if i want to look at an ugly fucker, i'll look in a mirror. get him off my tv

None of the old-school doctors were exactly pretty boys either.

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Here's a crazy thought (re:new assistant): Maybe the doctor's new assistant is a Dalek? She escapes and helps him (geek wise) from inside the metal Dalek body? A friendly Dalek in the Tardis? Has there been any shots released of the two of them together in the show?

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Cracking episode, that, nicely-paced and a reasonably tight plot. And the best thing about it was the new girl, or at least her sparring with the Doctor. Which bodes well.

(Amy has been a pretty good companion over the piece, but I've had enough of the Amy / Rory slushiness and won't be sorry to see the back of it.)

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Okay slight theory as to why oswin can't remember the doctor.

She meets the doctor before she gets turned into a dalek.

Something happens which causes her mind to be wiped just before she leaves the doctor (Donna noble-esque way)

The doctor drops her off home before sending her away to the company that she begins flying for knowing that changing her timeline will dramatically change the future.

Also believe that Amy is turned into a weeping angel (she almost was 2 series ago) and she sends Rory back in time before asking the doctor to end her suffering.

Should really put spoilers up for the last bit dry.gif

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