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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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Situation, not location champ. Thanks for playing anyway.


a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs."the situation between her and Jake had come to a head"synonyms:circumstances, set of circumstances, state of affairs,affairs, state, condition, case;


the location and surroundings of a place."the situation of the town is pleasant"synonyms:location, place, position, spot,site, locality, locale; More


Edited by jagfox144
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Posted Today, 02:21 AM

LinwoodTON, on 10 Jan 2014 - 11:08 PM, said:snapback.png

Ask your Mama.

now thats bang out of order. Now here is the fact, if I find out who you are purely because of what you have said you will require medical treatment. Im a decent bloke but limits are limits.

thats probably my favourite line out of that whole thread, some tough contenders though. weapons.

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That was an interesting turn of events.

I love how we have people accusing teenagers who were getting on the teams back of being wannabe hardmen and talking about how threats of violence are unacceptable, while we have implicit (if a hardman had you one on one you'd shite yourself) and explicit (you'll require medical treatment) threats of violence littered all over the thread.

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Genuine question for the Morton fans: Is there a sizeable scummy element to your support?

Despite the sport to be had on this thread, you all seem like a decent bunch. Similarly, at games, I've not seen any real evidence of anything untoward.

That thread is something else though. Now I know that the internet can enable uncharacteristic behaviour. I know too that the club's current predicament is not conducive to peace and love. And I also know that a handful of voices can give a totally skewed picture of a fanbase.

Still though, despite our squabbles and some occasional dafties (usually on the QueensMad forum) I can't honestly see debate between our fans descending quite so spectacularly or funnily as it's done here.

Do you have lots of nutters?

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Imagine the next game at Cappielow could be interesting in the cowshed.

A bit of extra entertainment watching the local neds windmilling about the rickety old ground.

Thon BluebirdTon seems solid though. Police Scotland should cut his arms and legs off just to be safe.

He'd still be able to do headbutts but they wouldn't have much momentum behind them.

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Genuine question for the Morton fans: Is there a sizeable scummy element to your support?

Despite the sport to be had on this thread, you all seem like a decent bunch. Similarly, at games, I've not seen any real evidence of anything untoward.

That thread is something else though. Now I know that the internet can enable uncharacteristic behaviour. I know too that the club's current predicament is not conducive to peace and love. And I also know that a handful of voices can give a totally skewed picture of a fanbase.

Still though, despite our squabbles and some occasional dafties (usually on the QueensMad forum) I can't honestly see debate between our fans descending quite so spectacularly or funnily as it's done here.

Do you have lots of nutters?

Ach, not really. The guy referred to in the title of that thread is the resident guy every club has who goes off on a rant at anything and everything, and we perhaps have a larger proportion of young guys getting pished at away games but nothing particularly out of the ordinary. We are far worse for infighting than most supports but I think you can put the majority of it down to what's happening on the pitch at the time it really badly kicks off (this season and the end of 03/04 being by far the worst times), for all that it's not a remotely rational reaction.

Obviously every club has their 'happy clapper'/'boo boy' split but, and I'm entirely speculating here, I wonder if ours is worse because the club themselves have felt the need to comment on 'boo boys' so often, meaning it's discussed more often and at the forefront of everyone's mind, leading people to believe that our fans are far more negative than others when this just isn't the case, and as a consequence the fact that people on the happy clap side genuinely do believe that we have the most negative fans in the country leads them to be seen as more sanctimonious and the groups are polarised further.

I've said myself that I thought the stick Cham and Fitzpatrick got on Saturday was over the top and unnecessary - I'll criticise a player when they do something badly but there's no really any need to scream 'get to f**k and don't come back you useless c**t' at Cham when he's nowhere near the ball. He's shite, but it's not his fault he's being picked for a team at a level he's not good enough for. However, to claim that the fans are one of the main contributors to poor performances is absolute guff and in any case it's very rare for the stick to get that bad; it was an extreme reaction to an extremely bad performance in an extremely bad season.

Of course, the reason the club comments on the negativity of the support so often is Douglas Rae: claiming the team are rotten because the big bad fans boo them is classic deflection from his own repeated poor decisions on managers. Unfortunately I can't make the game today due to work but I'm very interested to find out what he has to say in the programme today.

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The crowd at a match undoubtedly have an influence on players. I'm quite certain the Morton crowd get players like Hugh Murray and Iain Russell riled up - to quite different results! Most of us acknowledge this. It's the same with our own players - it's quite obvious that the Morton crowd have had quite an influence on a player like Cham (see his first goal 'celebration'). The reaction of an element of the support is that they should just man up, play better and they won't get shouted at so much (although, as Chris Millar and Michael Tidser will testify, it doesn't matter how well you play, there will always be those who shout at you). But this attitude serves their pre-concieved ideas of right and wrong rather than what is best for the team on the park. I don't think Morton are any different to any other support on this issue - when a club is underperforming, criticism abounds. The specific problem at Morton is that we've underperformed for most of the last 20 years.

I must admit I read about the first half a dozen posts on that thread, and haven't returned since. I can guess well enough the direction it has went in, and if I offered an opinion on there I'd probably get shouted at as if a Cham/Fitzpatrick hybrid had just walked in the room.

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Two good posts there and everyone would see some similarity at their own clubs too.

A lot of this angst is attributal to a lack of management of expectation within the fan base. Tounge in cheek posturing aside. too many fans fail to really appreciate the true level that their club are at and expect far more than their club can deliver - whatever their "ambition".

Morton, for me at least, are falling into this category with the younger element of their support (and by that I mean anyone who never saw them in the top tier) expecting - not hoping -to see the club back there as if it was some sort of divine right. It's just arrant nonesense. When older, more realistic, fans point this out they get the usual neanderthal responses from the idiots.

Shouting at players and even directors in times of crisis is entirely understandable - even expected - if this is affecting a professional players' performance then the player needs to take a good look at himself in all honesty. The same abuse directed at owners/directors merely serves to make them reluctant to invest further for an unappreciative fan base.

The irony is - the loudest voice - not the most sensible - is the one that gets the most attention.

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Two good posts... and then that stack of utter drivel. Absolutely no-one is criticising on the basis of a divine right to top-flight football, rather the "budgetary right to not be a country mile behind part-time outfits".

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Two good posts... and then that stack of utter drivel. Absolutely no-one is criticising on the basis of a divine right to top-flight football, rather the "budgetary right to not be a country mile behind part-time outfits".

You do realise that even after completing our summer signings we have gone on to make a further nine signings midseason including a former Scotland international in addition to paying off a manager and his assistant and replacing them with a man who was in charge of a long time Premiership outfit last season?

Still, don't let the truth get in the way of your wild, agenda driven argument.

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The chap didn't say Morton fans were claiming top flight football was "a divine right", he said there was behaving "as if it were a divine right" . There's a significant difference that you didn't grasp. Your accusation of it being "drivel" is of course, nonsense.

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No one is expecting or demanding regular top flight football to be delivered. Indeed, for all that younger supporters are generally more inclined to vocally criticise the team, it's our younger supporters who tend to be far more realistic in their long term ambitions for Morton, probably due to the fact we haven't had top flight football in the memory of anyone under 30. It's older fans who churn out stuff about Morton being a sleeping giant and how they remember when Morton were better than Kilmarnock and Motherwell and it's ridiculous that we've been left behind by St. Johnstone and Inverness Caley Thistle and a load of other bollocks which is completely detached from reality and how things have changed since Morton were last at that level.

What people are expecting is not to have one of the worst seasons any side has ever had at this level. While we obviously don't have a divine right to finish above anyone or be at any level, it's not unreasonable to expect the club to stay up, it's not unreasonable to be angry about being utterly pumped week in week out and it's certainly not unreasonable to be angry about being thirteen points adrift of safety halfway through the season with only two wins from nineteen games.

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