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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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Has Willy Wonka got one managerial appointment right in his time as chairman?

You'd think that as he's made so many, the law of averages would mean at least one of his appointments could be seen as a success...

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I feel a bit sorry for shiels, who seems like an honest and hard working guy. The same team that did so well against Falkirk and Dundee betrayed him on Saturday. But I was never convinced that he was the right man for the job, and while he might have done a good job for us next season I'm not disappointed that he's gone. Hopefully the players will follow.

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Resigned. :lol:

My arse he resigned. That arrogant fuckwit thinks he's the best manager around. He could always go back to Killie next season and take them down to the diddy league.

Kenny Shiels is a gobshite.

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Stevie Aitken's Love Child, on 06 May 2014 - 11:52, said:

Was this sent to you? What did you say in your email to merit this response?

I'm surprised you got an answer at all, I've emailed the club several times through the years and either had to wait weeks for an answerm ro received no answer at all.

It was a Dundee fan from Dundee Mad I believe. He obviously didn't state that he was a Dee, but he didn't state what else he had written.

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Jimmy85, on 06 May 2014 - 19:04, said:

Well that's just fucking tragic.

Losing 10-2 is tragic, writing an e-mail to the club that lost 10-2 is just mildly embarrassing.

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It was a Dundee fan from Dundee Mad I believe. He obviously didn't state that he was a Dee, but he didn't state what else he had written.

Oh dear.

We should be laughing at Mor10, but Dundee fans are making it so difficult.

Has there ever been a club get promoted, yet most of their fans seem to be keen to indulge in a mouth breathing seethefest?

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Well this didn't come at the best time but had to be done after the result on Saturday, embarrassing stuff.

Shiels probably already knew who he wanted to give new contracts to this season and he mentioned at the Q&A that he had contacts who were already looking at players for league 1. This new guy is going to come in and not have a clue about the squad and will have to quickly come up with list of new players to bring in and get ready for the start of the league. We need to pick the right person this time Dougie!!!

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Gie him a break, he's auld.

Maybe he can get his secretary a new fangled laptop for Christmas, to replace that typewriter. On second thoughts, they'd probably struggle to turn it on, best stick with the typewriter.

He also mentions goal average, a method of settling leagues back in the early 60s.

Surprised that Dougie Wonka acted so swiftly, he tens two hold on to his incumbents for much longer even when shown to be out of their depth.

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He also mentions goal average, a method of settling leagues back in the early 60s. Surprised that Dougie Wonka acted so swiftly, he tens two hold on to his incumbents for much longer even when shown to be out of their depth.

Shiels resigned.

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