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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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I've watched my team 5 times in semi finals or a final in the last 12 years. Have you ever seen Morton in a semi final at Hampden in your lifetime?

You might very well have, but that bears no significance on were the mighty ayr are now. Does it?

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I take no pleasure in witnessing VT's tear-stained capitulation.

Perhaps we could just swap managers for a wee while, a wee shot of attacking football enroute to relegation might be our best option this season.

Much as I can't be arsed with our tactics I'm sure Reid would make a better fist of it at Cappielow with a higher budget.

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I take no pleasure in witnessing VT's tear-stained capitulation.

Perhaps we could just swap managers for a wee while, a wee shot of attacking football enroute to relegation might be our best option this season.

Much as I can't be arsed with our tactics I'm sure Reid would make a better fist of it at Cappielow with a higher budget.

No thanks.

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You assume that a 'solution' is forseeable. Our relegation is inevitable, the only issue is the timing and manner of it. Much like yesterday's pumping, actually.

Now hold on a minute , I have just had to pick myself up from the floor after reading this. This rodgering must have affected you big time . Also , have just read that you think football success is cyclical as well . Well, we can see a demise but not any relative success. Please tell me that you are not counting beating East Stirling and Albion as the glory years . This `spin` is so skewed that New Labour might even be embarrased about it . Have you even finished above Qos in recent years ?

Edited by JRS LEFT PEG
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If you're reading humility from this fact then you're sorely mistaken. After all this is the absolute high point of Queen of the South's cycle for generations and yet they still have absolutely nothing to show for it, and remain a complete irrelevance to Big Deals like ourselves. Same still applies to the rest of the 'Won f**k All and Never Wills' that make up half this division, and they all know by now who they are.

Ahhhhh - normal service is resumed.... thank goodness.

Instability is temporary - true delusion is permenant.... welcome back V.T. wink.gif

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If you're reading humility from this fact then you're sorely mistaken. After all this is the absolute high point of Queen of the South's cycle for generations and yet they still have absolutely nothing to show for it, and remain a complete irrelevance to Big Deals like ourselves. Same still applies to the rest of the 'Won f**k All and Never Wills' that make up half this division, and they all know by now who they are.

That's more like it.

Welcome back.

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ayrmad don't get into this sort of argument with vikington i've done it, and people before me he'll only keep replaying with meeningless arguments like morton are so great cause they won one cup over 90 years ago :lol:

so don't waste your time while he's getting his jolly's off of your replys dry.gif

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Seems like that 6-0 humping at the hands of Motherwell has snapped VT into some sense of reality.

Morton are a wonderful club - fact

Morton are a successful club - fact

Morton have a wonderful support - fact

Greenock is a beautiful place - fact

Andy Ritchie was slim - fact

Capricorn One was actually filmed on the Moon - fact

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Now hold on a minute , I have just had to pick myself up from the floor after reading this. This rodgering must have affected you big time . Also , have just read that you think football success is cyclical as well . Well, we can see a demise but not any relative success. Please tell me that you are not counting beating East Stirling and Albion as the glory years . This `spin` is so skewed that New Labour might even be embarrased about it . Have you even finished above Qos in recent years ?

VT wasn't around in Morton's glory days. Infact I doubt he is old enough to remember the last time they were in the Premier League as it was known. Therefore it is very surprising that he harks back to days that he has no recollection of.

VT's reality (like most of us) should be coloured by the mundane fayre of the third, second and first divisions. However, he seems to be completely seduced by a bygone era and oblivious to the fact that those days are long gone and unlikely to be repeated. Still a pig-headed, unwillingness to face facts never hurt anyone did it? :rolleyes:

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either that or he has a wee fan club who awai his every word so they can "get him telt" and regularly fail in the process

while they sit waiting for him on a saturday night and hes away out

people are FAR too obsessed/hooked

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I am old enough to remember a good Morton team . Holmes , Tolmie,Ritchie , Hayes , Orr etc . VT would be better asking Alibi about this team . A bit more recent than the 1922 team. ps By memory , was Holmes the tanned looking guy in the days before sunbeds ?

Having spent years on here and the Morton board reading the tripe that Alibi posts, I wouldn't advise anyone wanting to learn anything about football to ask him anything.

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ayrmad don't get into this sort of argument with vikington i've done it, and people before me he'll only keep replaying with meeningless arguments like morton are so great cause they won one cup over 90 years ago :lol:

so don't waste your time while he's getting his jolly's off of your replys dry.gif

There's nothing I have witnessed as an Ayr fan that VT can outdo as a supporter at Morton, my kids have had more Hampden cup visits than most if not all Morton fans on here, given Mortons lack of recent cup success I'd guarantee that my wife and kids have witnessed more cup games of any standard than VT has.

I tend to live in the past with regard to Ayr, at least it is actually my own past and not a past I've read in a history book.

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There's nothing I have witnessed as an Ayr fan that VT can outdo as a supporter at Morton, my kids have had more Hampden cup visits than most if not all Morton fans on here, given Mortons lack of recent cup success I'd guarantee that my wife and kids have witnessed more cup games of any standard than VT has.

I tend to live in the past with regard to Ayr, at least it is actually my own past and not a past I've read in a history book.

and you should live contented in that knowledge... instead of jumping in like a ravenous mackeral every time VT posts one of his 'set pieces'

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and you should live contented in that knowledge... instead of jumping in like a ravenous mackeral every time VT posts one of his 'set pieces'

And when exactly did this last happen, I've long since accepted that he's a fanny.

His "set pieces" are so often and consistent, you have to conclude that they in fact are actually his reality.

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