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I'm also not in the camp really appreciative of Moriarty. He's what... a 30 year old evil supervillain with all the power and money in the world somehow? They went the 'cartoon crazy' route with him, which is fine I guess... but it needs to be done better than that (imo).

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Yeah I'm the same. Everything's based around Moriarty it seems, I've never read the books but he's annoying me, seems needless him popping up all the time.

I like him just solving the cases, it's superb when done properly, I just finished watching the Special there. Very disappointing.

Eta: it reminded me of inception!

Just got round to watching this on iplayer , I like moriarty , he pops up all the time because he is sherlocks biggest fear , that episode and all the appearances of Him where all in sherlocks head , I feel the dream was a big clue to what has gone on , I believe moriarty is dead but at the start Victorian Watson claims twins are a possible explanation to the dead bride appearing to rise from the dead which Sherlock immediately rubbishes however when he mentions secret twin Sherlock reacts much more uncomfortably to begin with before rubbishing his claim again , which brings me to two possible outcomes of how I think it is going to go down in the next season either moriarty has a secret twin which Sherlock has forgotten about or is subconsciously aware of due to some reason or if you back to the end of the last season mycroft says something along the lines "I am not given to outbursts of brotherly emotions , you know what happened to the last one " which might open the door to a bad Holmes brother, hence sherlocks uncomfortable reaction to the secret twin mention Edited by forever_blue
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Just watched the newest episode, it was okay. It did try and appear more intelligent than maybe it should have. The linking of the story between present day and the Victorian Era was a bit over the place at times. But I guess the show did have enough in it to keep fans going until the new series begins in 2017.

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I think the twins reference was to hark back to another case, in Case of Silk Stocking it was twin brothers that kidnapped young women and they couldn't pin any murders on one due to alibis and wrong finger prints, no one knew of 'evil' twin brother of butler

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Caught this last night on iplayer...

A good episode but not a great one. I felt the waterfall bit near the end was a bit like the Bain and Batman scene from the Dark Knight Rises (the bit where he breaks his back)

It'll be interesting to see what comes of the Redbeard reference at the end. Roll on series 4 in 2017

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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I enjoyed that. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say much other than I'd splunge all over Molly.

Decent...as always.

But I just think this show has run out of steam. It goes way too big with storylines and hypes everything up to 11 - every single time.

Very quickly that gets boring. These massive life-defining moments are created and then the next trailer shows things back to normal.

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Decent...as always.

But I just think this show has run out of steam. It goes way too big with storylines and hypes everything up to 11 - every single time.

Very quickly that gets boring. These massive life-defining moments are created and then the next trailer shows things back to normal.

Yep it was good, but not in same class as previous series. Much as i love the show i kinda hope this is last series so they dont keep trying to milk it and end up ruining it.
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I feel these days that the case is more plotfiller in the recent episodes rather than central to the storyline. As above, maybe time to wrap it up, which is a shame as some of the early episodes were right up there.

My fave is the hound of the baskerville one. It was all the better for not being part of the ongoing moriarty plot line.
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