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  • 2 months later...

First episode of season 5 was pretty poor in my opinion. Possibly my least favourite episode yet in honesty. All shows have to jump the shark at some point, and a lot of my favourite shows have done and some don't make it to season 5 before doing it but i'm hoping it starts to pick up after the premiere.

The show has always been good at including humour but making it feel real and that the characters would actually say those things in that situation, but a few in that episode just seemed so out of place and out of character. Another great thing about Suits is that not huge earth shattering moments need to be happening to make it an enjoyable watch, but when your two big running storylines are a generic case like 50 others we have seen, and panic attacks (seriously, that's your big reveal) then you better make it enjoyable to watch being back in that world, but i can't help but feel let down by it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aye, that was a really good episode. It was on the wane a little between the middle of season 3 until near the end of season 4, but since the 4 finale it's been right back on form, and there were SCENES galore last night. Always great to see Daniel Hartman, and hoping he'll play an ever bigger part in proceedings now that he's 'back in the city'.

After reading this though, try not to notice just how many many "God Damn" gets shout (especially by Harvey) during heated moments. I noticed it a few weeks ago. At least two or three an episode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought the first episode was pretty poor by its own high standards, and that the show could possibly be on the way out. I'm delighted to have been proven wrong as the first half of this season has been up there with the very best of Suits.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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