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Yes you obviously have not.

The interviewer said 'you will remember there was a lot of ill feeling in Scottish Football, do you think that ill feeling will be gone by the time Rangers return?" Walter replied with 'no it will always be there'

I don't hear the interviewer saying anything on the interview on the BBC website, it starts with WS answering the question. Where is the link and how many seconds in do you hear this?

If this was said, there is no mention of which direction the ill feeling was coming. Sure there was ill feeling from other fans at the prospect of Rangers being given a free pass to continue in the top league. Quite right too.

But the biggest amount of ill feeling in Scottish football at the time was coming from Rangers fans. I don't recall the diddies marching on Hampden and stamping their feet and blaming everyone else. In fact I don't know what they were marching on Hampden for, genuinely don't know what the SFA were getting it in the neck for. Anyone remember?

Still it's nice of Wattie to confirm Rangers will be bitter for ever more (even though they wanted division 3 themselves).

P.S. Ted - if your Mrs sends you to the shop for 5 different vegetables and you come back with 2, would you say "I got the vegetables" when you came home? I've asked this 3 times now and for the life of me I cannot work out why you have ignored it :lol:

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I still can't believe that this stooshie has been created by some of Walters answers, seriously get a grip of yourselves.

Does a section of Scottish fans harbour ill will towards Rangers, well yes they do.

Was there happiness at seeing rfc go down . Well yes there was.

Have some of those who were happy, now having a hard time of it. Well yes they are.

The only issue I have is that he's making excuses for his pal Ally.


old club died


new club 'got in'

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I don't hear the interviewer saying anything on the interview on the BBC website, it starts with WS answering the question. Where is the link and how many seconds in do you hear this?

If this was said, there is no mention of which direction the ill feeling was coming. Sure there was ill feeling from other fans at the prospect of Rangers being given a free pass to continue in the top league. Quite right too.

But the biggest amount of ill feeling in Scottish football at the time was coming from Rangers fans. I don't recall the diddies marching on Hampden and stamping their feet and blaming everyone else. In fact I don't know what they were marching on Hampden for, genuinely don't know what the SFA were getting it in the neck for. Anyone remember?

Still it's nice of Wattie to confirm Rangers will be bitter for ever more (even though they wanted division 3 themselves).

P.S. Ted - if your Mrs sends you to the shop for 5 different vegetables and you come back with 2, would you say "I got the vegetables" when you came home? I've asked this 3 times now and for the life of me I cannot work out why you have ignored it :lol:

Threatening scared chairman to make them do the bidding of the internet nutters © monkey and stoney. That was all down to the so called diddies.

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I said the whole interview, it is funny, you quote other media sources but then do not take the time to find the whole interview, then you complain about not listening to the interview when the actual whole interview makes a c**t out of you. :lol:

The BBC clip only starts from Walter answering the question.

The question put to him was ''you will remember there was a lot of ill feeling in Scottish Football when Rangers were admitted into the lowest tier, there was almost a them and us between Rangers and Scottish Football, do you think that ill feeling will be gone by the time Rangers return?"

He even differentiated between Scottish Football and Rangers.

1. Where is your link to the interview? I originally provided BBC link and you said I hadn't listened to it, which I had. If there is another source then do share.

In any case the majority of the ill feeling Wattie drones on about is very much Rangers feeling wronged.

2. Why no answer to the vegetable question? Do you just pick and choose what to respond to:

* Things you can answer - reply

* Things that show you up for an absolute tit who can't admit when he's wrong- ignore

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Tedi making an absolute c**t of himself.......check.

Benny up teds arse and doing his cheerleader thingy....check.

Tedi green dotting wee benny for his efforts.....check.

Tedi keeps digging.....check.


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It all over the place, stop being a lazy c**t and find it yourself.

I have no interest in discussing my personal life as you vaguely try to deflect from your latest fuckwittery.

Judging by the number of times you've called me a c**t today, I'd like to thank you for being so rattled.

Asking a hypothetical question about vegetable shopping = prying into Tedi's private life. What an utter spanner.

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Judging by the number of times you've called me a c**t today, I'd like to thank you for being so rattled.

Asking a hypothetical question about vegetable shopping = prying into Tedi's private life. What an utter spanner.



The fact you are keeping count, shows the truth hurts.


So how many times did he say you called him a c**t?  Or was it just that he noticed repetative use of the word?


I would ask for evidence that he is keeping count but I know evidence is that last thing you provide.

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Judging by the number of times you've called me a c**t today, I'd like to thank you for being so rattled.

Asking a hypothetical question about vegetable shopping = prying into Tedi's private life. What an utter spanner.


Is he going to the ironmongerers as well as the grocers? No wonder he's ratty, all those messages.

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In Walters mind it clearly did, something you would know if you had taken the time to listen to the whole interview. But no, you opted to follow the rest of the happy clappers on this thread and like them you ended up making an utter c**t out of yourself, nothing new here.

The only bitterness Walter talks about is from 'Rangers' even when the interviewer mentions bitterness from both sides.

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The fact you are keeping count, shows the truth hurts.

People who have called me a c**t : 1 angry Rangers fan.

People who haven't called me a c**t : 8 billion others.

It's a tough one for sure. Still I'll let you get on with your vegetable shopping.

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I said the whole interview, it is funny, you quote other media sources but then do not take the time to find the whole interview, then you complain about not listening to the interview when the actual whole interview makes a c**t out of you. :lol:

The BBC clip only starts from Walter answering the question.

The question put to him was ''you will remember there was a lot of ill feeling in Scottish Football when Rangers were admitted into the lowest tier, there was almost a them and us between Rangers and Scottish Football, do you think that ill feeling will be gone by the time Rangers return?"

He even differentiated between Scottish Football and Rangers.

"Admitted into the lowest tier"

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Given that you followed some of those '8 billion' into your latest cock up and also given that some of those '8 billion' then were happy to follow you into oblivion, then this is nothing to feel happy about imo.


Your '8 billion' are all 'bitter' Rangers hating mopes, you contribute absolutely nothing other than anti Rangers tripe, no wonder these other c***s do not refer to you as a c**t.


My only question is - Why are you wasting your time on a Stirling Albion fan? 

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Given that you followed some of those '8 billion' into your latest cock up and also given that some of those '8 billion' then were happy to follow you into oblivion, then this is nothing to feel happy about imo.

Your '8 billion' are all 'bitter' Rangers hating mopes, you contribute absolutely nothing other than anti Rangers tripe, no wonder these other c***s do not refer to you as a c**t.

What's upset you now Tedi? Is that thing about the club's ebt tax debt being shifted on to the players? I would be raging at my club if they allowed that to happen.

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Given that you followed some of those '8 billion' into your latest cock up and also given that some of those '8 billion' then were happy to follow you into oblivion, then this is nothing to feel happy about imo.

Your '8 billion' are all 'bitter' Rangers hating mopes, you contribute absolutely nothing other than anti Rangers tripe, no wonder these other c***s do not refer to you as a c**t.

^^^ sweating badly while angrily bashing his keyboard into oblivion

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Shorter Rangers fans & ex-employees this week: We Are Terribly Precious.


It'd save us all a lot of time and earache if the Rangers fans could just all decide now, once and for all, whether they wanted to be readmitted to the Third Division in 2012, or whether they instead wanted to be boosted up into the top tier. 


They currently seem to be saying that they wanted to stay, but we all well remember that they said that they wanted to go.  Now they've got a team in the top tier next season, it looks like they really wanted to both stay and go, while not wanting to stay or to go.


If they'd gone there would've been trouble; if they'd stayed, it would've been double. 


So come on, and let us know, eh?  Did you want to stay or go?

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