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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's only the sanest because you and I are in it. The moment we leave it'll descend into the seventh circle of hell again.

:) you must be a mightily relieved man, big yin.  I had a serious wager with myself that The Bairns would do a number on you.  How's yer sphincter?

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There are some interesting parallels though, chap. We played some absolutely beautiful football and were, arguably, the best team in Europe when wee Dick was managing the team and Bain was writing someone else's cheques. Watching us systematically destroy Parma in a hopping Ibrox is a highlight of my supporting life.

But it wasn't sustainable - and I doubt the appointment of Bain will help Sunderland's sustainability. You need a dour bean-counter.

When you say "arguably the best team in Europe", everyone assumes you mean at cheating, because it certainly wasn't at football.

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When you say "arguably the best team in Europe", everyone assumes you mean at cheating, because it certainly wasn't at football.

Oh you cad!  Absolutely no one would ever have thought of making that joke.  I love the diddies' originality.

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:) you must be a mightily relieved man, big yin. I had a serious wager with myself that The Bairns would do a number on you. How's yer sphincter?

I couldn't make the game due to a function I had been previously booked for so when I checked the score we were already two up. No chance to worry.

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.  We played some absolutely beautiful football and were, arguably, the best team in Europe when wee Dick was managing the team


You don't really believe that do you?


I'm assuming this is just one of those comments the Rangers fans on here make to generate 'seethe' from the diddies

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This closes the circle for we Big Thread Posters.




Wizzy, it could be any of we regular Bears.  



Please stop, this is killing me. It's the same as saying "for I" or "of I"*. There's too much pulling-up on grammar and spelling** here and elsewhere, particularly when a lot of it is due to typos; but I have a real aversion bordering on allergy to this one.


I shout at the telly every time that advert comes on about "... PPI, mis-sold to you and I". Oh wait: due to an administrative error, they didn't mis-sell you any. Right, then I suppose it's just PPI mis-sold to I, then.


* Glad you're keeping regular, though.  8)


** I may or may not include a deliberate mistake, to illustrate my point. May or may not...

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Here's even better news , Rangers sign IRA sympayhiser

An IRA sympathiser, a person that calls the Royal Family parasites, a convicted thug, a guy that put a cigar out on a young apprentices face....he will fit right in at Ibrokes....lol.

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In my 1000th post on P&B, i just wanted to say how much of a pleasure it has been watching Rangers bounce from embarrassment to embarrassment over the last 4-5 years. 


Watching their fans squirm and mentally contort themselves into accepting the latest indignity brought on by their own hubris and general unlikeability has been wonderful.


More so because I have been able to share it with the good folks of P&B.


Here's to another century of Rangers doing what they do best.





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Here's to another century of Rangers doing what they do best.



I know we're important to you but thanks for using your 1,000th post to confirm our longevity.


Here's to your next 1,000.  They can only get better.



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In my 1000th post on P&B, i just wanted to say how much of a pleasure it has been watching Rangers bounce from embarrassment to embarrassment over the last 4-5 years. 


Watching their fans squirm and mentally contort themselves into accepting the latest indignity brought on by their own hubris and general unlikeability has been wonderful.


More so because I have been able to share it with the good folks of P&B.


Here's to another century of Rangers doing what they do best.



:thumsup2 I concur Sir  :thumsup2

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An IRA sympathiser, sympayhiser a person that calls the Royal Family parasites, a convicted thug, a guy that put a cigar out on a young apprentices face....he will fit right in at Ibrokes....lol.



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There was similar rumours back when they died , but it still would raise a smile if true :)


MAY 29, 2016 at 01:38

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Learned something this evening which may or may not explain TRFC’s headlong rush into confrontation with the SFA. It appears that some “Hong Kong businessmen†(with wealth off the SARS radar), have been sniffing around Carlisle United. My source tells me that successfully obtaining a controlling interest in that club could see Carlisle renamed as TRFC (transforming Carlisle into the same club that was founded in Glasgow in 1872), but retaining Carlisle’s licence to play in England.

Subsequently a relocation 90 miles down the road – and a break from Glasgow and Scottish football – would take place.

It is worth noting that two Hong Kong based businessmen who have recently “invested†in TRFC have a significant interest in Worthington Reds held under the name “Ibrox Park Holdingsâ€.

My source (a former CEO of a Football League club), remarking on a similar move by Celtic in the not too distant past which was thwarted by a hesitant and conservative Celtic board said;

“King is a risk taker. His over-riding aim in this TRFC project is to have them playing in England – as is Celtic’s – but whilst Celtic’s board are hampered in that aim by their ultra-conservative approach to regulation, King has no qualms about confronting the normsâ€.

“He might even pull it off!â€

Given the belligerent rhetoric coming out of Ibrox in the past week it would certainly make more sense to me that it was initiated, not by a wish to deflect from on-field or Res 12 related issues, but as an engineered opening gambit in a tactical withdrawal from the game in Scotland.

King wants his money back. At the current rate of progress, he’ll be waiting for the NEXT time Hibs win the cup ��

Alternatively, leading the Bears – Moses-like – down the M74 in a victim fuelled exodus to the promised land may appear to be a quicker route to riches.

Of course this is only speculation (or at least the conclusion is), but if King thinks TRFC are unpopular here, wait ’till he hears the fans and residents of Carlisle!

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There was similar rumours back when they died , but it still would raise a smile if true :)


I believe it is still legal in Carlisle to shoot Scots of certain surnames.


I'm sure the law could be revived and expanded if necessary

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