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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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When is GTF day


June 6th...Monday 9 am.  Some imaginative Bear (clearly not me) has to come up with a "Sevco back in the big league" thread headliner for our 55th titles' assault and get it in before we're swamped by the Ps&Ds.

Will we remain in oor seperate forum or join the prestigious premiership forum?

However Div structures the new board we'll drag rag, tag and bobtail along with us.  These are guys who signed up to post about Sevco and it would be a churlish bloke who denies them.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Scottish FA chief executive Stewart Regan has said the governing body acted correctly in awarding Rangers a licence to play European football in 2011 and that questions on the process have been answered.

A group of Celtic shareholders, known as 'the requisitioners' after a request put to the Celtic board at their AGM in 2013, requested that the club investigate the circumstances that lead to the licence being granted and have campaigned for answers in recent years.

It is the latest step in a campaign - known as Resolution 12 - to challenge the decision-making process.

Regan said that questions on the Scottish FA's actions had been answered, that the requisitioners had been satisfied with the response and any further questions should be directed at UEFA.

He said: "There has been a reply. We've been in dialogue with Celtic Football Club on the matter.

"My understanding is that the requisitioners have accepted that they have no issues with the granting of the licence to Rangers in 2011 .

"What they do have an issue with is the monitoring period immediately following that licence in March 2011.

"Our position on that is that we have complied with UEFA requirements in the period immediately following March 2011 and clearly if there is still an issue with the requisitioners then that's for them to take up with UEFA.

"We've said if they do that then we'll fully cooperate and comply with any requests for information from UEFA and we've provided details at UEFA for the requisitioners to make contact.

"So we believe that the matter has been communicated to those involved and they will deal with it as they see fit."

The questions centred on whether the Ibrox side fully disclosed the details of an unpaid tax bill to HM Revenue and Customs.

UEFA rules demand participants in the Champions and Europa Leagues declare any "overdue payables" to the taxman, with details on whether there is a commitment to repay amounts, or a dispute over any bill.


Rangers were awarded a UEFA Club Licence despite having an outstanding £2.8m payment to HMRC over their use of Employee Benefit Trusts, in what is commonly referred to as the "wee tax case".

The Ibrox side, as the previous season's SPL winners, entered the Champions League at the third qualifying round stage on the champions path.

After defeat to Malmo, Ally McCoist's side then dropped into the play-off phase of the Europa League, losing to Maribor.

Celtic subsequently played in the Europa League, losing to Sion before the Swiss side were made to forfeit the tie after fielding ineligible players. Neil Lennon's team then went on to play in the group stage.

Hearts and Dundee United were both eliminated in the early stages of the Europa League.

STV attempted to speak to Celtic secretary Michael Nicholson but he declined to comment on whether Celtic were actively involved in investigating the decision or if the club had written to UEFA.

UEFA have failed to respond to numerous emails from STV over the past two weeks seeking clarity on whether they are investigating.


STV news.

SFA say SFA did nothing wrong.

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I was going to do a The bears are back in town, fcuk you kunts thread.

Oh well always next time.

Why must you dehumanised the ****?

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I was thinking of just a subtle hi guys thread

With the op consisting if the pic of auld lizzie giving everyone the two middle finger salute


Aye, she's a bitter woman.  I don't think she'll ever forgive the previous incumbents of the Ibrox boardroom for shafting the taxman.

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Aye, she's a bitter woman.  I don't think she'll ever forgive the previous incumbents of the Ibrox boardroom for shafting the taxman.



of course, 2 of the previous incumbents are now current incumbents of the new club.....


is there any rule that 'rangers' don't break / twist / subvert / ignore?


is there any 'rangers' jiggery-pokery that the scottish football authorities don't ignore?

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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I was thinking of just a subtle hi guys thread

With the op consisting if the pic of auld lizzie giving everyone the two middle finger salute

That'll be hilarious. It'll get it right up all those diddies.

It'll probably make everyone spontaneously forget Rangers cheated, then died.

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Does the case about how New Rangers were apparently born out of criminal fraudulent activity start tomorrow? That should liven this thread up again.

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Just found this from the media's favourite Ger spokesman:  :lol:



Only Show in Town - By Chris Graham

FEBRUARY 5, 2012 
It’s been a rough ride for Craig Whyte since he took over at Rangers. If he had any illusions about how difficult a job it would be or how many obstacles, real or imagined, would be placed in his way then I think those illusions will now have been dispelled. There is no doubt that legitimate questions remain on his plans for Britain’s most successful club but the sad truth is that instead of those questions being posed in a calm and rational way by those who love the club, they are being obscured by the muck raking and dramatisation of Scotland’s desperate press and their ‘Celtic minded’ hangers on.
First let me state that I remain to be entirely convinced by Craig Whyte. He has done some things well and some things poorly since taking over. I am sure he would acknowledge that the transfer dealings of the club have been shambolic over the past two windows but as with many of the things for which he is attracting criticism he is not alone in making mistakes. Ally McCoist’s insistence on revealing the name of virtually every target to the press has not helped, for example. The sale of Nikica Jelavic was not handled well but the press have again tried to shed a more negative light on it by suggesting he did not want to leave. Forcing a move and wanting to leave are two different things. Jelavic absolutely wanted to leave and although he will be missed from a numbers point of view, his form this season has been poor.
Whyte’s performance with the press has, on the whole, been refreshing if a touch naive. I’m sure some would argue the opposite but it is about time we had a chairman who was prepared to end the open season on Rangers. With several media outlets now persona non grata at Ibrox it is clear the knives are out but someone had to draw the line. The frustrating thing from a fans’ point of view is that instead of asking pertinent questions that need to be answered, the personal attacks on Whyte have, in most cases, made it easy for him to respond. Only STV and a select few journalists seem to be interested in reporting fact rather than innuendo. The Daily Record report on Ticketus may well have contained some questions which Whyte needed to answer but it was so shrouded in personal attack from members of the old board and so wooly in terms of understanding the finances behind the headlines that it lost all impact over the first couple of paragraphs. Sports journalists are not in their profession because they have an understanding of finance but that hasn’t stopped them from having a pop at it over the past few years.
Many fans have rounded on Paul Murray and Alastair Johnston for their frequent participation in these attacks and although I don’t doubt that the former board members may feel they are doing the right thing, I have to say it is hard to see their comments as anything other than sour grapes. They seem incapable of putting across their concerns without sniping at Whyte like jilted lovers. There is also, tellingly, a total lack of any alternative put forward by them. You want to sit them down and say “Ok guys we get it. You don’t like or trust Whyte but what exactly are you proposing?†Their repeated calls for fans to be vigilant are totally redundant as the fans have no alternative but to trust Whyte to steer us past the HMRC case and beyond. Murray et al had four years to come up with an alternative and couldn’t. It’s time for them to stop bitching and allow us to examine Whyte’s tenure on its merits and over a sensible period of time once this tax case has reached a conclusion.
This morning sees Whyte answer many of the questions that have been raised in an interview with Tom English in Scotland on Sunday. 
It is almost unprecedented that a chairman of Rangers should have to answer such detailed questions and I am impressed that Whyte has now stepped up several times to do so. The press in Scotland certainly never saw fit to question Sir David Murray in this way when his reckless spending brought the club to this point. It’s notable that the same hacks who gave Murray such an easy ride are the ones now attempting to discredit Whyte, but they are of course a dying breed. With newspaper sales plummeting and most people becoming aware of stories on the internet long before they have even dusted down their typewriters, they are more desperate than ever to create stories rather than report them.
Make no mistake, there are people currently working around the fringes of journalism and also in mainstream media who are trying to create an environment in which Rangers can only fail. They want to discredit the club and the easiest current target is the new owner. They want to make it difficult for us to attract new finance or gain favourable terms with creditors. The more mud they sling the more it sticks and if there are real issues with Whyte they are being obscured by what now appears to be a vandetta. Once again, on the day after the Daily Record story, the usual suspects were prematurely congratulating themselves on the demise of Rangers. They openly celebrated and slapped each other on the back via Twitter and other social media, as they do anytime one of their pet subjects makes it into a mainstream paper. If the fans want to vent their frustrations somewhere then it is here that their targets should be found.
Ally McCoist called for unity on Friday. Those who are mistrustful of Whyte should remember that there are people working in Ibrox who know a lot more about Whyte, his motives and his methods than the press do. Does anyone doubt that McCoist or Gordon Smith have the best interests of the club at heart? Do they really think if Whyte was trying to pull off some sort of swindle then they would stand by and watch it happen? There are tough times ahead and Whyte has already stated many times that we cannot continue to spend money we don’t have. The fans need to back the new owner and understand that what he is doing may not be popular but it is necessary. He has reiterated that he has a plan to deal with the many possible outcomes of the tax case and we have little choice but to believe him. If working within our budget means that young players like Fleck and Hutton will return from loan spells and take their place in our team next year then I am all for it.
I saw one poster on a well known forum yesterday who asked why, if Whyte had personal wealth, he did not just lend us the money rather than using Ticketus. I think people are still missing the point. Rangers have to become a sustainable business – one that does not rely on injections of cash from people like David Murray or Craig Whyte. The type of facilities that Whyte is using are more and more common in business these days with invoice discounting and factoring being used as a replacement for bank lending which is now so difficult to secure.
Craig Whyte has my full support for the moment. His detractors continue to fail to convince or put forward a viable alternative and as long as that is the case he remains the only show in town.
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