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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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11 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

I had to google it - 15/16th of this month - and was amused that the first two 'hits' were Sellick sites:


I thought you didn't read Sellick blogs. It seems you have clicked on that top link prior to your Google search.

You could have cleared your history if you wanted to fool us.

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3 hours ago, stonedsailor said:

I thought you didn't read Sellick blogs. It seems you have clicked on that top link prior to your Google search.

You could have cleared your history if you wanted to fool us.

Possibly being whooshed but wouldn't he have had to click on one of the links to see the actual date?

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28 minutes ago, Romeo said:

Why click on the "Sellik" one?

It would seem kinky is a fan of CQN.

Ah!  To be fair though, it is the top of the list.


Still, I'd have thought any bun worth his salt would have anti-timothy mode enabled on his mouse.

Edited by The DA
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On 08/03/2017 at 00:10, Toma_BullyWee said:

Right, I have a question for the Rangers fans. I know fans of every other team will jump in with their sarcastic answers but I would really, really love if I could get one decent answer from a Rangers fan. 

What are these fantastic "traditions" of yours? For the life of me I can't think of one. Not signing catholics, rampant sectarianism and bigotry... am I missing something here? I can almost understand the Celtic "traditions". They are bullshit, yes, but I can kinda get what they mean. Nothing for Rangers though. 

I will be delighted if proved ignorant here, but it just reeks of pandering and "you sook my ring, I'll sook yours" by people seeking a connection. 

Cos wearrapeeple.

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The never ending story..........

Ibrox control setback for chairman Dave King

12 minutes ago

From the section Scotland business


Image copyright SNS

Image caption Dave King took control of Rangers in March

Rangers chairman David King has suffered a setback in his bid to maintain control of the Ibrox club.

He could now be liable to buy all the shares in the holding company Rangers International Football Club, held by other shareholders - at 20p a share.

The Takeover Appeal Board (Tab) made the ruling after looking into how he took charge of the company, just over two years ago.

Mr King said he did not agree with the ruling or the share price.

The Tab ruling said Mr King, along with George Letham, George Taylor and Douglas Park, had acted as a "concert party" to acquire shares in the company, rather than acting as an individual.

It said he was therefore required to make an offer to buy all the shares in the holding company.

'Heavy responsibility'

Mr King, who led a successful boardroom takeover in 2015, said he would take time to reflect upon the ruling and consider the best course of action for himself, RIFC and its shareholders

In a statement on Rangers Football Club website, he said: "I am only one of a vast number of Rangers supporters and shareholders who fought to rescue our club.

"The Rangers Football Club should never have become caught up in a takeover struggle.

"Those who placed it in that position bear a heavy responsibility."

He added: "I do not believe that there is any substantial group of RIFC shareholders that would be willing to sell its shares in RIFC at the price at which the Tab has determined I should make an offer.

"20p is not a price that I personally believe represents a fair price for RIFC's shares, nor is it the price at which shares in RIFC are currently trading."

He said that even if he proceeded with an offer it would be rejected by an "overwhelming majority of RIFC's shareholders".


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