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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What i dont understand about Ticketus, Whyte said in his statement that he had made personal guarantees over the ticketus money, so i dont understand why if thats the case that they are getting their knickers in a twist about resolving things, if Whyte was telling the truth, he will owe them it anyway.

I fully appreciate that its not entirely unlikely that Whyte wasnt telling the truth dry.gif

That assumes Whyte has the wherewithal to backup his guarantee.

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Uefa made you change, nobody else

This is pish IMO. Celtic fans peddled this line for a while, about an impending UEFA clamdown on the Rangers signing policy, but I've never seen a shred of evidence for it.

As we have seen with the Athletic Bilbao disgraces, it's perfectly possible to have an apartheid philosophy at a football club.

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So what happened to zero tolerance at the last home game? I seem to remember hearing the bile for the full 90 minutes on the radio.

Well i suggest you get another Radio as that is nonsense...The kind of nonsense i hear all the time. You can go back and read what i said on the match thread. I highlighted before it was mentioned in the Sunday papers it was fucking madness of the support to sing that at the referee but i am not sure what else you think you heard.

As for being a 'pathetic apologist' ... find anywhere on here where i have defended sectarian singing by the Rangers support?

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Cba to read the full thread through, so apologies if someone has already mentioned this - HMRC and Craig Whyte have said continually that there's no scope for a deal to be done. When the big hammer comes down on rangers it'll be liquidation ;)

Bedtime, son.

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OK. I'll bite and tell you why my grave dancing shoes are on standby. My wife had to go to Barcelona on business a while back. She arrived there the day after Rangers played Barcelona in the Champions League. Nothing she could do about the date, her meetings and seminars with Spanish colleagues were in place. The dates were locked. On Las Ramblas, she witnessed large groups of Rangers fans who were staying on to make a week of it, absolutely rat-arsed, openly urinating in the street and shouting 'Fcuk the Pope!' at full volume, mixed in with the usual sectarian songbook. I don't think I need to elaborate on her and her Spanish colleagues reaction. After a couple of days pretending she was German, at the airport on the way home another large group of Rangers fans came into the terminal. One of them had a ghetto blaster on his shoulder, and it was blaring out a loyalist CD at full volume. Airport security approached the group to challenge them, and the guy with the ghetto blaster shouted in their face "If youse don't fcukin' like it, youse can just get tae' fcuk. Fcukin' feenyan basturts'. Again, I don't think I need to tell you what she was feeling. Embarrassed, embarrassed to be Scottish, to be associated with this in any way. My wife isn't a football fan, she didn't make this up to have a dig at Rangers.

You'll notice that I haven't even mentioned Manchester, Barcelona 72, the Rangers trips to Newcastle and Birmingham, the stoning of the Villarreal team bus, the sectarian warnings and fines from UEFA. I haven't mentioned Rangers fans invading the Love Street pitch in '77, or Rangers fans playing flutes and urinating in Celtic's 'Jungle' during the Scottish Cup semi final between St Mirren and Rangers in the early 80's. I could also mention being pelted with coins at the Hampden replay. Hell, I could even mention the Rangers fan at Ibrox who, while I was simply buying a match programme, spat at my feet and asked me (about two inches away from my face), why a 'feenyan basturt like me' was at Ibrox. That incident marked my last ever trip to your midden. Never went back, wouldn't give Rangers the sweetcorn oot' ma' shite, much less any of my money.

The sooner your football club gets shot between the fcuking eyes, the better.

Yup 8 years old I was when my Dad first took me to see Saints at Ibrox back when we had a decent young team under Fergie. Main stand I jumped up in my wee black and white home knitted wooly hat to cheer my teams goal to be greeted with "Sit doon ya wee c*nt !" 8 years old...bloody terrified I was.....and I think that was the '77 season when my Dad had to run me round the track as Rangers fans spilled out their end and started hurling bottles into our support before climbing in for a mass fight. As a wee boy I used to constantly ask my dad why big men who lined Love Street kept shouting ****** b*st*rd at me when they visited as I was in the BB and went to church every week. Souness summing up our '87 win with "Anyone can win a pot!" (incidently sent him this same one line after watching him dance about like a clown after winning a cup with Blackburn Rovers in 2002....he didn't reply ) Hell last cup final about 50% of them didn't even bother to watch their team receive the trophy preferring to run out to gode a diddy team's support gutted at blowing one of their precious few opportunities. Nope no great affection for the club from me.

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HMRC and Craig Whyte have said continually that there's no scope for a deal to be done. When the big hammer comes down on rangers it'll be liquidation ;)

In a footballing sense... and this is afterall a forum whose raison detre is the beautiful game as opposed to say being for bankers... them going into liquidation isn't really the big deal in itself, I'd argue.

The big deal would be what happened next.

What happens to Ibrox and Murray Park.

Is a transfer-of-share attempted, and is so, does it prevail.

Is another club bought-up, or a brand-new club formed.

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In a footballing sense... and this is afterall a forum whose raison detre is the beautiful game as opposed to say being for bankers... them going into liquidation isn't really the big deal in itself, I'd argue.

The big deal would be what happened next.

What happens to Ibrox and Murray Park.

Is a transfer-of-share attempted, and is so, does it prevail.

Is another club bought-up, or a brand-new club formed.

We all know that Rangers 1690 FC will be formed and immediately re-entered into the SPL allowing Scottish football to continue as per usual asap.

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Well i suggest you get another Radio as that is nonsense...The kind of nonsense i hear all the time. You can go back and read what i said on the match thread. I highlighted before it was mentioned in the Sunday papers it was fucking madness of the support to sing that at the referee but i am not sure what else you think you heard.

As for being a 'pathetic apologist' ... find anywhere on here where i have defended sectarian singing by the Rangers support?

My radio works fine, the songs were loud and clear. We all know the bigot brothers of Glasgow thrive on their sectarian roots and since both supports are mainly season ticket holders it should be easy, in this day of Big Brother and CCTV, to identify the culprits and ban them but they don't and they won't. This sectarian stain on society has no place in our civilised country. No wonder most intelligent people can't wait to see this club wither and die and hopefully take the other side of the same coin with it.

Without trying to be too melodramatic this could be the chance to reclaim our national sport back from the hate and bile.

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In a footballing sense... and this is afterall a forum whose raison detre is the beautiful game as opposed to say being for bankers... them going into liquidation isn't really the big deal in itself, I'd argue.

The big deal would be what happened next.

What happens to Ibrox and Murray Park.

Is a transfer-of-share attempted, and is so, does it prevail.

Is another club bought-up, or a brand-new club formed.

If ibrox is sold, Craig White will be due upto 23,000,000 due to the debenture he bought off lloyds with the ticketus money.

With a part of the stadium listed you couldn't really sell the stadium to build houses!

Part of the conditions for Murraypark was that planning permission would never be granted for turning Murray park into residential development.

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My radio works fine, the songs were loud and clear. We all know the bigot brothers of Glasgow thrive on their sectarian roots and since both supports are mainly season ticket holders it should be easy, in this day of Big Brother and CCTV, to identify the culprits and ban them but they don't and they won't. This sectarian stain on society has no place in our civilised country. No wonder most intelligent people can't wait to see this club wither and die and hopefully take the other side of the same coin with it.

Without trying to be too melodramatic this could be the chance to reclaim our national sport back from the hate and bile.

Effortlessly melodramatic then. :)

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I can accept that. I am not going to speak for that other mob but yes Rangers Football Club did actively encourage the behaviour you speak about. It is a stain that Rangers will have to live with for a long time yet...that is if we survive for a long time. I cant and wont even try and defend it..i cant excuse it and apologising for it achieves nothing. The damage has been done and it will take years of hard work to totally rid the club of the sort of supporter you speak about.

I have never tried to defend this side of the club and i don't know where we would be today without it..I am not sure if it made us stronger or weaker but i know we are a far better club now than we were 23 years ago. SDM took on the bigots and had some success. I am sure those old enough to know what the support was like in the 70s and 80s will agree we have moved on a great deal. Still along way to go and i just hope we have the oppotunity to do it.

You're coming across here as so reasonable and balanced that I'm starting to wonder who you really support.

What I genuinely don't get though is why, if you regard the sectarian stuff as "a stain", you go with the avatar you've got.

Now I know fine well that there's nothing inherently sectarian or offensive at all about what you're displaying. Equally though, you'll know that in the context of Scottish (particularly OF) football, such Unionist symbols are loaded with significance.

I'm not attacking you here - I'm genuinely enquiring. Is your support for the team really so wrapped up in such associations? - is your identity as a Rangers fan closely linked to a Unionist perspective? Again, if the answers are yes, then I suppose that's ok, but it is what makes Rangers (perhaps OF) support different from the relationships that we have with our diddy teams.

Lose the symbols, they're not helping with making the progress you'd welcome.

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