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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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McCoist has been rumoured to have said he will work for free for the rest of the season if it helps safeguard jobs. Nice gesture, but pretty sure he's not on 6 million a year

I reckon if McCoist has offered to work the rest of the season for free, he is doing it with good intentions. It would be churlish to suggest otherwise. All around him, McCoist is watching Ibrox owners, past and present, become increasingly toxic, but with his 'we don't do walking away' rallying cry, he's now firmly the good guy, 'Mr Rangers'. Ally will be fine, he'll waltz into a media job tomorrow if he wants one. Matt Dawson and Phil Tuffnell would do well to start checking the small print in their contracts. Ally will also no doubt be given a big newspaper deal for the serialisation 'Ally - My Ibrox Heartache'. You can picture it now - broken Rangers crest at the top of the page, photo of young Ally in a 'CR Smith' Rangers top, photo of him looking glum at a post-administration press conference. I could design the pages now... but I'd want paid upfront. In cash.

A big positive for Ally, is that in emerging as 'Mr Rangers', everyone will forget that as a Rangers manager, he was/is absolutely fcuking pish.

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No you can't


Because you know me so well and not making an assumption based on a stereotypical opinion of an OF fan?

This should be good, so tell me how you know this...

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Because you know me so well and not making an assumption based on a stereotypical opinion of an OF fan?

This should be good, so tell me how you know this...

Because you can't know how other people feel. You can't guarantee anything related to other people's personal feelings.

I hope this clarifies matters to your satisfaction.

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They still think the mhedia are out to get them.


Just glad Broxi Bear doesn't have to be put to sleep, interesting to see if Edinburgh zoo will take him when his owners go bust.

BBC update - My link

Might just keep an eye on this Chris McLaughlin twitter. My link

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Reminds me of an old joke involving a guy who only has sex once year but seems bafflingly happy. On being asked why he's so happy he replies, "Tonight's the night".

as opposed to the "dead behind the eyes" whore that gets fucked all the time ?

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The implication that the SFA may have known about the registration rules been broken for some time must surely mean that they cant grant a licence to rangers if they go bust. Not even they could justify that? or could they?

The rangers media forum is brilliantly funny guys just wantin to go home and cry etc priceless

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Anytime I start feeling a bit sorry for Rangers I go on Rangersmedia and see the hate filled, bigoted posts and it tops up my giveafuck meter to full. Some of the people on there are real lowlifes.

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My stepson is a Rangers fan, i went into his room to tell him his dinner was ready and as he closed down his computer i noticed he had a red hand of ulster flag as his picture/screensaver thingy. When i questioned him about what it was an why he had it on his computer he replied "its Rangers".

This is the same lad that came in after Rangers won the league last season put his Rangers top on and went through to Ibrox to stand outside the ground.

He claims he no longer is intrested in football.

I maybe wasn't as full on Ulster as that, but the 'pretends to be not bothered' was all me. By Allah would I like to go back and tell my younger self what I dick I was back then <_<.

Hearts should just send the bailiffs round and repossess Lee Wallace.

This. If you don't keep up with your car payments, you get the fucker repossessed regardless of what you paid already. I see this as being no different.

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Haven't looked to see if this is up yet on the thread, so apologies if it has.

Daily Fail Online - Club accused of misleading SFA on secret deals. My link

We got that one and the Reagan has recently announced that Adam's allegations have been added to the remit of the SFA investigation :thumsup2

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And i don't follow a "real" football team? :huh: FFS, get a grip.

Yes my club wins trophies and league titles, but that doesnt make me any less of a football fan than anyone else no matter what club they follow.

should i not be happy my team is successful? or how about i just support someone else else that's less successful, would that make these self righteous supporters from other clubs feel better?

Here's a news flash. I don't support Celtic because of the success on the park, i support them because they are my team, that will never change. even if we didn not win anything again, I will still support them. so please f**k off and stop spouting shite and pretending your on some sort of moral high ground.

i can guarantee i still go on the same "emotional journey" as any other football fan.

Don't get upset.

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There is one serious flaw here - that we make a rational decision to choose our club.

I went to Ibrox in the 1960s. My father started going to Ibrox after the 2nd war and was at the infamous Moscow Dynamo game in 1946. My grandfather regularly took trams from Airdrie to Ibrox in the 1910s and 1920s and, literally, laced Alan Morton's boots.

Who the f**k could I possibly support and why shouldn't it be Rangers?

Oh, yeah, the "My dad made me do it" defence. My old man was a celtic fan, and took me to celtic park for all the big European matches, back when they were a seriously good team (Lisbon Lions/Quality Street Gang). For a 5-8 year old, the impact of a huge ground packed with singing fans, quality football under bright lights, and the father/son bonding thing could only lead to one outcome -

The joy of Div 2 football, the pain of relegation (again and again), the joy of beating A*r 6-1, scoring 8 against Meadowbank, WINNING THE CUP, being done out of another final by a "rangers-minded" ref(only reason I can think of for that goal being given in '94 replay).

And the one time when I realised I may just be a well-balanced individual with sensible priorities:

Drive five hours from Yorkshire with two of my kids in 2007. Watch Killie fall apart against Hibs while freezing me nuts off, look across the park at the celebrations and think "Fcuk it, they're the same as us, and it DOES feel great to win a trophy. Killie were awful, so enjoy your day, you deserve it"

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Just been reading Kincardine's recent cringeworthy posts and I've just changed my stance. Before I wanted them to survive just to see them drop down the league and see the fans leave in their droves but when I see these in a association with the Rule Brittania avatar, just kill the club now for good.

My uncles on my mum's side are all Killie fans and my grandfather was a Killie fan. The first game I can actually remember going to (even though I'd been to Glebe Park varuious times in a pram) was at Rugby Park when my grandfather took me along rather than listen to my mum and gran talk about with knitting pattern was best. If Kilmarnock somehow become a dominant force in Scotland, I really can't wait for a trip down to Ayrshire every second week seeing as it's a family tradition. :rolleyes:

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