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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What a breathtakingly stupid post.

Celtic are fucked: once Rangers are liquidated, Celtic will be unable to block changes to the SPL structure in any way - which will allow all the other clubs to split revenue on a more equitable basis. Celtic do not have the casting vote. They have no viable option to leave the SPL. Once Rangers go bust the Old Firm's protection racket can be dismantled and there's nothing Celtic can do about it.

Once the 10 change the voting system, not even the return of Rangers 1690 will save you. Celtic fans should be hoping that Rangers survive in their current form, because if they don't then your control of Scottish football is finished.


Celtic fans either aren't getting this, or they're just pretending they don't know it's true.

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Complaint to whom?

As we've seen with the SPL countless times. indeed, since its creation - the clubs make the rules and no-one else can stop them. Get rid of the current voting system and there is nothing to stop the bigots being outvoted at every turn.

I was referring to the prizemoney %s.

If a majority clubs coalesced around a system which involved steady drops from 1st to say 8th or 10th, then a big drop... or a system which gave no reward whatsoever for finishing position... then that would be grounds for fans and affected clubs to be unhappy.

Celtic have no reason to be unhappy, however, if sensible proposals result from talks they aren't involved in.

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Celtic fans either aren't getting this, or they're just pretending they don't know it's true.

I pointed this out right at the beginning to a gloating Celtic supporting mate and managed to shut him right up.

I though maybe an equal share of any TV wedge and going back to sharing the gate money would be a start.:D

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Celtic have no reason to be unhappy, however, if sensible proposals result from talks they aren't involved in.

There would still be nothing they could do to change matters. I hope the changes leave them absolutely raging.

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What a breathtakingly stupid post.

Celtic are fucked: once Rangers are liquidated, Celtic will be unable to block changes to the SPL structure in any way - which will allow all the other clubs to split revenue on a more equitable basis. Celtic do not have the casting vote. They have no viable option to leave the SPL. Once Rangers go bust the Old Firm's protection racket can be dismantled and there's nothing Celtic can do about it.

Once the 10 change the voting system, not even the return of Rangers 1690 will save you. Celtic fans should be hoping that Rangers survive in their current form, because if they don't then your control of Scottish football is finished.


lol, fucktard indeed.

Who said owt about leaving the SPL?

'If' there is to be a revamped SPL, then it MUST be inclusive.

By its nature, a meeting without ALL the clubs is devisive.

Personally, 40 years of loathing that institution makes me want to see the ground on which it built salted so that nothing would ever grow there again. And thats with a 100% blue/orange family.

Celtic are a Scottish club like it or not , and the way forward is to include all.

Apart from them.

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lol, fucktard indeed.

Who said owt about leaving the SPL?

'If' there is to be a revamped SPL, then it MUST be inclusive.

By its nature, a meeting without ALL the clubs is devisive.

Personally, 40 years of loathing that institution makes me want to see the ground on which it built salted so that nothing would ever grow there again. And thats with a 100% blue/orange family.

Celtic are a Scottish club like it or not , and the way forward is to include all.

Apart from them.

Take the hint.

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By its nature, a meeting without ALL the clubs is devisive.

lol wut

Anything changes passed to the detriment of your poisonous, divisive clubs, the better. And there's nothing you can do to stop it, once Rangers die.


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Is the penny finally dropping for Celtic fans that nobody fucking likes their bigot infested, gloryhunting club either? Scottish football would be a better place without century old based quarrels and disgusting chanting shown by either half of the old firm. If both their clubs were to go bust, I'd probably spend days on end laughing at them.

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lol wut

Anything changes passed to the detriment of your poisonous, divisive clubs, the better. And there's nothing you can do to stop it, once Rangers die.


The old firm have carved up the game to suit themselves for well over a hundred years. I wonder if the greeting faced Celtic idiots ancestors were complaining about how divisive that was at the time. Or when Rangers and Celtic colluded to scupper the SPL TV deal back in 2002? What's good for the goose...dry.gif

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lol wut

Anything changes passed to the detriment of your poisonous, divisive clubs, the better. And there's nothing you can do to stop it, once Rangers die.


:D :D :D :D and how long will your poisonous club survive?????

2 years max.

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Not really, that would be the reaction of a cock. A petty, bigotted cock.

He 'has' a fair point tho, unlike the original HawHaw, if its about the redistribution of the financial deals etc, if would be insane not to include Celtic. They would be the main 'headliner' if you will and if they dont concur then the remainder could be worse off.

If 2 against 10 was ganging up, what about 10 v 1 ? Esp when the one holds a lot of the aces in terms of financial 'drawability'.

Dumb imo....

Main headliner? Against who? Take away the bigotfest and what attraction have your mob got for the neutral viewer? (and I'm talking TV 'cos that's where we're told the money is) It's certainly not the top-class international skills on display, and the folk-song repertoire isn't exactly a selling point either. Edinburgh derbies, Arabs versus Dons, A Tayside derby in the near future (I reckon), Highland clash next year - all these are of more interest in a football sense, and if there's some tangible success possible as well, our game might just crawl out of intensive care and get back on its feet. If it takes one cheek to die and the other to wither painfully away, so be it. A fresh wind is blowing through Scottish football, and the wise will build windmills. The Ugly Sisters are trying to build windbreaks.


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Can these Celtic fans tell us what representations the made to their club about the 2 club meetings they held with Rangers?

Which brought us such gems as "give us a percentage of your gate money to sell your tickets for you, so that we can give them to our season ticket holders, as we promised them" :lol:

Suddenly now there are furrowed brows about the unfairness of meetings without representation of them.

Forget it green bigots. Go f**k yourselves.

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Celtic say fine , individual tv rights or no tv at all........................

Quite straightforward: the 10 hold a vote on a collective TV deal - which they win 10-1. And then change the voting rules to 9-3 so that the bigots can never hold football to ransom again.

Celtic would be filing off their application forms to the Atlantic League all over again...

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Eh, naw.

So think about it, tv deal ripped up, the moral 10 say screw you to Celtic, Celtic say fine , individual tv rights or no tv at all........................the moral 10 join the currants.

Mexican standoff terriatory.

It has to be inclusive or your club will be no more too.

You REALLY don't get it do you? :lol: :lol:

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So think about it, tv deal ripped up, the moral 10 say screw you to Celtic, Celtic say fine , individual tv rights or no tv at all........................the moral 10 join the currants.

Mexican standoff terriatory.

It woudn't be a Mexican Stand-off at all.

Since the situation wouldn't occur.

... Celtic are members of SPL.

... SPL votes (with Celtic against but outvoted) to change % breakdown of prizemoney allocation.

... Celtic have a choice to [1] accept this, or [2] ask for demotion to SFL.

Clubs cannot uniltaterally agree their own TV deals if league rules say otherwise.

Celtic could only stop league rules saying otherwise by finding sufficient allies among the other clubs.

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Can these Celtic fans tell us what representations the made to their club about the 2 club meetings they held with Rangers?

Which brought us such gems as "give us a percentage of your gate money to sell your tickets for you, so that we can give them to our season ticket holders, as we promised them" :lol:

Suddenly now there are furrowed brows about the unfairness of meetings without representation of them.

Forget it green bigots. Go f**k yourselves.

We'll be told next that the 5% thing was all big bad Rangers' fault and Celtic didn't really want anything to do with it.


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For clarity my own proposals would be as follows... In voting thresholds should be raised from 10-2 and 11-1 on important matters to 8-4 and 9-3 respectively.

Distribution of prizemonies should be as follows:


1st - 4% + 13% = 17%

2nd - 4% + 11% = 15%

3rd - 4% + 5.5% = 9.5%

4th - 4% + 4.5% = 8.5%

5th - 4% + 4.0% = 8.0%

6th - 4% + 3.5% = 7.5%

7th - 4% + 3.0% = 7.0%

8th - 4% + 2.5% = 6.5%

9th - 4% + 2.0% = 6.0%

10th - 4% + 1.5% = 5.5%

11th - 4% + 1.0% = 5.0%

12th - 4% + 0.5% = 4.5%


1st... 13.0%

2nd... 12.0%

3rd... 11.0%

4th... 10.0%

5th... 9.25%

6th.. 8.5%

7th... 7.75%

8th... 7.0%

9th... 6.5%

10th... 6.0%

11th... 5.5%

12th... 5.0%

plus 0.25% to Fair Play winner

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