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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But as that was a title from the Pope, it was always in doubt ;)

Actually the Pope withdrew his title from Henry VIII. The present title was later bestowed on the monarch by Parliament. :)

:o so claiming titles she is not entitled too, she does support Rangers after all!!!



It is amazing what passes for journalism in this country these days...The big Channe 4 expose on Rangers ends up being a damp squib. How many journalists can Irish Phil dupe??? :rolleyes:

Do these people not know Irish Phil doesn't have the best of records regarding his dealings with the elderly <_<

That was just a scene setter for English viewers who are not up to speed with events so far.

I'm afraid you'll be really disappointed by the time the third expose goes out :jerry

No one is saying that. Our debacle is our debacle and no Rangers fan is blaming the SFA. The whole Murray/White mess is a problem of our own creation.

What we do take issue with is Regan shouting about Whyte not being "fit and proper" 10 months after he assumed ownership and charging us for "bringing the game into disrepute" as a result.

This is the whole point of the 'fit and proper' test. The SFA have a responsibility to do it before a takeover not after. Doing it after (as has now happened thanks, mostly, to the BBC documentary) makes the SFA and Regan especially look an idiot. His get-out is to bring a charge against Rangers.

Why didn't the Rangers BOD carry out aproper "fit & proper" test? Stop blaming ANYBODY else!

The SFA will hopefully get their cummupence too...

It might seem disappointing that there was no avalanche of 'new' information in Thomson's report tonight, but there's definitely reason enough to feel positive.

Compared to relying on the local, usual suspects to dig up anything, this well-respected, award-winning reporter seems to have none of the fear for his future that obviously hampers the local hacks. His position in the public eye has already badgered UEFA into talking to him (after he baited them on Twitter) and he will force the key players closer to accountability. He clearly understands the succulent lamb problem and has referred to it in his blog, yet is not constrained by it; he was thorough in canvassing the views of fans on all sides too. In my view this is a great step towards progress as the uncomfortable questions will be asked, and the SFA will be held to account if they do not act responsibly. There might not be new info yet, but this is a step forward from counting on 'paranoid' bloggers lacking clout.


My thoughts exactly, especially FTOF

Edited by Vambo57
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Guest Kincardine

Why didn't the Rangers BOD carry out aproper "fit & proper" test? Stop blaming ANYBODY else!

In your desperation to use capitals you have totally missed the point: I did not blame anyone for our insolvency/Whyte but ourselves. Maybe you could point out where you think I did.

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The Scottish media culture surrounding rangers. See here for the origin of the phrase: http://rangerstaxcas...ulent-lamb1.pdf

Had an idea it'd be that. Cheers for the link, even though it nearly made me puke up my coffee...


Edited by ParsJake
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I thought last night's initial Alex Thompson Ch4 Rangers report was bloody awful. It looked like he had simply trotted out an old bloke in ailing health to tell us everyone is corrupt, while Alex nodded at the old bloke's mutterings. The Regan interview looked more promising, but if this was only 'part one' of his report, then the jury needs to remain out until we see more. Piss-poor first installment though.

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Call me thick, but what would have happened had the SFA indeed adjudged CW not fit and proper at the time? There was nobody else about to take this poisoned chalice off SMM's hands!

We would have the same shambles as just now, would we not?

The best bit about the whole 'fit and proper' person non-test is that it can't actually stop anyone from owning a football club AFAIK. It would appear that at least one owner of a Scottish football club has f*cked up big time with nary a halt nor harness being placed on him by his Board of Directors. Heck, he was even made a Knight of the Realm. Fit and Proper indeed.

I have a fair bit of sympathy with Regan's stance on checking club ownership though and have to say good luck to him with checking up on Celtic's 15,000 owners.

Facetious observations aside: Whyte could still have taken ownership and forced much of the decision making at the club without ever going near the fit and proper person test.

It's such a shame that none of the 'right' people made noises re Whyte 12-18 months ago. :ph34r:

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The SFA/SPL are going to pour a big bucket of whitewash over this.

Anybody admitting to this scenario would give Rangers a "Get Out of Jail" card instantly. As the SFA are obviously looking to give out some form of amnesty to those found to be doing so on a grand scale.

My thoughts exactly.

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The SFA/SPL are going to pour a big bucket of whitewash over this.

Anybody admitting to this scenario would give Rangers a "Get Out of Jail" card instantly. As the SFA are obviously looking to give out some form of amnesty to those found to be doing so on a grand scale.

I don't think so. For the sake of keeping the rest of the country and likely UEFA off their backs they might have to hit Rangers with some heavy sanctions or face expulsion from European club and International competitions.

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I thought last night's initial Alex Thompson Ch4 Rangers report was bloody awful. It looked like he had simply trotted out an old bloke in ailing health to tell us everyone is corrupt, while Alex nodded at the old bloke's mutterings. The Regan interview looked more promising, but if this was only 'part one' of his report, then the jury needs to remain out until we see more. Piss-poor first installment though.

There is no proof of double contracts. If there was Hugh Adam woud have provided them years ago. He is a bitter old man in faiing health and TBH it was quite sad to see him like that.

This garbage has to stop. If there has been financial wrong doings at Ibrox, or any other football club, i wish people would spend more time investigating that rather than the utter drivel posted on TheRangersTaxcaseblog...That so far has got nothing right!!!

If you are taking the rambings of Adam at face value he said it was common practice in football and not just at Ibrox. If this was the case i am sure we would have heard before now

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Isn't the number one rule of cheating or breaking the law that you don't leave any proof?

Serious question - why would Hugh Adam be making this up, what is his axe to grind with Rangers?

He and Murray fell out years ago...this feud has been going on for something like 20 years but he is usually ignored as he is just an embittered ex empoyee. The ony reason it has hit the 'headlines' is it is open season on Rangers. I shoud add the 'feud' is all one way.

The proof woud be in the hands of Agents...The hands of ex players...if it was 'common practice' do you not think we woud have heard about it by now? Do you not think we would have seen these contracts?

They were talking about EBTs being extra payments just the other week until it was pointed out they were all out in the open and in the audited accounts and the SFA knew all about them.

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There is no proof of double contracts. If there was Hugh Adam woud have provided them years ago. He is a bitter old man in faiing health and TBH it was quite sad to see him like that.

This garbage has to stop. If there has been financial wrong doings at Ibrox, or any other football club, i wish people would spend more time investigating that rather than the utter drivel posted on TheRangersTaxcaseblog...That so far has got nothing right!!!

If you are taking the rambings of Adam at face value he said it was common practice in football and not just at Ibrox. If this was the case i am sure we would have heard before now

^^^ textbook definition of wishful thinking

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^^^ textbook definition of wishful thinking



Not from me...IF there has been financial wrong doing then i would expect Rangers, or any other club, to be punished to the full extent of the law.. regardless of where that left us.

The definition of wishful thinking is idiots like yourself who waited days for this to break only to find out there is nothing but the ramblings of a sick , old, embittered ex employee who is in failing health and hitting out at Sir David Murray one last time.

Show us the contracts. Show us the missing Millions from the clubs audited accounts.

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