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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Thats the big problem HMRC has i suppose, if they give in to 10p in the pound for this it is opening the door for EPL clubs to do the same in the future. Its a tough one for them i think they have to be careful what they do although Rangers administration seem to be confident that they are willing to do a deal.

A 10p in the pound deal opens it up for every single business subject to UK tax laws, not just EPL football clubs.

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Why not just remove Renegers from the picture and just give Aberdeen £20m a season and see how things pan out, I mean, if we're casting sporting integrity aside, why not?


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Am I the only person looking at this and thinking that nothing will happen to Rangers, they will get their knuckles rapped by the HMRC, the SPL will bend over to take them back in should they form a newco, the television companies will insist on the OF continuing in it's current form and those in positions of power are as likely to be fans than not so will make every effort to ensure there is no lasting negatives from what is, pretty much, basic cheating on a grand scale.

If that happens, then as someone has already said, there is no point in even following a team in Scotland as the odds will continually be rigged against all but the big two teams.

I know your fear, however it is just too much that has gone on, and in the public eye.

The HMRC cannot afford to sign a CVA - its an open invitation to anybody else to apply to clear debt.

Portsmouth are in Admin and they have refused 20p in £ from them. )

Clearing the Ibrox tax of £93M at 20p in the £ is still £18.6M

And that before you offer anything to the other creditors (which would have to be same rate). Still got to buy out Whytey and them run a club where the report from Haudit & daudit shows they are running at a loss. You are becoming a money pit, cause everybody will want money up front for everything from now on - no tick for them. (Deliberate pun).

They will sadly be back but financially they are crippled whether as Newco or Oldco.

Next season do you think they will even be getting the sycophantic crapsheets of the papers on credit or will the newsagent want cash in hand. The brand is as destroyed as when Ratners called his product shite, as they have shat on everybody and on everything they were (And I write that part acknlowedging they were a European force in the 60s & 70s - They are now just an embarassment to society).

Edited by MEADOWXI
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The big problem HMRC has i suppose, if they give in to 10p in the pound for this it is opening the door for EPL clubs to do the same in the future. Its a tough one for them i think they have to be careful what they do although Rangers administration seem to be confident that they are willing to do a deal.

of course they are , they are trying to sell a football club, would be an awful sales technique to say to the press tht a deal is unlikely, say one is possible and people have a bigger chance of being interested

i personally dont believe them

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There is a cynical side to me that thinks that but in all honesty I don't think that will happen.

It's been too high profile and the debts that have been reported have been too big for them to get a simple rap on the knuckles.

I genuinely think they are fucked and liquidation is very much on the cards :)

As said previously if that happens then the baw is burst. What's the point as all integrity is lost and basically you are rewarded for being cheats. I certainly wouldn't be paying to watch a flawed corrupt league

I think gents, and I do hope I am wrong here, but the SPL, the SFA and the Scottish Government all seem consider Rangers too important (for differing reasons, fair or otherwise) to disappear. In that sense we will see them retained in the SPL whether under the current guise or as a newco, and if a newco it will be accepted open arms into the SFA and in turn given Rangers' old berth in the SPL. The chairmen of the diddy clubs will hum and ho about it but will bend over in order the television money is retained, no sanctions will be placed on either Rangers or the newco. Sure there may be new rules put into place so that no other club can do the same but in reality this won't affect Rangers. In fact it'll probably end up hurting the clubs lower down when some sort of income/expenditure rules are put into place.

Ultimately the people who are owed money will be told that a going concern will benefit them and their coffers far more than killing the club, and on that basis some sort of structured payment will be worked out. This may leave them trailing Celtic in the finances department but they will still be head and shoulders above their nearest rivals below them.

The final indignity will be the sight of completely ingrained supporters claiming that the whole world was against them and that they have rightfully triumphed over the evils that lay in their path utterly oblivious to the real situation that has seen them bailed out not because of what they did but who they are and who their friends are.

It's sickening to think that this will be the outcome, but I think it's clear by the way things have been going that Rangers have been given the benefit of the doubt on countless occasions where other teams wouldn't have been. This will continue and the gap at the top which has shortened a little for now will grow once more.

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Why the Big Hoose? I thought that was weegie for prison. Can't see them doing irony.

The Big House is an expression that goes back to land-ownership in the slave trade and empire. It is where the planation owner lives. In Irish literary history it refers to a culture where landlords (often protestant in the more northern counties of Ireland) lived in the Big House on an estate. It's still used in some rural areas today, where the land owner lives in a 'Big Hoose' and his land labourers in smaller often tithed cottages. So its the bosses' house and the rest are peasants. Bit like the SPL.

So if you believe in democarcy and socialist equality Big Hooses should taken away from corrupt landlords - Spanish peasants used to garrote them whilst they slept . Although I think that's harsh I'd settle for the more business like act of liquidation.


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Big Hoose + institution = lunatic asylum.



  • A society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose.
  • An organization providing residential care for people with special needs.

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The Big House is an expression that goes back to land-ownership in the slave trade and empire. It is where the planation owner lives. In Irish literary history it refers to a culture where landlords (often protestant in the more northern counties of Ireland) lived in the Big House on an estate. It's still used in some rural areas today, where the land owner lives in a 'Big Hoose' and his land labourers in smaller often tithed cottages. So its the bosses' house and the rest are peasants. Bit like the SPL.

So if you believe in democarcy and socialist equality Big Hooses should taken away from corrupt landlords - Spanish peasants used to garrote them whilst they slept . Although I think that's harsh I'd settle for the more business like act of liquidation.


Now it makes sense. Cheers.

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the peepel will be boycotting every ground in Scotland

Their caveman-esque need to lash out at others is ridiculous. It's like the school bully being caught pissing his pants in front of the full assembly; unable to handle the embarrassment he comes storming out at playtime and tries to punch anyone he can see, to re-assert his position as the Chief Bawsack. Meanwhile the school all looks on and laughs at his piss-stained trousers.

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It's all HMRC's fault!

Craig Whyte -

I had many meetings with HMRC to try and avoid the administration scenario which in my opinion could have been avoided if they'd done a sensible deal. They refused to discuss the case ahead of the (first tier) tribunal so it was impossible to have a sensible discussion with them. I offered to pay them in full the current liabilities by the end of August this year and I offered to pay £2.5 million a year towards the big tax case whether that be for 10 years, 5 years or whatever. If they'd accepted that deal they would have been paid in full but of course they don't live on the same planet as the rest of us.

Jim Delahunt interviews Whyte

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What Roddy Forsyth and Jim Spence said pretty much boiled down to whataboutery but I thought they made some good points - although Chick Young was just his usual bitter we self. I said to my mate months before Rangers went into administration that the business reporters should be looking into it (as well as the sports journalist, not instead of) as they were the ones with the expertise and knowledge to find out what was going on, although it's possible they've all been made redundant. Forsyth also said last night that in every sphere - politics, business, sport etc - there will be the important folk who can surrounding themselves with pet journalists. Spence's point that no one, particularly fans, was wondering where the money was coming from when there was success was also fair enough. As I said, all whataboutery but some valid points.

The funniest bit of the whole saga from a reporting point of view was when no one even knew the BBC was investigating Whyte and Jim "Succulent Lamb" Traynor was moaning on Sportsound that the BBC hadn't launched an investigation. I assume he was then moaning at Record staff for not doing the same?

It's funny seeing people, Celtic fans in particular, championing Alex Thomson as if he's some top notch journalist who is blowing the whole story right open. Haven't seen him report anything that wasn't mentioned anywhere else or we didn't already know. If someone has links to that I'd appreciate it. His talk about some sort of Rangers media cartel is also funny because if it was Celtic this was happening to we'd all be able to make the exact same accusations about the media not doing their jobs and not asking the hard questions.

As an aside, I've spent the last few weeks covering a tax trial in court. Yesterday I just about ended myself when one of the lawyers referred to where the accused stayed as "the big house" :lol:

That is my major criticism of BBC Sportsound is that they have had journalist that only deal with sport and have to put up with shite like Chick Young in the early days saying Whyte should get nothing. Sportsound should have some Business expert in there to talk about the finanical problems and what might happen.

If they are looking to an example then they should look at Newsnight Scotland excellent piece on rangers problems last night.

Edited by betting competition
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I posted on here last night regarding the additional funding that has subsidised Renegers over the last 15 years (around £300m) and it makes you wonder why anyone, including Sky, would demand that they have a place in the SPL.

If all Sky / ESPN want is to show Rangers and Celtic in a continual two horse race for the many thousands of stay at home OF fans for the rest of all time, why don't they just do it in the SJFA West Premier League or something? There'll be more goals for the OF fans to w**k over, the SPL can hope to have a competitive league with higher attendances, Cumnock can get a fancy new stand with their cut of the TV deal, the vast majority of travelling OF fans won't be seen ever again beyond Kirkintilloch and a mixed OF-Junior forum on here would be comedy gold. It just reeks of win.

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The thing that makes the whole thing harder to swallow when rangers walk away from this relatively unscathed is the fact that their moronic fans will celebrate this and rub it into everyone elses faces at every opportunity they get. After all it no one at ranger fault that any of this has happened at all. We have years of pain to endure from these idiotic f*ckers.

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Last league game of the 79/80 season we were away to St Mirren. Partick's last game was at home to Aberdeen. In our second-last game (Partick's third-last game) we lost 4-3 at Firhill.

Well if you're bandying stats, care to comment on a couple of attendances in 81/2. 3000 at home to Airdrie in March, 4500 at home to St Mirren in May.

Rangers fans don't do walking in.

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If all Sky / ESPN want is to show Rangers and Celtic in a continual two horse race for the many thousands of stay at home OF fans for the rest of all time, why don't they just do it in the SJFA West Premier League or something? There'll be more goals for the OF fans to w**k over, the SPL can hope to have a competitive league with higher attendances, Cumnock can get a fancy new stand with their cut of the TV deal, the vast majority of travelling OF fans won't be seen ever again beyond Kirkintilloch and a mixed OF-Junior forum on here would be comedy gold. It just reeks of win.

As a supporter of a West SJFA team. The SJFA West is very happy without them.

We don't want your SFA cast-offs - nice try though.

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not much wrong with what he offered tbf

Except that far from paying HMRC on time and to an agreed sum, all evidence suggests he would have paid nothing.

Peter Allen on 5Live was asking people - tongue in cheek - to email in if they had been paid by Rangers. There is no chance this guy would have stuck to a deal. He defaulted on the first payment to Ticketus - gave them additional "stock" instead. The travel companies haven't been paid for journeys made last summer. Craig Whyte is talking shite. He never had any intention but to ride the arse off Rangers. Ra peepul really need to get a grip and understand that their list of creditors - including the particularly disliked Dundee Utd - have every right to want the money Rangers owe them. Time to stop blaming everyone else and acknowledge that Rangers are absolutely fuckin guilty of fleecing millions from hundreds of companies. Wankers.

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not much wrong with what he offered tbf

HMRC - 'Mr Whyte this £2.5M a year you offering. It will take 30years to clear Big Tax case £75M, we may have to charge interest'.

I am away to see if i can get my debts extended to a 30year repayment scheme. LOL

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