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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I notice Vienna are still owed over a million quid :lol:

I remember when Rangers sold Jelavic to Everton hearing (somewhere, can't remember where) that a fair whack of the cash went straight to Vienna. Seems that was lies too.

Will any club ever again sell Rangers a player unless it's cash upfront?

They are absolutely shameless. Not only do they not pay their bills but they get players from other clubs and win stuff with that player contributing heavily, then sell him and add the selling club to a creditors list.

I can't believe their isn't a rule in football which says if you buy a player from a club and they haven't paid in full for him in the 1st place, that a percentage of the fee goes to the original club to settle the outstanding balance.

How long have Rangers been disgracing themselves in this way?


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There are times I despair of Scotland, I really do. Even after yesterday, even despite all the evidence before yesterday, there's STILL some people with this "och, but they'll get away with it, the man in the big hoose always does" parochial mentality that's the bane of Scotland.

It doesn't matter a flying f**k WHAT the SPL, SFA, Scottish Government, Chick Young, etc want. The point is neither they nor Rangers exist in a magic bubble or some dictatorship where they can make up the rules as they go along. This isn't a game of Football Manager where if you f**k things up you can use a "trainer" to set yourself right. All they have had is a Traynor pretending everything's all right.

They can't magic away the tax case - the amount is too big, and the English are not going to let Rangers get special treatment whilst Portsmouth goes to the wall.

They can't magic away the sums owed elsewhere likewise, especially as some of that is owed to clubs outside of Scotland - I dare say the French and Austrian FAs are not going to stand idly by and watch St Ettienne and Rapid Vienna get stung by a Newco Rangers being allowed back into the Scottish set up and pretend away all their previous liabilities.

They can't ignore UEFA - or even FIFA - taking umbrage at the prospect of a club running up £137 million of debt trying the "old wine in a new bottle" route, saying 'so long, suckers!' to everyone they owe money to and bringing the entire domestic game into such disrepute with the various industries football is dependent on to exist (catering, kit manufacturers, media, building contractors for ground extensions and repairs, emergency services, etc) that they take a tougher line on dealing with all football clubs (ie. upfront payment for goods and services).

If the SFA etc allowed in a "newco" Rangers this summer, UEFA/FIFA may well retaliate by stripping the SFA of membership and debarring all Scottish clubs and national teams from all international competitions. There's been too many clubs taking the piss over debt, and this one would likely prove the last straw with them.

The football world like all industries depends on credit and trust with other industries to exist, lose that and most nations would be lucky to have a league of 10 clubs within two years. The SFA, SFL & SPL may well be stupid enough to risk it all on Rangers, but you can be damned sure that at that point none of the other Scottish clubs - not even Celtic - would be stupid enough to accept that. When it comes to the point of it being their own continued existence or Rangers continued existence, none of them would hesitate one second before deciding.

That is all a wonderful sentiment, even if it does sound like you are chastising me for my natural cynicism (hardly surprising considering the OF get all the breaks, all the time) however the basic facts remain that Rangers removed from the equation will not repay everyone's debt, and one that is kept as a going concern will. Add together the will of those in power within the game in Scotland openly wishing for Rangers to remain as is and I cannot see them disappearing.

The comment about the English is a little bizarre as they have nothing to do with it, as do the Austrian or French FA's, but I do see the point you are making, albeit I feel it will be of little relevance in the grand scheme of things. I also don't believe, as you, that UEFA would somehow punish other Scottish teams if the SFA or SPL were to bend over for Rangers. In fact I can't actually see any legal justification for it unless the government got involved as, as far as I can see, Rangers haven't actually broken and UEFA rules. They have of course broken the laws of the land but that is an entirely different jurisdiction and one with UEFA have no bearing on.

I am really not sure if you follow a team in the SPL or not (you seem disinclined to reveal any club associations on your profile) but the last paragraph is certainly odd as I felt we had passed the point at which the Scottish league is viewed as being trustworthy or creditable some time ago.

You are right in the sense that something needs to be done, and that there has to be an example set, but for me I still see that situation amounting to "Now we have seen what trouble Rangers are in, we'll make sure no other club is capable of doing so in the future" rather than Rangers being used as an example themselves.

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That is all a wonderful sentiment, even if it does sound like you are chastising me for my natural cynicism (hardly surprising considering the OF get all the breaks, all the time) however the basic facts remain that Rangers removed from the equation will not repay everyone's debt, and one that is kept as a going concern will. Add together the will of those in power within the game in Scotland openly wishing for Rangers to remain as is and I cannot see them disappearing.

The comment about the English is a little bizarre as they have nothing to do with it, as do the Austrian or French FA's, but I do see the point you are making, albeit I feel it will be of little relevance in the grand scheme of things. I also don't believe, as you, that UEFA would somehow punish other Scottish teams if the SFA or SPL were to bend over for Rangers. In fact I can't actually see any legal justification for it unless the government got involved as, as far as I can see, Rangers haven't actually broken and UEFA rules. They have of course broken the laws of the land but that is an entirely different jurisdiction and one with UEFA have no bearing on.

I am really not sure if you follow a team in the SPL or not (you seem disinclined to reveal any club associations on your profile) but the last paragraph is certainly odd as I felt we had passed the point at which the Scottish league is viewed as being trustworthy or creditable some time ago.

You are right in the sense that something needs to be done, and that there has to be an example set, but for me I still see that situation amounting to "Now we have seen what trouble Rangers are in, we'll make sure no other club is capable of doing so in the future" rather than Rangers being used as an example themselves.

Cowan and Cosgrove monstered them on 'Off the Ball'. Went through the entire list of creditors and ripped them a new one. Tony Higgins made the same points as you guys. The Austrian and French FAs are not simply going to see their clubs get stiffed because it would suit Rangers or the Scottish media. There is some stuff they won't be able to wriggle out of. 'Off the Ball' should stop playing for shite laughs and get back to sticking it into the OF. C'mon Platini time to act.

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Wow. You're reading a lot into that picture, which is kind of gloomy-looking to me. Maybe it's even the sun setting over Ibrox? Not a big deal anyway.

The idea of reading too much into a picture reminded me of one of my very favourite rangers media threads: My link

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Cowan and Cosgrove monstered them on 'Off the Ball'.

Cosgrove and Cowan are a really shit one trick pony. The only thing they ever monster is the good name of comedy. They are the Limmy of radio. Predictable and shit, rehashing old ideas and thinking they are in some way good.

The Austrian and French FAs are not simply going to see their clubs get stiffed because it would suit Rangers or the Scottish media.

What are they going to do about it? Like I said to WTM the best they can do is report them to UEFA. A process that would take some time, and money, to resolve, and would no doubt open a Pandora's Box as I doubt that Rangers are by in any way the worst offenders of not paying clubs for players.

Ultimately it's entirely out of their jurisdiction and have little bearing on the matter at hand.

There is some stuff they won't be able to wriggle out of.

Indeed, you are certainly correct there, but quite what the punishment will be is yet to be seen. If clubs like St Mirren, for example, had run up a debt of £134m then the SPL and SFA wouldn't think twice about throwing us out of the league and taking as much punitive action as possible.

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What are they going to do about it? Like I said to WTM the best they can do is report them to UEFA. A process that would take some time, and money, to resolve, and would no doubt open a Pandora's Box as I doubt that Rangers are by in any way the worst offenders of not paying clubs for players.

Ultimately it's entirely out of their jurisdiction and have little bearing on the matter at hand.

Ric your last point is not true and its defeatist. UEFA is the jurisdication that manages and oversees the associations in Europe including the SFA. It is also a union that has lready punished Rangers. So cross border transfers are very much their business and RFC are at very least staring at a ban on European transfers if the cash is not repaid. By the way Europe also includes England and Northern Ireland. Far from being irrelevant its another major hurdle for them in the next three years if they survive.

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The idea of reading too much into a picture reminded me of one of my very favourite rangers media threads: My link

Christ, it doesn't matter how often I drop in for a visit - these people have the capacity to astonish.

No club has behaved this badly for this long in the history of Scottish football, yet the media are united in declaring this a tragedy from which Rangers must survive. Yet somehow, somehow there are allegations of the club being unfairly treated by the media.

These people truly can argue that black is white, while actually meaning it. People that thick really deserve to lose their club.

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What are they going to do about it? Like I said to WTM the best they can do is report them to UEFA. A process that would take some time, and money, to resolve, and would no doubt open a Pandora's Box as I doubt that Rangers are by in any way the worst offenders of not paying clubs for players.

Ultimately it's entirely out of their jurisdiction and have little bearing on the matter at hand.

I'd expect UEFA might pre empt any complaints and look at it from the point of view of whether or not the SFA are fit to do the job they are meant to do, given the complete lack of attention they have paid to the fiscal governance of one of the biggest teams in the league. Make an example of someone just to kid on they are doing something. If they refuse entry to Scottish clubs from UEFA competition, is there much the SFA/SPL/Clubs can do as far as the legal side of it goes?

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That is all a wonderful sentiment, even if it does sound like you are chastising me for my natural cynicism (hardly surprising considering the OF get all the breaks, all the time) however the basic facts remain that Rangers removed from the equation will not repay everyone's debt, and one that is kept as a going concern will. Add together the will of those in power within the game in Scotland openly wishing for Rangers to remain as is and I cannot see them disappearing.

The comment about the English is a little bizarre as they have nothing to do with it, as do the Austrian or French FA's, but I do see the point you are making, albeit I feel it will be of little relevance in the grand scheme of things. I also don't believe, as you, that UEFA would somehow punish other Scottish teams if the SFA or SPL were to bend over for Rangers. In fact I can't actually see any legal justification for it unless the government got involved as, as far as I can see, Rangers haven't actually broken and UEFA rules. They have of course broken the laws of the land but that is an entirely different jurisdiction and one with UEFA have no bearing on.

I am really not sure if you follow a team in the SPL or not (you seem disinclined to reveal any club associations on your profile) but the last paragraph is certainly odd as I felt we had passed the point at which the Scottish league is viewed as being trustworthy or creditable some time ago.

You are right in the sense that something needs to be done, and that there has to be an example set, but for me I still see that situation amounting to "Now we have seen what trouble Rangers are in, we'll make sure no other club is capable of doing so in the future" rather than Rangers being used as an example themselves.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the rangers currently in the equation haven't been paying ANY debts. There is no reason to suppose that if they were reprieved that they would change their arrogant, thieving, cheating, criminal ways. Remove them from the equation and things could arguably become tighter financially for all Scottish clubs. I don't think it would be half as bad as the doom-mongers predict, but it could be the case. Equally, this could be a one-off opportunity for Scottish football as a whole to put its house in order and become more transparent and, dare I say, fairer. I for one am willing to take that chance.

These chancers have cheated, lied and bullied their way to many titles and other trophies, and have gained financial benefit from their cheating their way into Europe. They have brought our country into disrepute and cannot go unpunished. They should be removed from the SPL, banned from the SFA for innumerable breaches of rules, and thrown out of the game for good. Hell mend them.

Once we've got rid of them, the whole picture changes. There is no longer a partner for celtic to carve up the SKY money as it suits, celtic will struggle to rape ALL the young talent in Scotland, celtic can no longer play whataboutery when their, or their fans', behaviour goes beyond the pale, celtic fans will get confused when they've lost their Ugly Sister and they've nobody to squabble with.

Meanwhile, the likes of Kenny Shiels, McCall, Houston and Danny Lennon might have the chance to build reasonable sides to start challenging for the league. And they'd only have to be reasonable - it might sound rich coming from a Killie fan today of all days, but (whisper it) this celtic side aren't really that good.


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It's a very common way for clubs to buy players.

Are you kidding?

You got Wallace and Jelavic on a buy now pay later but later never came.

You then sold Jelavic on and again never settled the bill with Vienna.

I hope if you do survive that a team does this to you and see how it feels.

I cannot believe that you are actually trying to defend the way Rangers have went about their business. Maybe now you realise why everyone hates Rangers so much.

Jelavic has won you so many games and you never even paid for him, for my money it's cheating.

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Are you kidding?

You got Wallace and Jelavic on a buy now pay later but later never came.

You then sold Jelavic on and again never settled the bill with Vienna.

I hope if you do survive that a team does this to you and see how it feels.

I cannot believe that you are actually trying to defend the way Rangers have went about their business. Maybe now you realise why everyone hates Rangers so much.

Jelavic has won you so many games and you never even paid for him, for my money it's cheating.

No, I'm not kidding. It is indeed very common for clubs to buy players in instalments

I'm sure we fully intended to pay the instalments for Jelavic when we signed him but we've got ourselves in a mess. Obviously that is regrettable but the hysteria about this is tiresome. It wasn't "cheating".

(Incidentally, according to the administrators' statement we are owed more for players than we owe to other clubs for players, just to put the instalment business in perspective.)

Edited by Bearwithme
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I'm sure we fully intended to pay the instalments for Jelavic when we signed him but we've got ourselves in a mess.

Oh well, that makes it alright then. 'Got ourselves in a mess'... Oh my aching sides.

You are cheats. Long-term, big time cheats. Currently owned by a shifty cnut, and previously owned by another shifty cnut.

Tick fcuking tock.

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I'd expect UEFA might pre empt any complaints and look at it from the point of view of whether or not the SFA are fit to do the job they are meant to do, given the complete lack of attention they have paid to the fiscal governance of one of the biggest teams in the league. Make an example of someone just to kid on they are doing something. If they refuse entry to Scottish clubs from UEFA competition, is there much the SFA/SPL/Clubs can do as far as the legal side of it goes?

Won't need to pre-empt if Rangers do survive without a New-co with the Financial Fair Play regulations :D

The financial fair play measures will involve a multi-year assessment enabling a longer-term view to be formed and within the wider context of European club football. They will reach beyond the current UEFA club licensing system criteria that are primarily designed to enable an assessment of a club's financial situation in the short term.

A Club Financial Control Panel has been set up to monitor and ensure that clubs adhere to the financial fair play requirements - and in May 2010, the UEFA Executive Committee approved the UEFA Club Licensing and Fair Play Regulations - which have the support of all stakeholders in European football. Financial fair play measures will be implemented over a three-year period, with the break-even assessment covering the financial years ending 2012 and 2013 assessed during 2013/14, and starting with the assessment by the Club Financial Control Panel of all transfer and employee payables in the summer of 2011.

They are running at a loss even in administration so no fecking chance of them being in compliance.

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No, I'm not kidding. It is indeed very common for clubs to buy players in instalments

I'm sure we fully intended to pay the instalments for Jelavic when we signed him but we've got ourselves in a mess. Obviously that is regrettable but the hysteria about this is tiresome. It wasn't "cheating".

..and whilst you were getting yourself into this 'mess' it appears that you were also trying to get Sandaza from St Johstone was this another mess or a pure brass-necked attempt to cheat the system yet again. Shameful. Bear and you know it.

Edited by eightmile
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(Incidentally, according to the administrators' statement we are owed more for players than we owe to other clubs for players, just to put the instalment business in perspective.)

Yet no mention from them re how much you are owed from players ie the EBT ''loans''....

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