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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's a fake, we all know they wouldn't have mis-spelled Prodestants. It's a dead givaway.

Sadly it sounds genuine to me...Cant remember the specific posters name but he is always banging on about some worldwide Roman Catholic conspiracy is going to bring down the Protestants in this country and Rangers is their first target. If you want a laugh get him started on MoN , Graham Speirs and The UEFA delegate from Austria..He will keep you entertained for hours

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Junior football is something I may give a try.

The Cambuslang Rangers manager used to post here..I am sure he would make you more than welcome. Tell him your dirty wee secret and you will be well in ;)

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Fucking Hell These c***s Are Stupid


As wonderful as it would be to see Rangers die, i think i'd miss the daily PMSL-a-thon at the social degenerates and life's losers that post on RangersMedia.

:lol: I know at least one poster on that thread who posts on here using a different name.

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Fucking Hell These c***s Are Stupid


As wonderful as it would be to see Rangers die, i think i'd miss the daily PMSL-a-thon at the social degenerates and life's losers that post on RangersMedia.

The club as it is at this current time, will never be accepted into English football.

Only possible route into English football would be... Us going out of business and merge with other club down south.

:lol: :lol:

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Well the two thickest Rangers fans on here are Bluenose and Forever_Blue by some margin, with Youngsy in third.

Am i close?



The one I mean tries very hard to be mildly intelligent and semi respectable on here but shows his true colours on RM. It's none of those three.

I may "out" him soon.

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The one I mean tries very hard to be mildly intelligent and semi respectable on here but shows his true colours on RM. It's none of those three.

I may "out" him soon.

I'm sure you would eight to do that though.

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Fucking Hell These c***s Are Stupid


As wonderful as it would be to see Rangers die, i think i'd miss the daily PMSL-a-thon at the social degenerates and life's losers that post on RangersMedia.

We might not be able to get into L1 or L2, but they would be able to accept us into the coference north, the level of football there is about the same as our secondary leagues anyway, also they would get so much more money they would be begging to let us in. Once we get promotion to L2 they can hardly say no

With the Scottish leagues system in the complete mess that it is we could probably set up our own league and invite clubs from the Highland league and Juniors and still get similar attendances.

I got it, leave the SPL and come over here to the MLS. Thousands of bears in Canada and in America. And we can sing anything we want over here and we would win this mickey mouse league just like the mickey mouse league we are in now and there is more money over here

f**k Scottish Football ,get out now its the only way Liquidation would be successful.

Or alternatively stay here and take it where the Sun doesn't Shine.

Liquidation wont work in Scotland.

f**k me they want us to stay in Administration so we get another 10 Points deduction next Season .

They Fucking despise us, and want us dead and Buried .Why? Because they are Bigots, and running the show.

The whole Scottish Football Scene is riddled with Sectarian Bigots who want RFC Fucking Buried.

You where all Warned.

Get out and come back to the English Northern Premier.Or get out of Admin ASAP.

I'm sure Sky (who after all pay the bills) would much rather have a global brand like us in the EPL than say Swansea


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Doesn't post now, but YerMaw145 definitely posted both here and on RM. Under similar username and with the same Avatar. He did try to come over as intelligent on occasion but was and is an utter fucking raving bigot over there. I'm fairly sure he's yet to make a post that doesn't contain the word "ta!g"

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The one I mean tries very hard to be mildly intelligent and semi respectable on here but shows his true colours on RM. It's none of those three.

I may "out" him soon.

Sort of makes this post all the more relevant. Replacing Celtic with Rangers of course. Two cheeks indeed.

To be fair to the OP at least he's not pretending to be something he's not like the vast majority of green bigots on here who pathetically deny being sectarian, knuckle-dragging bigots. He's not ashamed of who he really is.

It's pretty much how all Celtic fans act when they're in the company of other Celtic fans. No chance of being judged in those situations.

Strange that some Celtic fans took issue with it.

Edited by Jimmy85
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Rangers are cheats of the most flagrant kind. Whatever incarnation they adopt should be hounded out of senior football. This vile kow-towing disgusts me.

This club has been cheating every other senior club for well over a decade. The TV money SPL clubs receive is mere maundy money. Kiss the SPL ringpiece and receive your sympathy handout. f**k the SPL, f**k Rangers. Write, e-mail and generally badger your chairman and/or anybody with any sort of influence for this sort of this and insist that the curtain should fall on the Rangers FC freak show.

Edited by Enigma
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