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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And one look at the Scottish Cup semi final between Aberdeen and Hibs showed that there is life in Scottish Football outwith the Old Firm. Two well supported provincial clubs not from Glasgow took healthy supports to Hampden

Celtic fans couldn't even fill their end of a smaller ground two miles away from their own. That wee extra expense on top of the season ticket is a lot to ask for mind.

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Typing Rangers into the search box on Facebook and selecting public posts throws up some hilarious results such as:

Ardoyne Rangers


Rangers 'Til I Die Northern Ireland call on all Rangers fans to attend an Emergency meeting this Wednesday 25/4/12 in The Welders at 8pm.

We will be discussing the sale of Rosettes at the Rangers v Motherwell game.

We are proposing thet the Rosettes be sold at £5 and the money being raised to Pay the £160,000 fine imposed on Rangers by the Corrupt and Biased S.F.A. T

his is to show any potential buyers that the fine will be covered by Rangers 'Til I Die N.I. We will also be seeking legal advice, with a view to using the money to take Legal action against the S.F.A Rangers 'Til I Die N.I also call upon on ALL Rangers fans and fan groups to unite as a front against our enemies. Vanguardbears, Union Bears Followfollow, Blue Order, R.S.T, R.S.A, Blue Heaven, Rangers Media etc must leave everything in the past and stand as one. Rangers 'Til I Die Northern Ireland. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.


All football fans should join this its not just Rangers at risk here but the whole of Scottish Football

485313_176282442493562_166002273521579_259629_922154729_n.jpgWall PhotosLIKE and SHARE spread the word bluenosesby: Glasgow Rangers GERS WATP

Not forgetting the People's front of Larkhall, The Kilwinning popular front, and the Workers' Co-operative for the Liberation of Govan.....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


p.s. £5 a rosette means 32000 bits of scrunchy paper to pay the fine - good luck with that, lads....

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Taking a step back from the footballing side of things, I think it's about time we sat and looked and what is happening and what could happen because of the mess at Ibrox.

As a Rangers fan, I am livid about the situation and simply feel disgusted that we have been dragged so far into this mess. The punishments from the SFA and SPL have been fair and even, we can't argue against that, but now I do really feel for the rest of the SPL and Scottish football as a whole. Now before I get into this, I am not about to set upon an uneducated "you need us rant" so please, just read what I have to say, THINK ABOUT IT and then calmly respond. We are all (well mostly) adults here, not need to get petty.

So the facts:

As it stands, the SPL is in a state! Only 3 clubs are (effectively) debt free as of this financial year (Celtic, Hibs and St Johnstone). The rest are a mix bag of small debts with the likes of Motherwell up to terrible debts in Hearts and, well Rangers have their own chart. Having said this, for many clubs, the debts are manageable against their income and that is healthy.

Next lets look at income. For the larger clubs who gain a healthy crowd and relative success, gate receipts and prize money can go a long way. This however is not sustainable in the SPL and naturally the media (Sky, ESPN and BBC for cups) boost the income. As we all know, TV money is skewed in Scotland with the larger clubs getting a larger pot (or more the Old Firm getting the majority). This leaves the smaller teams a bit out of pocket, however it still represents one of the largest revenue streams.

Should Rangers disappear (either from the SPL or completely), the SPL would face a unique situation. In reality we all know that Sky would either cancel or renegotiate the TV deal. Sky pay for Rangers AND Celtic, it is a fact. Only having one, Sky would most likely slash their fee or simply allow ESPN to take a larger share. Regardless, the SPL as a whole would lose out on media incomes. Here comes my point and i suspect many will disagree.

Name a league with 1 dominant team that is successful both nationally and internationally. You cant. Without a fight, Celtic would (over time) begin to fall in quality. With less media income, there would be cut backs. With less success in Europe, we would have less places and thus hit a downward spiral. For the teams in debt, less media income would be tough on them and for Celtic, although they may avoid debt, they would in time become a shadow of their former self.

At the other end, however, I do see potential for a great chance. Take Hibs for example. No debt, well run and a great fan base (in the scheme of things). Less media money would obviously mean cutbacks but they are in a great place already. With less competition from the top and the larger (more in debt) teams feeling the pinch, slightly lower (and well run teams) could prosper. Should this occur, the top would fall, the bottom would rise and the league would become closer. Fantastic for many of the clubs in the leagues however the giants tend to stand together and fall together.

I may be wrong but if the tables were turned and Celtic were in Rangers position, I would be a very worried Rangers fan.

- only my opinion, calm responses would be great for once :)

Can anyone tell me if the bullshit got any worse than this shite?

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Taking a step back from the footballing side of things, I think it's about time we sat and looked and what is happening and what could happen because of the mess at Ibrox.

As a Rangers fan, I am livid about the situation and simply feel disgusted that we have been dragged so far into this mess. The punishments from the SFA and SPL have been fair and even, we can't argue against that, but now I do really feel for the rest of the SPL and Scottish football as a whole. Now before I get into this, I am not about to set upon an uneducated "you need us rant" so please, just read what I have to say, THINK ABOUT IT and then calmly respond. We are all (well mostly) adults here, not need to get petty.

So the facts:

As it stands, the SPL is in a state! Only 3 clubs are (effectively) debt free as of this financial year (Celtic, Hibs and St Johnstone). The rest are a mix bag of small debts with the likes of Motherwell up to terrible debts in Hearts and, well Rangers have their own chart. Having said this, for many clubs, the debts are manageable against their income and that is healthy.

Next lets look at income. For the larger clubs who gain a healthy crowd and relative success, gate receipts and prize money can go a long way. This however is not sustainable in the SPL and naturally the media (Sky, ESPN and BBC for cups) boost the income. As we all know, TV money is skewed in Scotland with the larger clubs getting a larger pot (or more the Old Firm getting the majority). This leaves the smaller teams a bit out of pocket, however it still represents one of the largest revenue streams.

Should Rangers disappear (either from the SPL or completely), the SPL would face a unique situation. In reality we all know that Sky would either cancel or renegotiate the TV deal. Sky pay for Rangers AND Celtic, it is a fact. Only having one, Sky would most likely slash their fee or simply allow ESPN to take a larger share. Regardless, the SPL as a whole would lose out on media incomes. Here comes my point and i suspect many will disagree.

Name a league with 1 dominant team that is successful both nationally and internationally. You cant. Without a fight, Celtic would (over time) begin to fall in quality. With less media income, there would be cut backs. With less success in Europe, we would have less places and thus hit a downward spiral. For the teams in debt, less media income would be tough on them and for Celtic, although they may avoid debt, they would in time become a shadow of their former self.

At the other end, however, I do see potential for a great chance. Take Hibs for example. No debt, well run and a great fan base (in the scheme of things). Less media money would obviously mean cutbacks but they are in a great place already. With less competition from the top and the larger (more in debt) teams feeling the pinch, slightly lower (and well run teams) could prosper. Should this occur, the top would fall, the bottom would rise and the league would become closer. Fantastic for many of the clubs in the leagues however the giants tend to stand together and fall together.

I may be wrong but if the tables were turned and Celtic were in Rangers position, I would be a very worried Rangers fan.

- only my opinion, calm responses would be great for once :)

Aye, a clear, unbiased review.... ruined in the first line. If you want to ask calm questions, here's one: Why won't that vile organisation just DIE!


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Comedy shows used to be written by a single writer: Johnny Speight springs to mind. Then came comedy-writing partnerships, Galton & Simpson being my favourites. Cheers and Friends brought us the idea of comedy teams with anything up to a dozen writers involved in creating each episode.

Now we have 50,000 Renagers fans penning my current sitcom favourite in real time. That's progress for you.

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There is definately a burgeoning, angry underclass mushrooming in this country. I take it all the hate, anger, violence etc is just a product of very poor breeding?

Reading some of that Rangers stuff begs the question, what do they actually think should happen? what would they deem fair?

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Amid the sea of angst, from some, at Rangers punishment, some perspective is required. Ban any other SPL club from signing players for 12 months and fine them £160k and they will be modesty inconvenienced.

Most clubs only add one or two key players (all going well) to their squad each season and a fine of less than half a percentage point of turnover is hardly punishment at all. Some clubs currently owed money by Rangers could have a de facto ban on transfers as a result – and they’ve done nothing wrong.

Not sure I wholly agree with this, given the size of the fine, but it's an interesting point.

What would the fine (proportionately or otherwise) and transfer embargo do to your club?

edit to add:

One additional point on the financial penalty. £160k is less than 1% of the debt Sir David Murray was released from when he failed to sufficiently investigate the suitability of Craig Whyte as an owner of Rangers – despite the warnings from others around the Rangers boardroom table.
Edited by pollymac
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Depends on your view I reckon.

We still don't need Rangers though!

Hearts Hibs final this year. Guaranteed diddy in both finals for the years after. More diddies in Europe (for the first couple of years.

Fair voting system virtually guaranteed by the team that replaces rangers.

I'm positively shiting myself about losing them.


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As a Morton fan i have to say that there is nothing i care more about than Scottish football's reputation in Europe, so i somewhat agree with the OP. Morton have worked hard over the years to get the recognition they deserve from footballing fans of all the European nations, and if Rangers dying means that in 20 years time, a new generation of foreigners will have no idea who the famous Greenock Morton are, then i for one am totally against punishing Rangers.

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Perhaps I should clarify,

I didn't mean its a problem for everyone, I am suggesting that the larger teams will fall and the smaller ones will thrive. For many that is a problem but for many it's great, depends who you support.

My general concern is than I wouldn't want to see the SPL become on par with the Welsh leagues, having said that, as a Football fan (and not just a rangers fan), I would love a more competitive league.

How can more competition be seen as a problem by anyone? The first division has no TV deal and is a more competitive, higher quality, league than the Irish or Welsh league. The SPL will not become a league of that level just because it doesn't have the old firm.

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I like the fact they are taking the sfa. That's a civil case that will go well. What a bunch of fucking morons.

What has happened to your club has been caused by your club whether you like it or not. No one else is to blame, not everyone is a terrier (better off using an a), and what did you think would happen??? Were you expecting an 'och, it's awe right. We know you've ripped off the government, clubs dotted around Europe and Scotland, constantly taken their talent using misappropriated funds and have hoards of delinquents that are 'ra people'.'

Super Rangers, f**k off and die!

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Mr Clark added: “Given this evidence, it is difficult to comprehend that the disciplinary panel has seen fit to effectively punish the club even more heavily than Mr Whyte. As everyone knows, it has already been decided he is not a fit and proper person to run a football club and any further punishment on him will have little or no impact.

“However, for Rangers, a ban on signing players will seriously undermine the club’s efforts to rebuild after being rendered insolvent.

Furthermore, we do not know how bidders for the club will react to these sanctions and what affect they will have on their proposals.”

Administrators Duff & Phelps had earlier appealed to the club’s support for more patience after admitting the two potential bidders for the Ibrox club have still have not made an offer “capable of acceptance”.

Duff & Phelps said on Friday that they would look to proceed with American businessman Bill Miller’s £11.2million bid yesterday, if no other offers were forthcoming. However, the Blue Knights, led by former director Paul Murray, returned to the table over the weekend.

From Wiki:

Insolvency means the inability to pay one's debts as they fall due.[1] Usually used to refer to a business, insolvency refers to the inability of a company to pay off its debts.

What’s that coming over the hill?


Close 'em down!

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Taking a step back from the footballing side of things, I think it's about time we sat and looked and what is happening and what could happen because of the mess at Ibrox.

As a Rangers fan, I am livid about the situation and simply feel disgusted that we have been dragged so far into this mess. The punishments from the SFA and SPL have been fair and even, we can't argue against that, but now I do really feel for the rest of the SPL and Scottish football as a whole. Now before I get into this, I am not about to set upon an uneducated "you need us rant" so please, just read what I have to say, THINK ABOUT IT and then calmly respond. We are all (well mostly) adults here, not need to get petty.

So the facts:

As it stands, the SPL is in a state! Only 3 clubs are (effectively) debt free as of this financial year (Celtic, Hibs and St Johnstone). The rest are a mix bag of small debts with the likes of Motherwell up to terrible debts in Hearts and, well Rangers have their own chart. Having said this, for many clubs, the debts are manageable against their income and that is healthy.

Next lets look at income. For the larger clubs who gain a healthy crowd and relative success, gate receipts and prize money can go a long way. This however is not sustainable in the SPL and naturally the media (Sky, ESPN and BBC for cups) boost the income. As we all know, TV money is skewed in Scotland with the larger clubs getting a larger pot (or more the Old Firm getting the majority). This leaves the smaller teams a bit out of pocket, however it still represents one of the largest revenue streams.

Should Rangers disappear (either from the SPL or completely), the SPL would face a unique situation. In reality we all know that Sky would either cancel or renegotiate the TV deal. Sky pay for Rangers AND Celtic, it is a fact. Only having one, Sky would most likely slash their fee or simply allow ESPN to take a larger share. Regardless, the SPL as a whole would lose out on media incomes. Here comes my point and i suspect many will disagree.

Name a league with 1 dominant team that is successful both nationally and internationally. You cant. Without a fight, Celtic would (over time) begin to fall in quality. With less media income, there would be cut backs. With less success in Europe, we would have less places and thus hit a downward spiral. For the teams in debt, less media income would be tough on them and for Celtic, although they may avoid debt, they would in time become a shadow of their former self.

At the other end, however, I do see potential for a great chance. Take Hibs for example. No debt, well run and a great fan base (in the scheme of things). Less media money would obviously mean cutbacks but they are in a great place already. With less competition from the top and the larger (more in debt) teams feeling the pinch, slightly lower (and well run teams) could prosper. Should this occur, the top would fall, the bottom would rise and the league would become closer. Fantastic for many of the clubs in the leagues however the giants tend to stand together and fall together.

I may be wrong but if the tables were turned and Celtic were in Rangers position, I would be a very worried Rangers fan.

- only my opinion, calm responses would be great for once :)

1. We don't need rangers;

2. We don't want Rangers;

3. Rangers supporters have nothing but contempt for everyone else involved in Scottish football;

4. Rangers supporters are beneath the contempt of everyone else (Celtic excepted) in Scottish football;

5. Rangers, as an 'institution' is a festering, cancerous lesion on the Scottish game. How could we possibly need that?

6. Even if we did need Rangers, I'd rather they suffered a hellishly excruciating and squalid demise, and that the rest of us took our chances thereafter;

Simple as that.

Edited by Drooper
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I'm obvously joking about kicking their c**t in, but there's a serious point behind it.

I'll probably be one of the least hard/violent Hibees there, but if the dejection from losing this is as bad as I'm anticipating (and it'll probably be worse) then the sight of a bunch of buns having a go could easily end in me pulling out Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary.

In true Rangers all talk and no action style it wont actually happen. Any sizeable Rangers presence amongst 42k extremely emotional Hibs/Hearts fans would end very, very badly :lol:

Depends what you deem as badly!!

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Just the usual shitey boring predications of doom.

f**k off and die rangers and we will take our chances thanks

Thanks,saved me a read.

I concur with your last line.

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