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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Another gem from RM:

Ticketus may not be the main creditor, what about HMRC? If the EBT tax case is lost HMRC is the main creditor. RFC may have reached an agreement with HMRC to drop the EBT defence if HMRC agree to a CVA. That would let HMRC chase thousands of other companies and football clubs which used EBTs. I can't see what Ticketus have to gain unless there is something else in the background.

I can just imagine that conversation.

D&P: We'll drop our defence in in the EBT case if you agree to a CVA

HMRC: So you're admitting you're guilty?

D&P: Um, aye.

HMRC: Have a nice day. See you back in court.

D&P: Shit.

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According to SSN the blue knights will make an offer for Rangers today. How can that be though without tickitus? who now become creditors.

Edited by tintax
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Nope. But I'm in favour of transparency (as the SFA are supposed to be). These guys were not selected from any "population as a whole" including the SFA's. They're more like the lawyers and judges in criminal trials, whose identites are in the public domain (indeed, some of the SFA panel members are top lawyers).

Total transparency when we know the likely results? Morons who feel their very reason for being is at stake are... unpredictable.

I have to admit that I'll be happier when the note of explanation is issued and Rangers have their chance to appeal those findings. But I have no reason to suspect that the 3-man panel did anything other than interpret the SFA rules fairly.

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If every other fan of every other club starts to use only the sponsors that the Rangers fans are targeting, one can assume that will even out nicely. I'm off to William Hills for a wee flutter.....

Aye, I tend to use Ladbrokes for my weekend coupon, but I'll make that extra effort to go to Bill Law instead.

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This ticketus stuff is all just smoke and mirrors.

TBK's will never have a deal that will satisfy HMRC, as HMRC will not accept a CVA. They hold more than 25% of the debt before the outcome of the tribunals are known, so liquidation is unavoidable.

I have a feeling TBK are just rushing through their last possible bid (aiming to be the last ones standing) so that when it's all done and dusted they can say "look we tried our best to save them". In this scenario, the knuckledraggers will then idolise TBK, and will accept them if they start up a New Rangers somehow.

Edited by Spain
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Nope - not that I'm aware of.

McCoist, during his they must be outed interview, referred to Rangers as a seriously, seriously wounded animal. Wounded animals tend to lash out in an indiscriminate manner due to their sense of greater vulnerability, and this seems to be a characteristic shared by all those associated with Rangers.

Now, normally at this point, I would refer to the fact that, unlike animals, people would normally have the facility to intellectualise their circumstances, and develop constructive, cohesive, and socially adapted means by which to address their predicament. Aherm....

This entire debacle has simply demonstrated that Rangers, their supporters, and the lickspittle handmaidens in the media are operating at the level of primitive beasts. Some might argue that this explains away their ludicrous, irrational, and grossly reprehensible behaviour, but I won't accept that it excuses their antics in any way, shape, or form, nor is it tolerable to allow this to continue.

From a certain perspective, McCoist was correct in referring to Rangers as a seriously wounded animal....sorry, seriously, seriously wounded animal. Sometimes Ally, there is no option but to do the merciful thing, and put seriously, seriously wounded animals to sleep.

A brilliant analogy mate. And this vet (Duff and Phelps) are just charging the patient bucketloads to try and give hope, when its clear that the animal is in severe pain and should be put down. DISGUSTING!!:angry:

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This ticketus stuff is all just smoke and mirrors.

TBK's will never have a deal that will satisfy HMRC, as HMRC will not accept a CVA. They hold more than 25% of the debt before the outcome of the tribunals are known, so liquidation is unavoidable.

I have a feeling TBK are just rushing through their last possible bid (aiming to be the last ones standing) so that when it's all done and dusted they can say "look we tried our best to save them". In this scenario, the knuckledraggers will then idolise TBK, and will accept them if they start up a New Rangers somehow.

^^In a nutshell.

There is no fucking way anyone will be taking over Rangers FC in it's current form.

The time for that has been and gone.

They are Donald Ducked :)

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A brilliant analogy mate. And this vet (Duff and Phelps) are just charging the patient bucketloads to try and give hope, when its clear that the animal is in severe pain and should be put down. DISGUSTING!!:angry:

I can only imagine Duff & Phelps are beginning to regret the day they ever heard of Rangers FC. The way this administration has been handled has surely lost them a lot oif potential custom.

Edited by Milo
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^^In a nutshell.

There is no fucking way anyone will be taking over Rangers FC in it's current form.

The time for that has been and gone.

They are Donald Ducked :)

Oi! I like Donald Duck!! And Huey, Duey and Louie. And Goofy. Christ it resembles the Rangers board!!

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According to SSN the blue knights will make an offer for Rangers today. How can that be though without tickitus? who now become creditors.

The Blue Knights do not even have enough money for a newco (on their own), never mind any attempt at a CVA.

So as we stand the fate and future of Rangers lies with a Hibee. ohmy.gif

Over to you Rangers Media. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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NEWSFLASH: Information on the joint TBK and Blue Knights deal has just come to light.

Sources close to the club have indicated the finer points of the deal have been going round and round like a washing machine and is in the main being financed with half a pound of tuppeny rice and half a pound of treacle. An outcome is expected soon.....

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