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1335571092[/url]' post='6180613']

Well this says it all. How much more fvcking arrogant can they become?


What a self serving arsehole ,He really believes that if Rangers play shite for a whole season they should be immune from relegation

Please please Email the above link to your chairman. Infact email this to every chairman north and south ,UEFA,FIFA and every Journalist in every paper,

This odious attitude goes against the spirit of every competition in every sport the wold over.

Cheeky chappie MY ARSE *

*Capitals brought to you by Leggoland Blog

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That McCoist piece is a gem.

He actually says that morally, the club should get absolutely hammered.

If even he says it, having just defended his right to actually endanger people involved in reaching a moral decision, there's not much else to be said.

Oh and of course, for any RM visitors, We really, really want your club to die - you deserve it, you ignorant morons.

sally looked like a fat sad stunned lost wee boy on the news last night. its morally right for rangers to go to the third division but is it right for scottish football he asked?.....aye ya fat tax dodging kunt!

Edited by THE KING
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A wonderfully truthful report from a regularly great Scottish reporter, in a SCOTTISH paper! :o


yip ...a vile man fat sally..liked this one as well


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A wonderfully truthful report from a regularly great Scottish reporter, in a SCOTTISH paper! :o


That is an excellent article, well done to him and his fine journalism!

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I think that's the first time I've heard someone in the mainstream press have a (much-merited) pop at the administrators.

Excellent piece.

The sentiment is excellent, and the ideas expressed in the article are fine and noble. But the article itself is horrendously written, and apparently hasn't been sub-edited. The first two paragraphs particularly are insane.

It does, however clumsily, express what the majority of people are thinking.

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A wonderfully truthful report from a regularly great Scottish reporter, in a SCOTTISH paper! :o


Maybe I'm slower than most but I'm picking up on a gradual shift in the tone of media reporting of this circus. I think it started with Thomson's Channel 4 investigations and, while he was initially shouted down by those with a vested interest, most of those clowns are now keeping a lower profile and those without an axe to grind are starting to poke their heads above the parapet.

When even their captive media won't stand up for them, I beginning to think Rangers really are fooked.

Edited by The DA
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A wonderfully truthful report from a regularly great Scottish reporter, in a SCOTTISH paper! :o


Tremendous.... and pretty damn courageous, it must be said

Arise, Sir Glen!

Edited by Drooper
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The sentiment is excellent, and the ideas expressed in the article are fine and noble. But the article itself is horrendously written, and apparently hasn't been sub-edited. The first two paragraphs particularly are insane.

It does, however clumsily, express what the majority of people are thinking.

I actually think the 'style' of the writing perfectly encapsulates the passionate sense of injustice, frustration, and disgust that most of us feel. It is a rant, and a bit kaboom in its approach, but that does it for me.

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Tremendous.... and pretty damb courageous, it must be said

Arise, Sir Glen!

Glenn Gibbons: McCoist and Smith fail to see true Ibrox saboteurs

Published on Saturday 28 April 2012 03:57

FOR someone who is possibly the oldest rookie manager in the history of the game, Ally McCoist this week gave a flawless impersonation of an impulsive, vengeful and nasty-minded adolescent.

Notoriety attached itself to the former striker with the suddenness and potential devastation of a pernicious virus the moment he demanded the release of the names of the three-man independent review panel who imposed sanctions on Rangers in accordance with the seriousness of the Ibrox club’s breaches of football’s regulations.

The suspicion that his disturbingly sinister outburst – “I want to know who these people are, Rangers supporters want to know who these people are” – was a prime example of premeditated mischief-making did not take long to harden into certainty. It came with the revelation of an SFA spokesperson that the supposedly bemused manager would undoubtedly already have known the identities of the judges, since Rangers had a representative attend the entire judicial proceedings.

At a stroke, McCoist’s long-established image as an ebullient and irrepressible charmer was transformed into a hideous representation of spiteful retribution. Nor did the damage inflicted on his own reputation come anywhere near to being undone by his declaration the following day that he was “disgusted” by the thought of any Rangers fan visiting abuse on the panel members and issuing threats against them and their families so distressing that the police began investigations with a view to criminal charges.

“I would not for one moment want anyone to interpret my remarks as a signal to engage in any form of threatening behaviour,” he said. The picture of a stable door being bolted while, in the background, a horse at the gallop disappears over the horizon springs to mind.

It was noticeable, too, that McCoist’s attempt at a “rescue” did not even hint at the possibility of culpability on his part, far less an apology to the panellists and their distraught families.

He may be relatively inexperienced in his present post, but he has been in professional football for 33 years, all but a handful of them in association with Rangers. In the circumstances, he would, unquestionably, be perfectly aware of the potential for appalling behaviour among certain followers of the club.

If nothing else, he ought surely to have been familiar with the regularly-documented and legally-pursued instances of assaults, abuses, threats and attempts on the life of his rival at Celtic, Neil Lennon.

But McCoist’s injudiciousness simply chimes with the general transformation of Rangers over the past two decades from a trophy-gathering phenomenon into a magnet for bad management. The series of saboteurs ranges from David Murray, whose ego-driven excesses should be recognised as the single most significant factor in Rangers’ present predicament, through the questionable motives and actions of his successor, Craig Whyte, to the representatives of Duff & Phelps, now widely regarded as the most incompetent administrators ever to be charged with righting a listing football club.

Astoundingly, Murray seems still to command the loyalty of a reliable band of apologists, among whom his former manager, Walter Smith, may be understandably – and even forgivably – numbered.

But the attempts in certain quarters of the media to present a revisionist view of history – one in which Murray is totally exculpated in the matter of Rangers’ potentially fatal wounding – have been utterly shameless. It is as though the former owner/chairman, who is officially dead where football is concerned, continues to exert an influence on his former lapdogs from beyond the grave.

Smith’s recent exercise in condemning Whyte was such an example of unadulterated propaganda, complete with see-through inaccuracies, that it was easy to wonder if we were playing the old time machine game, returning to the Murray heyday.

Having expressed bewilderment over the speed with which Rangers seemed to have descended into penury, Smith insisted that he had, at the end of last season, left “a debt-free club” that was on a sound financial footing. Staggeringly, he insisted that the extravagances of the Murray tenure were an irrelevance.

“You can make your own judgment on what happened before,” said Smith, “but the fact is none of that mattered. In May of last year, all of that had disappeared.”

Well, all of it except the £18 million of bank debt that had been transferred to Whyte, the admitted £4.2 million bill known as the wee tax case, the millions owed to clubs in Scotland, England and Europe for a variety of reasons, plus a lengthy list of creditors from ancillary trades.

There was also, of course, the spectre of the big tax case, which could yield a further liability of upwards of £70 million.

To paraphrase John Cleese in Monty Python’s Life of Brian, “apart from that, what harm did David Murray ever do Rangers?”

As if Murray and Whyte were not enough for one benighted club to take, the administrators have, since their arrival, proved about as helpful as gatecrashers. Consultation with an array of qualified people in the financial and legal professions has confirmed that none has ever heard of a period of administration that has not produced a single redundancy.

What it has brought is further haemorrhaging, to the tune of £2.5 million in the first two months of the Duff & Phelps stewardship. Now the administrators, who seem not to have complied with even one of their own “final and binding” deadlines since they took the wheel on 14 February, are making confident noises about winning an appeal against the sentence of the judicial panel. Their optimism reportedly based on encouraging (private) words from the SFA chief executive, Stewart Regan.

Maybe Regan didn’t want to spoil the moment with a reminder that any appeals panel will also be independent. And quite beyond his influence.

Deserves to be in this thread in its entirety. Here it is in the Scotsman


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The whole situation at Rangers is fluid - when they first entered administration I expected the following to happen:

Administrators appointed - big staff and player culls, costs slashed.

Bidders come in, a bit of negotiation, chancers flushed out.

Preferred bidder announced.

CVA agreed, new owners plans in place for future.

Creditors shafted, debts dodged, carry on...

So, pretty much yer' bog standard debt-dodging football administration.

What i didn't expect was:

Whyte lackeys appointed administrators.

No compulsory redundancies.

Court cases.

Charges of disrepute.

SFA sanctions causing club manager to lose the plot.

Supporters threatening SFA officials.

Club legends joining supporters to 'punish' other clubs.

Ex-managers spouting hypocrisy of the most unbelievable manner.

Club owner banned from our game for life.

A club in such crisis still trying to sign a player.

Attempts to admonish Sir Minty of any responsibility.

Administrators deadlines written in invisible ink.

Supporters marching, boycotting, protesting at the 'injustice'.

IF the SPL chairmen and administrators vote to allow this toxic cheating club some sort of 'fast track' into the top flight, assuming they are liquidated and are even able to form a hastily cobbled-together 'newco' at all...then the game really is a bogey.

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What a self serving arsehole ,He really believes that if Rangers play shite for a whole season they should be immune from relegation

Please please Email the above link to your chairman. Infact email this to every chairman north and south ,UEFA,FIFA and every Journalist in every paper,

This odious attitude goes against the spirit of every competition in every sport the wold over.

Cheeky chappie MY ARSE *

*Capitals brought to you by Leggoland Blog

Originally I was hoping that Rangers would survive in a better form, I now just want them to disappear, not least for their total arrogance. Be razed from football totally, taking Ibrox with them.

They could do worse than learn from Belfast Celtic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belfast_Celtic_F.C.

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Since 1988 Ayr United supporters have had to endure a wearisome taunt: "Ye missed the boat when ye knocked back David Murray". Aye we missed the boat alright - The Titanic! Let's not be bitter though. The Murray taunt is heard no more. P & B members are invited to join me in a song. I will start and the rest of you join in: "Oh it's all gone quiet over there................

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I actually think the 'style' of the writing perfectly encapsulates the passionate sense of injustice, frustration, and disgust that most of us feel. It is a rant, and a bit kaboom in its approach, but that does it for me.

Yeah, you are right. I think it makes its point, right enough.

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I don't accept the line peddled by McCoist and others that a relegated Rangers would kill football in Scotland and therefore they should live under a different set of rules. These rules being that they should be able to act with impunity.

However, even if it were true it reminds me of the saying that it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

Most non-OF supporters hold the view that the establishment in Scotland see the OF as Scottish football. If the Scottish footballing authorities allow Rangers to go unpunished or minimally punished over this fiasco this will confirm this view with a potentially devastating effect on support for other Scottish teams for years to come.

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If the Scottish footballing authorities allow Rangers to go unpunished or minimally punished over this fiasco this will confirm this view with a potentially devastating effect on support for other Scottish teams for years to come.

I'm hoping that UEFA and FIFA are paying very close attention to what might happen here.

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