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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sorry mate, we have no interest in your fucking petty, sectarian, point-scoring, willie comparing bullshit!! Leave that pish in NI and out of Scottish football.

Why can't any of you knuckle-dragging arseholes get that through your thick heads!?!?!

Why don't you just f**k off to Ranger Media? you disingenuous c**t!

You do know who Alex Thomson is don't you? :lol:

He is the one that has built his career out of working in NI ya thick c**t :rolleyes:

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I brought it up because it seemed like an extremely appropriate time. We have a 700+ page thread mainly made up of people enjoying the situation Rangers find themselves in. You made numerous insinuations that posters were anti-Celtic or pro-Rangers (and are continuing to do so) - what better way to refute that than by looking in this thread.

If you read back through this thread, loads of people condemned McCoist. There may even have been threads started on it - everything related to Rangers' administration has been merged in here.

Jesus, you really are determined to drag all this shit up!

I'm well aware people on here condemned McCoist, my point was about the difference in level of reaction. I don't recall seeing topics started last week about McCoist calling him every name under the sun etc.

My comment about 'subtle sectarianism' was in relation to someone on here suggesting Neil Lennon is in the Celtic job because of his background. This is a common accusation with regards Celtic/Lennon yet I've not heard anyone say this about Rangers/McCoist. McCoist has been fucking awful getting knocked out of 4 competitions by Malmo/Maribor/Falkirk/Dundee Utd, yet very few people feel the need to say he's only in the job because of his background. Why is this? Why the difference? Maybe both are there simply because they are club legends. There are posters on here who accuse Celtic fans of loving Neil Lennon and Martin O'Neil because of their backgrounds and hating Gordon Strachan because of his. You don't need to be a Celtic fan to know they have plenty of non-Irish non-Catholic heroes, yet my experience on here is that these insinuations are deemed acceptable and are quite common. Why? The Gordon Strachan/Celtic situation was no more/less strange than the Jimmy Calderwood situation at Aberdeen.

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It wasn't that funny when the Real Saints supporter posted it about 100 pages ago :rolleyes:

It's not funny now either. It's the truth. The fact others have thought the same speaks volumes.

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It wasn't that funny when the Real Saints supporter posted it about 100 pages ago :rolleyes:

Seems i have upset a few of the Republican Apologists fan club...Anyway about this exclusive scoop...any news yet? Anything ??

I think we are taking his scoop out of context, up here many people follow many sites and articles good bad and indifferent but he is a nationwide journalist who probably has people down south following him who wouldn't know ranger from celtic never mind being able to identify messers jabba, shug and st mirrens no.1 fan. So him getting a scoop up here seems unlikely as he seems to be reading rangers tax blog then passing it as his own( ie his scoop down south) but at least he is digging a wee bit too and asking the big elephant in the room Uefa and the darlings of fair play their views rather than our lot who go for a beer with brian kennedy and murray minor and print whatever slevers they spout as a scoop.

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Sorry mate, we have no interest in your fucking petty, sectarian, point-scoring, willie comparing bullshit!! Leave that pish in NI and out of Scottish football.

Why can't any of you knuckle-dragging arseholes get that through your thick heads!?!?!

Why don't you just f**k off to Ranger Media? you disingenuous c**t!


You don't have to be a c**t to post on RM

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Oh there is more to come regarding this thread....I am just sitting on this one for now. I would say even the most bigoted manky couldn't defend this one but we all know they have defended far worse in the past ;)

I had heard a story about the cover but thought it was nonsense and thought there is no way this would go unreported even by our press. Seemingly a caller was cut off tonight for mentioning it as the panel on Radio Clyde claimed they had no idea what he was talking about and had not seen it. It took me less than a minute to find this...


Absolute fucking scum!! Just another example of the hypocrisy coming out of the celtic boardroom.

Still waiting on your response, funny how you havn't been on the old firm forum since you made a complete arse of yourself ?

How many forums have you been chased from or made an arse of yourself now no8, you seem quite proud telling us youve been barred from nearly every forum there is, quite an attention seeker, really cant wait to see your club die ph34r.gif

Edited by wulliamwallace
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It wasn't that funny when the Real Saints supporter posted it about 100 pages ago :rolleyes:

Seems i have upset a few of the Republican Apologists fan club...Anyway about this exclusive scoop...any news yet? Anything ??

Think you need to revise your use of republican. I don't like the royal family and don't believe in the monarchy. That makes me a republican by definition. However, I am neither catholic or Irish so how does that work.

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Think you need to revise your use of republican. I don't like the royal family and don't believe in the monarchy. That makes me a republican by definition. However, I am neither catholic or Irish so how does that work.

Did i mention Religion or Ireland in my post?

Try reading what i actually wrote :rolleyes:

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Did i mention Religion or Ireland in my post?

Try reading what i actually wrote :rolleyes:

I know exactly what you meant. And here I thought you were better than the average orc. I guess I haven't been around long enough.

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£20 says that means there are now no bidders.

Spooky! That was my first thought as well.....................

They couldn't have.......they wouldn't......... could they? Nooooooooooooooo!

Well they they said it doesn't happen, does it?

Do you think they really have?

walked away, that is?

(© Frankie Howerd 1964)

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Did i mention Religion or Ireland in my post?

Try reading what i actually wrote :rolleyes:

Sorry my mistake. Since you were referring to republican apologists I naturally assumed that you were referring to thomson being some sort of republican sympathiser. Easy mistake to make.......

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I know exactly what you meant. And here I thought you were better than the average orc. I guess I haven't been around long enough.

I have never claimed to be smarter than the average 'Bear'

Anyway getting back to this exclusive...Any news yet???

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