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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why do we get in the middle of every developement....Ally McCoist has met with as if it's some big breakthrough...what has the club's manager to do with top level club business affairs ..that's not his job at all and he most certainly isn't qualified or have anywhere near the knowledge he'd need.

Coaching tactics player selection identifying targets and those he may part with to afforf the new player/s that's his role and what he's employed for not discussing takeover and company finances.

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To be fair to McCoist, he always makes it clear he doesn't have a scooby when answering the technical questions that he gets bombarded with. They don't always publish him saying that when going to print or broadcast.

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1336640790[/url]' post='6219898']

That's odd, under TUPE you don't have to sign a new contract, your terms and conditions follow you automatically.

My t&c's were the same but i had to sign a new contract as the employer had changed, therefore things like my insurance linked to my employer had to move over. I cant imagine how you could move to a new employer and not sign a contract with them (albeit with the same t&c's)

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It's not cheap either - was a bit of an ouch experience in the wallet going to the little island church thing.

Worth it though.

Considering Ivos suggestion and having a winters break there.. I was considering Bled as i was led to believe it was more reasonably priced than the likes of Lake Garda.

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My t&c's were the same but i had to sign a new contract as the employer had changed, therefore things like my insurance linked to my employer had to move over. I cant imagine how you could move to a new employer and not sign a contract with them (albeit with the same t&c's)

Baxter is correct. I was TUPEd recently and signed nothing - my originial contract was effectively re-assigned.

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More enjoyable reading - If there is a light at the end of the tunnel for Rangers it is the Liquidation Express (or as Haudit & Daudit are in charge Liquidation slow train calling at every stop and halt imaginable to spin this journey out) - but either way its coming and it will run them over soon.

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My t&c's were the same but i had to sign a new contract as the employer had changed, therefore things like my insurance linked to my employer had to move over. I cant imagine how you could move to a new employer and not sign a contract with them (albeit with the same t&c's)

Did it myself when I moved from Customs and Excise to a private company. Nothing changed so my original contract stood.

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When's this b*****d thread going to reach 1000 pages?

at current rate of progress, in about 5-6 days' time.

Unless, of course, Rangers go bust or the TIGHT SHORTS OF THE NEW KNIGHTS TEMPLAR effect a last ditch take-over; it will take about 24 hours after either of these events happening.

The thread will eventually be parked in gold at nearly 2,000 pages in my estimation, either as a living record of the ludicrous Gothic novel that is Rangers' demise, or live on as some real point and laugh material for fans of a newly resurgent, little-punished club.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Glad to see there still isn't any competition between a R*ngers ST and a nice we break to Mallorca.

Between that and my sons golf membership we better die or i am fucked!!!

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Here's a thought.

With the BBC latest story that Tickedus are suing Whyte for £27 million, that means Tickedus's are not Rangers creditor Whyte is.

So taking that off the bill Rangers would only be between 10 & 20 million in debt, mostly to HMRC, which in the grand scale of things they should be able to muster at agreed payback terms, with there turnover and would not have had to go into admin. They could have mortgaged the ground for that value and paid it back over 20 years.

So either the BBC story is more spin, or perhaps the big tax bill may also be there but not made public yet (for possible public desorder reasons or whatever), or something else is in the background, or i've been awake to long and this is turning into an episode of the prisoner with all its bizarre going ons

Good point. Would it also mean, though, that Whytes claim as a creditor, and possibly preferred creditor, would be strengthened. Presumably, he would claim that the money not owed to Ticketus was then owed to him?

That's not how I understood that, at all. Under those regulations, if a player owned by (old) Rangers doesn't want to sign for Govan Warchesters then he doesn't have to - his contract is terminated and he's a free agent. Certainly can't understand why they or the SFA would have any right or reason to hold on to their registration, and prevent them from moving to another club in the UK (and it doesn't happen all the time in a football context, they would appear to be the first club to try this shady 'two clubs' tactic).

I'm getting suspicious of whatever the SFA/SPL have promised them again, but then again, D&P have proven to be talking rubbish 99% of the time. Tactic seems to be just to spout a load of jargon to the Daily Record et. al, knowing none of the MSM will bother digging.

This came up a few (hundred!) pages back. The presumption, then, was that TUPE covered the players contracts of employment, but not their football registration. If that was viewed as an asset, it could be sold to the newco. If any player then declines to have his employment transferred, under TUPE, he would find himself out of work, but his football registration still held by the club. Its a potentially messy, messy situation.

I don't think the problem could, per se, be any inability to operate the football clubs without the income from 1/2 Rangers gates + current levels of TV money + associated incomes (naming rights etc.)... it could be an inability to make the transition in a short timeframe, plus in the case of more indebted clubs, keep meeting repayments.

(And they don't hoover-up most TV £££, tbh... they hoover-up some).

So what would these clubs do if they were relegated? I find it very hard to believe that at least half, if not more, SPL clubs dont have a contingency plan for relegation. If they dont, then thats there own mismanagment.

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Shame for us too, but yeah, the Dundee United point is why I can't understand's Thompson's comments about losing Rangers. They will get a far bigger crowd at Tannadice for the first competitive Dundee derbies in years than they get for Rangers games. So, they will be making no loss in matchday revenue without Rangers in the league. As we have no idea what change there would be to the TV deal, he can't declare it to be a financial disaster for United if we have no Rangers.

I imagine he sees the Rangers fixture(s) as a guaranteed £100,000/£200,000 filip to the Tannadice coffers every season, whereas Dundee, something of a yo-yo club over the past 35 years, bring uncertainty and risk. I'm not saying I agree with this, in fact I'd love to see Dundee take Rangers' place in the SPL, but it's probably how the baldy love-God/cold-hearted pragmatist views the situation.

Of course, the added variable is that Rangers are apparently boycotting us these days. But then so did Dundee.

I'm confused.

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Some stomach churning wankery contained therein.

He'd be as well just coming out and saying "sorry lhads, we're voting for".


A serial self-publicist like Lawell would never miss a chance to grandstand on saying "no" to the the Newco. If that was Celtic's position, he would be shouting it from the rooftops and so given the bland management speak, the subtext is that they are voting "for" just as you would expect.

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If this entrie thread was to be published it would be a best seller. Some absolutely fantastic comedy moments, and some even better unitentional comedy moments from deluded gers fans.

I would not be suprised if the web traffic generated by this thread has put Div in the position to become preferred bidder at Ibrox.

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