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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sorry if this has been posted before, but even for RM it's absolutely drenched in deluded triumphalism and over inflated self worth.

A Call To Arms

Oh, that's a belter :lol: Again I ask " Who do they think they are"?

I know about a dozen Rangers fans and not one of them are likely to do ANYTHING. These guys are delusional if they think many ( other than the usual knuckledraggers) will do anything other than get on with their lives..

If they really wanted to do something, the " hundreds of thousands :lol: " of them should have all fronted £50 a month ( by DD) for 12 months. This would realise £120,000,000..( based on the conservative number of 200,000 fans worldwide).. which would have solved nearly all their finacial problems.... but no, a couple of thousand of em are boycotting Tescos and some other companies and are deluded enough to think Tescos will give a fucking monkeys...

If it was my club, I would happily pay £100 a month for a year to help steady the ship..:D

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Oh Jesus, what about this zoomer! :blink:

Great post as usual from D'art,but it will need a concerted effort from every bear from every walk of life,our country has been infiltrated in the sfa, media, political and legal institutions by the the filth,they are bitter that their terrorist army has laid down their arms,they have a new tactic divide and conquer from within and their targets are Rangers and the union,if we dont recognize this and take the fight to them we are lost

Just kill them, please.

Edited by Owsley
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Is Andy "juan" Kerr the chief that got done for drink driving on his way back to Harrogate after the game at IBronx v Killie?

He doesn't do sober driving away.....

Aye, looks like it. http://www.scotsman.com/the-scotsman/scotland/rangers-fans-president-caught-drink-driving-after-match-1-2133129

More than 3 times the limit? Oooft!

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No point, when they're not winning anything, the "loyal" Rangers fans will do a brilliant job of boycotting Ibrox themselves!

you mean like the rabid 60 thousand + green **** sat and watched the plastic spastics lift the championship last sunday?

10k had a boycott at the turnstiles

Edited by cdp1972
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No point, when they're not winning anything, the "loyal" Rangers fans will do a brilliant job of boycotting Ibrox themselves!

By following their heroes on the pitch out of the door first of course.

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Cards on the table time. I don't agree with the transfer embargo. I thought there would have been a compromise solution such as large financial penalty + pay all footballing debts in full from your price money and only then will you be allowed to sign players..I even thought they might make it a 1 window ban but they have decided to well and truly shaft Rangers..Make no mistake that is what has happened here as we all know that the top players will leave on cut price deals in June and there is no way to replace them. Blame Duff & Duffer for that nonsense. The nonsense talked about 40+ professional players is misleading as we have so many youngsters on our books...We couldn't fill a subs bench on occassion this season!! I dread to think what will happen come December/ January when injuries and suspensions start to bite...What happens when we cannot field a team as we simply don't have the players?

That all said what exactly do the Rangers Supporters groups want? The club did wrong and before anybody says nobody knew about the non payments and it being down to 1 man...Pish!! I knew months beforehand that Whyte had not paid 1 outside contractor for work on the stadium. The company that put in the PA system for example were threatening to take it out as they were never paid for it..If i knew i am sure others knew..Including Andy Kerr!

Another attempt to pretend the nonsense started with Whyte. If you knew a few months back, I knew a few years back, as did many others. Believe this or not as you wish.

What I would say is that pretty well every player who signed for Rangers over the last dozen years or so had an agent. That agent would have negotiated the deal, which of course would have included what the player would get 'in his pocket' as part of that contract, Maximizing tax efficiency I think it is called. Legally? Well time will tell.

So any investigation of Rangers' financial control, management and reporting during David Murray's time could do worse that sit down with the various agents involved to understand the basis and detail of the agreements they negotiated.

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Another attempt to pretend the nonsense started with Whyte. If you knew a few months back, I knew a few years back, as did many others. Believe this or not as you wish.

What I would say is that pretty well every player who signed for Rangers over the last dozen years or so had an agent. That agent would have negotiated the deal, which of course would have included what the player would get 'in his pocket' as part of that contract, Maximizing tax efficiency I think it is called. Legally? Well time will tell.

So any investigation of Rangers' financial control, management and reporting during David Murray's time could do worse that sit down with the various agents involved to understand the basis and detail of the agreements they negotiated.

But this has nothing to do with the SFA panel's punishement. The punishment for all of that has still to come. :D

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But this has nothing to do with the SFA panel's punishement. The punishment for all of that has still to come. :D

Yes I know. But I think (no evidence) the SFA was keen to hit Rangers with the current tribunal ruling and not shirk things, knowing that there is bigger stuff awaiting. Maybe softening up the Bears for something much worse.

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Charles Green pretty much said that his talks with the spl/sfa were positive.

But he couldnt have gotten out of hampden quick enough if he had chucked a grenade into the media scrum and sprinted to his car. lol

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