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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I come back from work and the thread has thrown up some more Rangers Media refugees to play with. This thread just passed P&B Gold and is heading towards P&B Platinum.

laugh.gif who's gonna pay Div the £9.99 for that.

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I feel a game coming on. Gather your friends and whip out your cards of all Scottish senior football Clubs.

Top Trumps!


You're being rather generous with some of those values.

Some = the bottom 3.

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I fail to really understand Rangers fans' reasoning in this. They think a transfer embargo is killing their club as they will be forced to play kids, and might get relegated. That would be fine, but you've had plenty Rangers fans and even people like Ally McCoist say that they'd be okay with being demoted to the 3rd division and working their way up.

That seems like warped logic to me. On one hand you can play kids, and you might, just might get relegated to the 1st division, and with the transfer embargo ending are clear to easily buy the league the following season leaving you back in the SPL and back as if nothing ever happened. To Rangers fans this seems like the most horrible idea ever, and one worth boycotting everything under the sun for.

But then we have the other option, which they are quite happy to do which in the same timescale would leave them in the 2nd division when they could be in the SPL, with another two years in the wilderness before being back as if nothing happened.

How are you not seeing the logic here? A transfer embargo and the certain fire sale means that Rangers would do badly. Very badly. Get relegated on the park. And that is not something Rangers fans expect to see. Indeed, 30,000 of them ditched provincial clubs up and down the country to preserve their child-like winning mentality from the reality of competition: that's the 'Souness Revolution' in a nutshell. Put out a winning team and the social inadequates will come and sing the party songs.

Being demoted to the Third means that they get to have a few seasons beating exotic diddy teams and have day trips to places like Elgin. Indeed for Stranraer away much of the fanbase will be cutting their journey time in half. So long as their team keep winning they'll continue to harbour the delusion that their club's success reflects upon them as a human being.

Edited by vikingTON
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So much for Green's 20 investors laugh.gif He has confirmed that of the 20 "potential" investors only 6 have actually committed to putting any money into the club laugh.gif

Its one big bluff hence the reason the SFA et al want to know whos behind the bid. There will be no CVA as the pot of money aint gonna be anything like £8.5m.

When the time comes to put up or shut up he'll do a Miller. D&P wont pay the bills once the money runs out..... well certainly not £3m a month. They will liquidate

the club pretty sharpish. And by liquidate i mean as in Third Lanark. Finished.

The myth of the Old Firm has been shown to be just that.. a myth.

Football in this country will continue.

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And another thing.

If they come back as a NEWCO and have to reapply to the SFA/SFL how can they do that if they need 3 years of accounts? A NEWCO wont have that as they start with nowt. ;)

Along similar lines, if Green doesn't take over till D-Day, the ground must be registered with the SPL by the first of June at the latest, surely the transfer of share , which is for SPL membership, does not include this?

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Seem to remember a Junior team, (think it was Bo'ness Utd), had got to the final of the cup and romped the league but because none of the players were properly registered they got demoted and punted out the cup. Dont think it was the SFA that was behind that punishment but if the EBT enquiry proves the players had two contracts then surely a similar punishment will be met out?

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From the meeting today. I wish I could've been there, would've been funny as f**k :lol:

The Meeting commenced at 5:30 and ran until 6:50. There was an agenda produced by Mr. Green then the floor opened for questions.

2. Meeting with the SFA/ SFA Appeal.

Mr Keen, our Q.C. presented a strong case why the penalties were harsh. The sanctions were not actually in the SFA Rule Books. He stressed we were very likely to lose players. He spoke for one and a quarter hours. The SFA's lawyer then presented his case. Both Mr Green and Sandy Jardine stressed the panel were independent and not "football men". Rangers asked for a quick decision in order that we may plan what to do next. The panel went away for an hour and a half and returned with the verbal decision, to be confirmed in writing, that the decision and sanctions stand

The floor was opened to questions.

Asked what would happen if one, two or three of our recently called up International players got crocked playing for their country and we could not sign anyone because of the embargo, Mr Green and Sandy Jardine expressed their amazement and anger at how the situation may develop. Mr Whyte pointed out to the panel at Hampden that we had three goalkeepers on our books and asked what would happen if they all got serious injury, would we have to field a team without a keeper? No satisfactory answer was forthcoming. They looked at the team sheets and saw almost 40 signed players from 17 years of age up. Sandy Jardine asked them what would happen if all the experienced players left. The answer was that we still had enough on the books to put out a team. Sandy Jardine answered that you cannot blood a youngster too soon. One bad game and he may be finished. But he told the Meeting the people he was talking to were not football people.

So Willie Puller is obsessed with people being 'football men', is his new bff Mr. Green?

I would say that it was 'football men' that got Rangers into this, from greedy players saying 'more more more' with their hands out, to their agents playing all sides against each other for their own betterment, to ex-players still involved, whether it be the club or the media who perpetuate the myth that the big hoose must indeed, stay open.

All we have got from Fat Sal et al , is that they don't understand the business side ''we're only fitba men'' is the cry, well I suppose they could have a point, a competant business man would have checked into whether or not double contracts, dodgy EBTs, etc etc were legal or not. Or then again they could just be shadey feckers.

Having listened to them whine my conclusion is that indeed they are shadey feckers, and keeping this type of 'football men' out of the decisions regarding Rangers, indeed all of Scottish football decisions, would be extremely beneficial to the game.

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I see Green said, after his meeting with Doncaster, that Rangers will never be kicked out the SPL as 4 or 5 other SPL clubs would be in financial trouble. Who gave him this information? Has Doncaster had widened discussions with Green about other clubs financial situations?

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