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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Does anyone else think the the delay on SPL vote was in order to get rid of Dunfermline (who's chairman said that he would vote to get Rangers to F*** essentially) and take their chances on Ross County allowing it?

Nope. Nothing to do with Dunfermline or Ross County. Everything to do with (at that point) clinging onto the hope that a CVA would be agreed and they'd get to dodge out of actually voting for anything. As things stand, the time for a CVA to be a genuine possible result here has passed, and the SPL will surely know this. Of course, it is still possible that Rangers cannot manage to arise in a newco guise either, so if that happens, the SPL will have avoided a decison on Rangers completely, and they'll have to deal with what's then in front of them. However, IF Rangers can indeed manage to get a newco together in time - you can bet your bottom dollar it will be swept into the SPL for the reasons I mentioned in a recent post - to appease a TV company, and secondly, because of the income likely to be lost by those clubs who can (and do), turn over large parts of their stadiums to Rangers fans. They won't be the only clubs to vote for a newco though - but the TV deal and those with more seats to hand over to visiting Orcs will be the main factors.

It won't matter how wounded a newco is. It won't matter how much they cheated and debt-dodged. Nothing matters - except keeping Rangers alive in the SPL by hook or by crook.

I'd be delighted to be proved wrong, but I won't be. Self. Preservation. League.

Edited by pozbaird
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Nope. Nothing to do with Dunfermline or Ross County. Everything to do with (at that point) clinging onto the hope that a CVA would be agreed and they'd get to dodge out of actually voting for anything. As things stand, the time for a CVA to be a genuine possible result here has passed, and the SPL will surely know this. Of course, it is still possible that Rangers cannot manage to arise in a newco guise either, so if that happens, the SPL will have avoided a decison on Rangers completely, and they'll have to deal with what's then in front of them. However, IF Rangers can indeed manage to get a newco together in time - you can bet your bottom dollar it will be swept into the SPL for the reasons I mentioned in a recent post - to appease a TV company, and secondly, because of the income likely to be lost by those clubs who can (and do), turn over large parts of their stadiums to Rangers fans. They won't be the only clubs to vote for a newco though - but the TV deal and those with more seats to hand over to visiting Orcs will be the main factors.

It won't matter how wounded a newco is. It won't matter how much they cheated and debt-dodged. Nothing matters - except keeping Rangers alive in the SPL by hook or by crook.

I'd be delighted to be proved wrong, but I won't be. Self. Preservation. League.

and the SFA will do SWEET f**k ALL to stand in the way of the Bears and their unholy bigoted crusade for world domination.

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A grown up analysis of the SFA tribunal and appeal.

In clear English, so would be suitable for that nutter Kerr and the other one, Sandy Jardine.

Excellent blog biggrin.gif

Great blog :)

Not sure I agree with his interpretation of the newco v oldco RE footballing punishments, but he obviously knows his legal stuff

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Nope. Nothing to do with Dunfermline or Ross County. Everything to do with (at that point) clinging onto the hope that a CVA would be agreed and they'd get to dodge out of actually voting for anything. As things stand, the time for a CVA to be a genuine possible result here has passed, and the SPL will surely know this. Of course, it is still possible that Rangers cannot manage to arise in a newco guise either, so if that happens, the SPL will have avoided a decison on Rangers completely, and they'll have to deal with what's then in front of them. However, IF Rangers can indeed manage to get a newco together in time - you can bet your bottom dollar it will be swept into the SPL for the reasons I mentioned in a recent post - to appease a TV company, and secondly, because of the income likely to be lost by those clubs who can (and do), turn over large parts of their stadiums to Rangers fans. They won't be the only clubs to vote for a newco though - but the TV deal and those with more seats to hand over to visiting Orcs will be the main factors.

It won't matter how wounded a newco is. It won't matter how much they cheated and debt-dodged. Nothing matters - except keeping Rangers alive in the SPL by hook or by crook.

I'd be delighted to be proved wrong, but I won't be. Self. Preservation. League.

Indeed, and people should also prepare themselves for the diddy SPL chairpersons (each and every one of them) subsequently claiming to have played hardball in terms of obtaining significant concessions in respect of more equity in the distribution of finances, voting structure blah....blah...blah. The hope on their part is that this will make a very bitter pill a little easier for diddy supporters to swallow.

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Fair play, perhaps I was being too cynical but I thought the chances of them delaying the vote just in order to get rid of one sure vote to get them to buggery, in order to save their own skin when they make a decision was a shout but you're probably right, it's probably to wait and hope that Rangers die themselves without some of the more cowardly SPL chairmen having to make an unpopular choice between money and fans (which by the way in itself is strange, you would think money and fans would go hand in hand).

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Yep, look also for the media to portray fans demanding their clubs adhere to sporting integrity as being "irresponsible" and "putting their club in jeopardy"

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Fair pont - BTW, is there any link between the kit worn by Medda and the Ragners?

None, I have been told it was worn by us prior to them wearing it but cannot confirm that.

As I have stated elsewhere, Meadow Park was originally the home of Irvine Celtic. When we arrived as the 2nd team playing there we took the name Irvime Meadow XI (the XI was a notation to indicate we were a 2nd team at a park and was quite common many moons ago). When Irvine Celtic folded we became sole custodians of Meadow Park but retained the XI part of our name.

Edited by MEADOWXI
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yep, but Roy's no fool. County have managed to get by this far without this tainted TV blood money.

Was there not some 'Save our Staggies' malarkey a few years back?

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It is stunning to think that there are still no figures in the public domain from Sky/ESPN in regard to what a TV deal would be should the league contain Rangers or not. It seems to be a key point to all this talk of teams going under. Rangers and the SPL seem very keen to fire out the repeated line that 5 or 6 teams would go to the wall, but just what are they basing that on? The fact that without Rangers there would be no deal or that without them it would be reduced. It's fair to say that Sky/ESPN would naturally look to reduce the monies paid should there not be OF derbies, nobody could really blame them for that, but to what extent still seems to be shrouded in mystery.

I just don't understand how any club can claim they will be losing £Xm when they are not in the possession of the full facts. Houston has gone on to say something akin to suggesting they would lose a £1m. How does he know this? Has he been told by Thomson? And if so, who told him?

The biggest issue here is that nobody trusts Doncaster. Certainly not us diddy fans who consider him an OF puppet desperate to do anything in order to keep the status quo, and his duplicitous lies were shown most brazen when the idea of a 10 team SPL was on the go, while the Rangers fans now consider him "on the list" in some form as he's not actively come out to support them (although personally I would say he has, albeit not implicitly). The bottom line is that of any people involved in this; Doncaster, Topping et al, are the ones who will have the clearest view regarding what the sponsorship money will be either with or without Rangers and the very fact that there has been absolutely no indication of what that would be makes me highly suspicious.

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Rangers if they exist in any shape or form will be allowed back into the SPL. Of that we can be sure. I'd put my money on even Celtic voting to allow them back in. The Club Chairmen will already be polishing the arguments of why they had no choice but to let them back in.

The real battle is about what state Rangers in the SPL are in. Left off and still competing or punished properly so that they can't compete. While it looks like the latter is the most likely at the moment they will only ever be punished to the point where they can't go down - even if they finish bottom.

The game is truly a bogey. The best chance in generations to re-shape Scortish football for the long term and not choked by the Old Firm and TV deals and they're going to blow it. Bawbags

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I love this movie... and this scene came immediately to mind. Watch this, and substitute the 'United Appeal for the Dead' for the 'Scottish Premier League', and substitute 'Johnny' in the sketch, for 'Rangers'....

This is how far they'd go to ensure Rangers are 'alive' and in their wee league.

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Nope. Nothing to do with Dunfermline or Ross County. Everything to do with (at that point) clinging onto the hope that a CVA would be agreed and they'd get to dodge out of actually voting for anything. As things stand, the time for a CVA to be a genuine possible result here has passed, and the SPL will surely know this. Of course, it is still possible that Rangers cannot manage to arise in a newco guise either, so if that happens, the SPL will have avoided a decison on Rangers completely, and they'll have to deal with what's then in front of them. However, IF Rangers can indeed manage to get a newco together in time - you can bet your bottom dollar it will be swept into the SPL for the reasons I mentioned in a recent post - to appease a TV company, and secondly, because of the income likely to be lost by those clubs who can (and do), turn over large parts of their stadiums to Rangers fans. They won't be the only clubs to vote for a newco though - but the TV deal and those with more seats to hand over to visiting Orcs will be the main factors.

It won't matter how wounded a newco is. It won't matter how much they cheated and debt-dodged. Nothing matters - except keeping Rangers alive in the SPL by hook or by crook.

I'd be delighted to be proved wrong, but I won't be. Self. Preservation. League.

I have to say I disagree. There will be a shitstorm like nothing ever seen before when the EBT verdict/BTC is announced (although this doesn't seem to be imminent judging by Doncaster's comments yesterday). The clamour for the severest possible punishemnt won't just be coming from the usual suspects. Already there seems to be several jounos who are willing to say Rangers should go to the Third, I would expect more to join the bandwagon. If terminating their membership was a possibility last time out then it will be a probability soon. What is likely to happen? I think an indefinite ban from the SPL would be proposed - 14 years would be apt given that they seem to have cheated from 1998 onwards. Expulsion from the SPL will be a given. Never mind the noises coming from some chairmen atm, the EBT case will change everything.

Timing is important though. If the findings come out in say October, what happens? Punishment suspended until the season ends? Who knows. Maybe an instant severe points penalty then wait till May. I honestly believe they could be expelled for the foreseeable future. Maybe I'm a dreamer...

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Even by his standards this is barking at the moon insane stuff.

Anybody aware of anything about football knows that UEFA & FIFA kick arse at the slightest hint of anyone trying to use the courts against their FA.

see when you find yourself agreeing with leggo its a sad day

but hes correct at least about the euro super leage

EDIT: i never saw yesterdays one till just there

"KENNY DALGLISH is being lined up as part of the Charles Green fronted Green Gang who want to take control of Rangers."



Edited by itzdrk
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On the TV deal the SPL and Doncaster talk out their arses. When they were throwing around figures about a 10 team SPL and how much it would increase revenue, I know from a highly reliable source that they hadn't even contacted the league sponsors to ask if a 10 team league would be attractive to them. They make assumptions which fit their case and if the facts don't then they lie. It's like the journalists and the 'we'd turn into the Irish league' pish. Absolute bollocks made up to scaremonger.

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