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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is Sammy No.8? Comes across as an all around niceguy, genuine footy fan who has chosen to support a horrible, horrible team forthe right reasons. Then you look at the screen and there's no hiding it, thetattoos and scars give him away as much as his minor meltdowns do on here, it'sjust a facade to make us all think they are human.

Out interest SS, what are the right reasons for actually choosing to support a club built on bigotry and that actively encourages it?

It was good to read you managed to escape the brainwashing others somehow fail to do. cool.gif

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The Rangers supporters are shaking their buckets and thecoins rattling inside are attracting the attention of the faithful making theirway into the 'Big Hoose'. We are told that the fans have raised a commendable £500,000 to contribute to the fighting fund and the objective of saving their club. This picture is broadcast as part of the 'They sold the Jerseys' BBC documentary and it sits very uncomfortably alongside the claims of greed, dodgy deals, back-handers and egotistical actions surrounding 'the most famous football club on the planet'

While some discuss the merits of David Murray's admission that he was duped, my mind wanders back to these unthinking fools collecting coins in buckets. If ever there was a group of people who have been duped it is they. If the content of the BBC programme is substantiated it will be clear that the victims in this sorry episode are the grass roots football supporters.

We have all been duped to a certain extent, by accepting that Rangers were a bona fide football club, when in reality their office bearers were a duplicitous bunch of scoundrels who have been lining their pockets at the expense of the gullible football fan.

What is it we have been watching since David Murray took the helm at Rangers ? It seems to me that it is nothing more than a charade and the only objective for him was the development of his ego. Let me remind everyone. David Murray was a dyed-in-the-wool Ayr United supporter. He danced a couple of dances with the Honest Men and just when we thought he would propose marriage, he spotted a big sexy bird from Glasgow and we were duly dumped as he hastily chased the skirt to the big city. "I can assure the Ayr supporters I won't be going away" said our number one fan, just before he jumped in a taxi to Ibrox to assume his position at the top of Scottish football. The fickle Rangers fans welcomed him with open arms and it didn't take long for confirmation that he was truly the Messiah they craved. Well, he had lots and lots of money. What else matters ?

Well, actually, he never. Just like Craig Whyte all these years later he put nothing in. The bank paid £6m and the rest is history. I'm not sure that Craig Whyte took out as much as £6.3m for himself but we now know that this Knight of the Realm had no qualms about helping himself.

What about his sycophants though ? The bank officials ? theRangers board members ? the highly paid mercenary players who loved Rangers ?They all did very nicely out of the whole affair. I haven't seen any of them helping with the collection buckets.

They now seem to be of the opinion that they can walk away unscathed from this fiasco. After all, it wasn't them. They never knew what wasgoing on ? It had nothing to do with theclub, it was the work of one individual, Craig Whyte. How can the club be punished for the deeds of an errant individual. Well, it now appears that there were two., Sir David and Craig Whyte. The Rangers Football Club and everyone else connected to the club were innocent victims. They are all keen to tell us about the part they played in the success, the trophies, the European final, the league triumphs. All the success ? That was down to them. The bad stuff ? Oh no, nothing to do with us Gov.

The favoured solution for an inordinate amount of self-interested people is a return to normality. Welcome Rangers back into the fold without further sanctions and show due deference to the greatest club on Earth.To do so means the other clubs within the SPL selling their souls to the devil but, as they would have us believe, they will all go out of business without the support of this altruistic organisation.

As for the guys who are collecting the cash in buckets, the fans who have paid hard-earned money for season tickets for their respective teams, the pay at the gate supporters who can ill-afford season tickets, the Sky television subscribers who have shelled out disproportionate amounts of their earnings to have it distributed to these financial terrorists, it's time to wake up.

We've been duped, not David Murray, not the players, not the board members, not the chairmen of the 'diddy' clubs. No, it's us. We've all heard the patronising phrase 'The game is all about the fans' but we all know better now. We can't have reconstruction, we can't have equitable competition.We need to do what we're told. Pay up and shut up.

The institution that is Glasgow Rangers has no place within Scottish football. Not in the SPL, not in the first division, not in the second division, not in the third division. Thanks to the corrupt deeds of officials at this club they have waived their right to be included in our national game and they should be held up as an example to those who would consider the same typeof conduct. The SFA panel believed that Rangers' expulsion from membership of the SFA would be too harsh. They meant well but they got it wrong. That very punishment would have been appropriate in the circumstances.

The actions of these people must result in appropriate consequences and unfortunately that will not result in a victimless scenario. The coin collectors have raised half a million pounds but, as we all know, that's a drop in the ocean when compared to the ludicrous sums of money that have changed hands in their name. It is also a totally irrelevant amount of money in the grand scheme to save their club.

Should the right thing be done, the decent,law-abiding supporters of Rangers will watch as their beloved club is consigned to the dustbin. Would they rather be fans of a club that is reviled by everysupporter in the land and forever tainted ?

Edited by Cutty Old
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I suspect that once the furore over the smallrevelations in this programme (now backed up with fair evidence), will be theprelude to Walt and Sally getting mixed up in this EBT scheme. There is nopoint for any news brodcaster to fling all the good stuff out there all atonce. You then drip, drip, drip new revelations to keep the interest up.

Remember the Daily Telegraph when the MPs expensesscandal came out? Once the initial furore had calmed down they then threw in a'duck house' or 'moat' etc. That is what will happen here. Watch over the nextfew weeks, it might really interesting!

Please put the blanket over them and pull thebloody trigger. Please.

The BBC is not 'any' news broadcaster. It is a tax funded public service broadcaster. It is not there to sell copies like the Telegraph or chase ratings like ITV. If it has evidence of criminal activity is duty bound to inform the appropriate authority straight away rather then drip feed it over time for the sake of entertainment.

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Out interest SS, what are the right reasons for actually choosing to support a club built on bigotry and that actively encourages it?

It was good to read you managed to escape the brainwashing others somehow fail to do. cool.gif

As far as I am concerned the right reasons for supporting Celtic or Rangers would be coming from the local area or having close ties to the club, players in the family, family from the area the club hail from, etc the thing is these clubs were not built on the bigotry and hatred they exposed it to accelerate growth and dominate the game, some folks do have legitimate reasons for their support but get sucked into the shyte that goes along with it. What is needed is for the decent fans amongst them to drive out the old tired ideas which built these clubs up and move on, put the past behind them and become sporting institutions again as opposed to what they are now.

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I can't agree, there are some bitter old Caledonian fans who could use the forum to bitch about their long dead team evolving into a far better entity, we could rename it "the living dead forum".

I've seen you come out with this type of thing a few times - don't be like SandyCromarty, that wouldn't be good for anybody. I may be (incredibly) bitter but I'm enjoying the Rangers downfall as much as everybody else on this thread.

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Full marks to the Record website this morning - football headline is Fraser Forster wanting to play for England - f*ck the Rangers revelations, The Daily Record knows a top story when it come along.

Edited by Montague Withnail
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I passed a couple of Rangers supporting colleagues in the corridor earlier. They were strolling nonchalantly, and one was heard to comment the other that he didn't watch it, to which the other confirmed that nor did he. On spotting me passing, one quipped that they would no doubt hear all about it from a St Mirren supporter's perspective. I continued on my way without breaking my stride, but did offer them a couple of four letter words to ponder....


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The Rangers supporters are shaking their buckets and thecoins rattling inside are attracting the attention of the faithful making theirway into the 'Big Hoose'. We are told that the fans have raised a commendable£500,000 to contribute to the fighting fund and the objective of saving theirclub. This picture is broadcast as part of the 'They sold the Jerseys' BBCdocumentary and it sits very uncomfortably alongside the claims of greed, dodgydeals, back-handers and egotistical actions surrounding 'the most famous footballclub on the planet'

While some discuss the merits of David Murray's admissionthat he was duped, my mind wanders back to these unthinking fools collectingcoins in buckets. If ever there was a group of people who have been duped it isthey. If the content of the BBC programme is substantiated it will be clearthat the victims in this sorry episode are the grass roots football supporters.

We have all been duped to a certain extent, by acceptingthat Rangers were a bona fide football club, when in reality their officebearers were a duplicitous bunch of scoundrels who have been lining theirpockets at the expense of the gullible football fan.

What is it we have been watching since David Murray took thehelm at Rangers ? It seems to me that itis nothing more than a charade and the only objective for him was thedevelopment of his ego. Let me remind everyone. David Murray was adyed-in-the-wool Ayr United supporter. He danced a couple of dances with theHonest Men and just when we thought he would propose marriage, he spotted a bigsexy bird from Glasgow and we were duly dumped as he hastily chased the skirtto the big city. "I can assure the Ayr supporters I won't be going away" saidour number one fan, just before he jumped in a taxi to Ibrox to assume hisposition at the top of Scottish football. The fickle Rangers fans welcomed him with openarms and it didn't take long for confirmation that he was truly the Messiahthey craved. Well, he had lots and lots of money. What else matters ?

Well, actually, he never. Just like Craig Whyte all theseyears later he put nothing in. The bank paid £6m and the rest is history. I'mnot sure that Craig Whyte took out as much as £6.3m for himself but we now knowthat this Knight of the Realm had no qualms about helping himself.

What about his sycophants though ? The bank officials ? theRangers board members ? the highly paid mercenary players who loved Rangers ?They all did very nicely out of the whole affair. I haven't seen any of them helpingwith the collection buckets.

They now seem to be of the opinion that they can walk awayunscathed from this fiasco. After all, it wasn't them. They never knew what wasgoing on ? It had nothing to do with theclub, it was the work of one individual, Craig Whyte. How can the club bepunished for the deeds of an errant individual. Well, it now appears that therewere two., Sir David and Craig Whyte. The Rangers Football Club and everyone elseconnected to the club were innocent victims. They are all keen to tell us aboutthe part they played in the success, the trophies, the European final, theleague triumphs. All the success ? That was down to them. The bad stuff ? Ohno, nothing to do with us Gov.

The favoured solution for an inordinate amount ofself-interested people is a return to normality. Welcome Rangers back into thefold without further sanctions and show due deference to the greatest club on Earth.To do so means the other clubs within the SPL selling their souls to the devilbut, as they would have us believe, they will all go out of business withoutthe support of this altruistic organisation.

As for the guys who are collecting the cash in buckets, thefans who have paid hard-earned money for season tickets for their respectiveteams, the pay at the gate supporters who can ill-afford season tickets, theSky television subscribers who have shelled out disproportionate amounts oftheir earnings to have it distributed to these financial terrorists, it's timeto wake up.

We've been duped, not David Murray, not the players, not theboard members, not the chairmen of the 'diddy' clubs. No, it's us. We've allheard the patronising phrase 'The game is all about the fans' but we all knowbetter now. We can't have reconstruction, we can't have equitable competition.We need to do what we're told. Pay up and shut up.

The institution that is Glasgow Rangers has no place within Scottishfootball. Not in the SPL, not in the first division, not in the seconddivision, not in the third division. Thanks to the corrupt deeds of officials atthis club they have waived their right to be included in our national game andthey should be held up as an example to those who would consider the same typeof conduct. The SFA panel believed that Rangers' expulsion from membership ofthe SFA would be too harsh. They meant well but they got it wrong. That verypunishment would have been appropriate in the circumstances.

The actions of these people must result in appropriateconsequences and unfortunately that will not result in a victimless scenario. Thecoin collectors have raised half a million ponds but, as we all know, that's adrop in the ocean when compared to the ludicrous sums of money that havechanged hands in their name. It is also a totally irrelevant amount of money inthe grand scheme to save their club.

Should the right thing be done, the decent,law-abiding supporters of Rangers will watch as their beloved club is consignedto the dustbin. Would they rather be fans of a club that is reviled by everysupporter in the land and forever tainted ?

I think you know the answer to that one, given the continued adherence to medieval sectarian attitudes at all levels within the club and their support <_<

Seriously, would you and the rest of the A*r fans on here STOP being so sensible, reasonable and downright rational? It's proper doing my head in. With the garbage Johnston's been spouting recently, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable here on Mount Moral......

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I passed a couple of Rangers supporting colleagues in the corridor earlier. They were strolling nonchalantly, and one was heard to comment the other that he didn't watch it, to which the other confirmed that nor did he. On spotting me passing, one quipped that they would no doubt hear all about it from a St Mirren supporter's perspective. I continued on my way without breaking my stride, but did offer them a couple of four letter words to ponder....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Get It right Up Em'!!


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Last nights programme added nothing new to the situation for the ones who have been following the whole sorry mess unfold. As soon as the administrators where announced there where posters on here saying that something was fishy and pointing to a conflict of interests, so too see what was on last night just backs up those thoughts 3, very long, months ago.

However, for your average person on the street, for the person who has not followed this as closely as us, then what was broadcasted last night would be viewed as 'explosive'. I had my cousin texting me last night shocked by what he was hearing, he's not a football fan by any stretch of the imagination but was watching last night out of curiosity (trainee accountant). I would imagine that he is not alone in this and can see more and more joining on our side of the argument.

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Lest we forget :-


22 May 2005- is a cherished memory for all Rangers fans. Rangers beat Hibs at Easter Road to clinch the SPL title. Neil Doncaster needs to ask: “How many members of the Rangers squad that day were, or would become, beneficiaries of the EBT scheme?” (Let me help him out- it will be a lot easier to count those who did not participate). The truth is that many of the Rangers squad would not have been anywhere near Easter Road that day without the use of the EBT scheme. If the EBT scheme is deemed to be illegal, the SFA and the SPL cannot pretend that the second contracts held by the vast majority of the Rangers’ first team players during the middle of the last decade were just a procedural transgression of no material impact. On the balance of probabilities would Rangers have been crowned Scottish Premier League champions that day without the use of the EBT scheme?

The future value of winning a championship in Scottish football is in the hands of Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster. They will face intense pressure from those close to the old regime at Ibrox- and their friends in the media- to sweep these issues under the carpet. That would be a huge mistake.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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I think you know the answer to that one, given the continued adherence to medieval sectarian attitudes at all levels within the club and their support dry.gif

Seriously, would you and the rest of the A*r fans on here STOP being so sensible, reasonable and downright rational? It's proper doing my head in. With the garbage Johnston's been spouting recently, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable here on Mount Moral......

Well, there's an option for you if Mr Johnston bends over for the Ibrox shilling, don't spend your hard earned bawbees on the SPL, support a nearby team in the SFL :blink: .

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