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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I want anybody that has acted illegally to be caught and punished. The Blogger has just posted what he has been told..Is that illegal? I honestly don't know but leaking confidential information from the tax office has to be...Surely?

If someone is "leaking" information regarding alleged illegal activity, then I believe it is called "whistleblowing". It is looked upon as a public service. I would have thought even the dimmest of the dim on FF / VB's / RM could comprehend that.

Then again................. :whistle

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I think I remember the trouble making c**t you're on about.

Thank you.

You will understand why then. Let's just leave it at that...Suffice to say i do know there are fucking idiots out there.

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If someone is "leaking" information regarding alleged illegal activity, then I believe it is called "whistleblowing". It is looked upon as a public service. I would have thought even the dimmest of the dim on FF / VB's / RM could comprehend that.

Then again................. :whistle

Leaking confidential information during an ongoing court case??

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In french it is coqwomble and in spanish pollowomble (watch the spanish pronounciation though).

According to Google translate (usually pretty reliable for French) Cockwomble takes on the feminine form so the correct usage is Neil Doncaster est une cockwomble and not Neil Doncaster est un cockwomble.

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1337946298[/url]' post='6270971']

The Vanguard Bears were the last Rangers fan group to see through Whyte. They were defending him until very recently and well after we were in Administration. It was Craigy Boys fault..It was the fault of the enemies of the club in the press and MSM.

I honestly thought i was a deluded paranoid nutcase till i started reading some of the Rangers fans forums!!

This is what I don't get about you at all. You do a gloating report based on the VB investigation and say RTC is named and "shamed". When somebody expresses concern about nutters you blow them off. Then you admit Vanguard Bears are nutters.

Vanguard Bears are by some instance the most unpleasant thing I've discovered during this saga. They really seem to think that they are the continuation of their namesake, William Craig's Vanguard movement. The tone of their official pronouncements sounds more like a political movement clinging to the edges of legality than a fan group. All those veiled threats! All those promises of purging the support in due time! All those Stasi like twitter avatars with "enemies beware - vb is watching". They're vile entertainment. However, it's hard not to think that maybe, just maybe, theses clowns have steel toecaps under their oversized shoes and might inspire something really nasty. Yet No.8 is happy to parrot their half-assed investigation.

The thing I don't understand about Rangers Supporters in general is why you hate Rangers Tax Case. It was correct. If you had listened to it you would be in less trouble. It's fairly objective about the situation and compared to most blogs involving the old firm it's tone is sweet reason. Hating Phil I understand, he really does hate you and let's his bias get in the way. But RTC? Should you be thanking him, not hounding him. You'd be just as fucked if he never existed, you'd just be starting from a state of utter ignorance when the blow came.

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It's their exit strategy isn't it?

"Well the creditors refused the offer of some tic-tacs and a share of a bag of XL cheese crisps, so were are left with no option but to liquidate. However if you wait 15 minutes, messers Murray (P), Kennedy and Doncaster have news on AFC Rangers of Glasgow."

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Alex Thomson's latest offering,

Dignified Voluntary Arrangement

I just read that. I can see why the final outcome makes a certain amount of sense, but there is no way in the world that this should be the choice of Rangers. The SPL and SFA should decide what the appropriate "punishment" is and Rangers FC (in administration) and their fans should suck up and accept it. To suggest that the club should be allowed to say, "Yeah, we did bad. Tell you what, we'll just bugger off to the lower leagues for a couple of years and then we'll forget all about it, shall we? nod nod wink wink funny handshake" as an acceptable solution for all, is lunacy.

Edited by Mr X
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Get a feeling if this is the case and ever gets out, Whyte better use his billions/billions/trillions to beef up his security even more

Is there any evidence he has actually had to pay for increased security?

I think he knew the risks and what are Rangers fans going to do? Kill him? Beat him up a bit? I think, in this instance at least, they aren't as bad as that.

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Has the ownership of the holding company that holds the majority shareholding in Rangers changed hands from Whyte to Green's consortium?

If a CVA is sped through does that mean Whyte is still the owner?

Where will the 6p in £ sums come from?

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This is what I don't get about you at all. You do a gloating report based on the VB investigation and say RTC is named and "shamed". When somebody expresses concern about nutters you blow them off. Then you admit Vanguard Bears are nutters.

Vanguard Bears are by some instance the most unpleasant thing I've discovered during this saga. They really seem to think that they are the continuation of their namesake, William Craig's Vanguard movement. The tone of their official pronouncements sounds more like a political movement clinging to the edges of legality than a fan group. All those veiled threats! All those promises of purging the support in due time! All those Stasi like twitter avatars with "enemies beware - vb is watching". They're vile entertainment. However, it's hard not to think that maybe, just maybe, theses clowns have steel toecaps under their oversized shoes and might inspire something really nasty. Yet No.8 is happy to parrot their half-assed investigation.

The thing I don't understand about Rangers Supporters in general is why you hate Rangers Tax Case. It was correct. If you had listened to it you would be in less trouble. It's fairly objective about the situation and compared to most blogs involving the old firm it's tone is sweet reason. Hating Phil I understand, he really does hate you and let's his bias get in the way. But RTC? Should you be thanking him, not hounding him. You'd be just as fucked if he never existed, you'd just be starting from a state of utter ignorance when the blow came.

Pleasing. :)

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This is what I don't get about you at all. You do a gloating report based on the VB investigation and say RTC is named and "shamed". When somebody expresses concern about nutters you blow them off. Then you admit Vanguard Bears are nutters.

No.8 is happy to parrot their half-assed investigation.

It was already reported on here by another poster by the time i posted..then a few more also reported it.

What has he got to worry about it if as you say yourself he did us all a favour and is totally unbiased?

What i don't understand with people like you is you see a Rangers poster posting something that had been posted earlier by supporters of other clubs but ignore their posts and concentrate on mine....Is that you Mark? :rolleyes:

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Oh Dear looks like somebody is in a spot of bother...Mr RTC blogger has been named and shamed. Mr Plod will be knocking on some doors soon.

You can only imagine the panic in the HMRC offices.

All good things and all that ..... :D

WTF are you slavering about. Who mentioned death threats? :rolleyes:

The information will be handed over to the police and to HMRC. I am sure they will see that justice is done

What a laugh - the only place Mr Plod will be knocking on will be the likes of Murray, Whyte, Jardine, Grieg and co!

It's certainly interesting to see the way Gretna fans handled their impending doom in comparison to Rangers at roughly the same point in their proceedings. With a fraction of the fanpower, they may have been "living the dream", but had their heads on the ground enough to know when the game was up and started organising a continuity club before the administrators pulled the plug.

Rangers fans by contrast even after Wednesday are still expecting someone to come along and wave a magic wand, and meanwhile are too busy hunting down scapegoats and vengence against all those plotting against them (the media, the law courts, St Aloysius College, etc) instead of putting the contingency plan in place to have a Rangers (2012) ready to start life in the Western Juniors or East Of Scotland League for August.

Keep looking for your wee crumbs of comfort No.8 - the more time you and the others waste on childish "get backs", the more certain that Rangers will vanish forever the way Belfast Celtic did.


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