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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This was posted on the RTC blog by a poster called Barcabhoy last night. Regular readers of RTC seem to regard him as a pretty credible poster with good sources. I think Adam is a Rangers fan who also posts on RTC ...

From RTC

Barcabhoy on 26/05/2012 at 2:19 am said:

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Adam doesn't bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i'm concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven't been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam's efforts to put forward the alternative view.It's not my story so i can't control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don't walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

I believe your referring to the "collusion" between the Bank of Scotland (Banker to ALL the Premier league clubs back then) and Murray ?

Am I right ? Do I win a prize ?

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This was posted on the RTC blog by a poster called Barcabhoy last night. Regular readers of RTC seem to regard him as a pretty credible poster with good sources. I think Adam is a Rangers fan who also posts on RTC ...

From RTC

Barcabhoy on 26/05/2012 at 2:19 am said:

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Adam doesn't bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i'm concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven't been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam's efforts to put forward the alternative view.It's not my story so i can't control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don't walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

that looks very much a post pub posting :lol:

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This was posted on the RTC blog by a poster called Barcabhoy last night. Regular readers of RTC seem to regard him as a pretty credible poster with good sources. I think Adam is a Rangers fan who also posts on RTC ...

From RTC

Barcabhoy on 26/05/2012 at 2:19 am said:

6 0 Rate This

Adam doesn't bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i'm concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven't been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam's efforts to put forward the alternative view.It's not my story so i can't control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don't walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

This sounds like succulent controversy of the highest quantum.

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Sorry to be so vague, but after the event, IIRC, the rules were "tightened up" to prevent it being a precedent. Not to say it's not impossible, just more difficult.

I had a quick look at the SFL rules and it's all a bit vague and tbh I'm not really sure if it changes anything.

He doesn't hold any position on The SPL........The SFA, that's a diferent matter.

Ooop's :ph34r:

I meant SFA. Honest.

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I believe your referring to the "collusion" between the Bank of Scotland (Banker to ALL the Premier league clubs back then) and Murray ?

Am I right ? Do I win a prize ?

As I said, I didn't write the post - it was posted by a guy called Barcabhoy on the Rangers Tax Case blog. I would guess he is alluding either to the Bank Of Scotland's influence over Scottish football or match-fixing/bribery ... we'll find out soon enough.

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More from that dude on RTC

The source convinced me. Impeccable doesn’t even start to do justice to a description

As far as timing is concerned, I’m not sure. It’s not in my control , I gave my word on non disclosure.

What I will say is that RFC should be unsellable, and when this comes out they will be

Mind you with what’s already known nobody should be offering unconditionally on this, and nobody is

Doncaster has been exposed, he has shown his hand. He would be very well advised to retreat to a neutral position, very well advised indeed. He has taken a position based on finance alone. That is obscene based on what we already know . When the new stuff comes out he will be putting himself in a position where his proactive support for Rangers will be seen to be the worst error of judgement ever made by a league sports executive

Been mainly right on things he has said on that blog before, if this is true the Dongcaster the Cockwomble has to walk :D

So as well as the **** going we get rid of Dongcaster and hopefully a few of the other fuckwits running our game

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This was posted on the RTC blog by a poster called Barcabhoy last night. Regular readers of RTC seem to regard him as a pretty credible poster with good sources. I think Adam is a Rangers fan who also posts on RTC ...

From RTC

Barcabhoy on 26/05/2012 at 2:19 am said:

6 0 Rate This

Adam doesn't bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i'm concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven't been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam's efforts to put forward the alternative view.It's not my story so i can't control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don't walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

I believe your referring to the "collusion" between the Bank of Scotland (Banker to ALL the Premier league clubs back then) and Murray ?

Am I right ? Do I win a prize ?

Or the phone tapping rumour from a few weeks ago?

I can see the Rangers Media thread now. "There's nae rules in place about industrial espionage. These carrier tarriers are just making up punishments for us as they go along min." :lol:

What's this 'collusion' story you speak of sjc?

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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that looks very much a post pub posting :lol:

RTC have been ahead of ANY main stream media in everything to do with Rangers, the informed core posters have been diluted somewhat by the influx due to, well, telling the truth granted, but most of what has been "revealed" by the MSM could be read on there months before

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As I said, I didn't write the post - it was posted by a guy called Barcabhoy on the Rangers Tax Case blog. I would guess he is alluding either to the Bank Of Scotland's influence over Scottish football or match-fixing/bribery ... we'll find out soon enough.

I've read about the BoS/Murray thing before and could believe it but given "the burden of proof" I can't see it being proven.....However the match fixing/bribery is new to me.......any info (without prejudice)?

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I've read about the BoS/Murray thing before and could believe it but given "the burden of proof" I can't see it being proven.....However the match fixing/bribery is new to me.......any info (without prejudice)?

Why would Rangers need to bribe match officials/fix matches?

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Or the phone tapping rumour from a few weeks ago?

I can see the Rangers Media thread now. "There's nae rules in place about industrial espionage. These carrier tarriers are just making up punishments for us as they go along min." :lol:

What's this 'collusion' story you speak of sjc?

Where Murray used his considerable influence within the BoS to strangle the other Scottish Clubs financially.......remember if Murray could get the BoS to support his businesses to the tune of £1bn getting them to "call in" overdrafts of other Scottish Clubs wouldn't have been too hard. Thus strengthening RFC's position domestically and ensuring access to the ECL.

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I'm I the only one with a bad feeling.

H&D will get punished, but that will take time. During that time Green completes his takeover as a newco.

Football authorities say Green could only buy from who was selling, so he's in the clear, Rangers Newco are in the SPL for the 'financial good of the game'. H&D get severely punished but from our perspective, so what. Rangers are still alive.

Tell me it won't happen. Please.

Um, it won't happen.

But surely to God after the last three days you don't need to be told. This isn't like some horror movie where the gruesome thing keeps managing to get up for "one last attack" after being shot and stabbed a dozen times, hit with a baseball bat and falling from the top of a skyscraper.

Let's spell it out.

1. Rangers have four days of money left. There's no word that anyone is willing to advance them any to continue.

2. Even if they do, virtually their entire squad walks in four days time because they cannot afford their contracts to keep them on, knocking a massive part of the club's financial value for six and thus deterring investors.

3. They have a transfer embargo and cannot replaced those players except with under 18s. The sort of under 18s of a calibre Rangers need in order to sustain themselves as an SPL club are of the sort produced by the soccer academies of the likes of Real Madrid, costing many millions to buy that they don't have.

4. Over this embargo, they are taking the SFA to a civil court, in clear breach of Article 64 of the FIFA Statutes. FIFA along with UEFA have told the SFA to get it dealt with as it's their backyard before they are forced to step in. The consensus is it will certainly result in Rangers automatic relegation from the SPL, but after the Sion affair in Switzerland it looks like expulsion is on the cards.

As they've chosen to ignore the warning given by the SFA that they'd considered expelling them over their financial impropriety, they've effectively committed suicide - no CVA oldco Rangers, no newco Rangers, that's it.

Which is what Duff & Phelps want, because:

5. The BBC documentary on Wednesday unveiling the severe conflict of interest between Duff and Phelps with Whyte and Ticketus in the Rangers takeover was a double whammy, as not only does it mean they stand to be forcibly removed as administrators (and joining the queue as ordinary and not sporting creditors for their dough!), but also blows their whole "writ" against Collier Bristow (one of whose lawyers had acted as Rangers business secretary) for £25 million is shown to be a sham as they knew all along what Collier Bristow were doing regarding the Ticketus aspect of Whyte's takeover deal for Rangers - and that promise of £25 million incoming s the honey keeping the silly bee Green humming around Ibrox.

6. That leave Duff & Phelps with only one chance left for them (and Whyte) to get any money. Rangers are expelled by FIFA/UEFA/SFA, end result is they cannot play in any tournaments or even other licenced clubs. No longer economically viable and with a massive tax bill looming, they now have every excuse to file for liquidation and get what money they can from the fixed assets. Where did Whyte make his fortune from in the first place? Asset stripping. A coincidence, of course!

7. Bill Miller's public pronouncement about the state of Rangers accounts he got a squint at all but ended the chances of any new suitors coming forward, so any attempt by the Rangers Fighting Fund to block Duff and Phelps in the courts from a winding up order would be futile.

The real question isn't whether Rangers are going to die - it's simply now a matter of what will be the fatal cause.

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Why would Celtic support Rangers in any shape or form. If it were not for Rangers cheating, Celtic more than anyone have been denied titles.cups etc

That's a bit like asking, why would bee's would like flowers to survive? If they didn't have to go about collecting pollen all day, they could lounge about eating honey till it was coming out their ears (do bee's have ears?). Oh wait, they couldn't because it's a symbiotic relationship, they count on each other for survival.

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I believe your referring to the "collusion" between the Bank of Scotland (Banker to ALL the Premier league clubs back then) and Murray ?

Am I right ? Do I win a prize ?

Are you referring to the BoS employee and director of a recently relegated SPL club who was handing money out like sweeties. I believe the legal term used when Halifax merged with with BoS and saw the level of lending was......"What the fuck yeez daen man?"

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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A pure guess of what it possibly could be... something to do with referees perhaps. There isn't really nuch lower you can go with Rangers crimes before you start to concider some sort of match fixing. However if there is some sort of collusion between Murray and BoS then that's pretty appaling.

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