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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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1338053675[/url]' post='6274696']

have you seen Dundee's gate prices next year? They think they're going to the Premiership by the looks of it :lol:

I think in situations like these it's important to pull relevant quotes from historical figures

here's a paraphrased quote from Violent J from Insane Clown Posse


"...and they wanted to know if I would trade 10 diddy fans for a 100 OF fans and I said I wouldn't trade 10 diddy fans for a 100,000 OF fans; 10 diddy fans is


Any argument that quotes or paraphrases Insane Clown Posse in its support is wrong. Period. Well established rule of the Internet. Just by posting this you have harmed the diddy cause and, by association, made me feel a single neuron of affinity for the old order and Rangers. "magnets! How do they work?".

Juggalos are worse than Rangers fans. Somebody has to be.

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Any argument that quotes or paraphrases Insane Clown Posse in its support is wrong. Period. Well established rule of the Internet. Just by posting this you have harmed the diddy cause and, by association, made me feel a single neuron of affinity for the old order and Rangers. "magnets! How do they work?".

Juggalos are worse than Rangers fans. Somebody has to be.

Talking of the Insane Clown Posse - is that Sportsound finished for the season now, or will they have a grave dancing shoes special?

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Been out enjoying the sun all day guys, came back in to catch up on the geatest thread in the world ever. Good to see you've been keeping up the great work. No8 you're a cockwomble BTW

Thank goodness this isn't Crackerjack or we would be up to 500,000 posts by now. :lol:

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Any argument that quotes or paraphrases Insane Clown Posse in its support is wrong. Period. Well established rule of the Internet. Just by posting this you have harmed the diddy cause and, by association, made me feel a single neuron of affinity for the old order and Rangers. "magnets! How do they work?".

Juggalos are worse than Rangers fans. Somebody has to be.


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This Guy Masterton dude, who is rumoured to be at the centre of the slowly breaking mega scandal, sounds like a character in Leggo's latest novel. Wouldn't surprise me if he's a bit tired..

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Listening to the sportsound;

"40% of Scottish Football Fans support Rangers; don't tell me if Rangers go to the wall they'll support Partick Thistle, Morton, Celtic, whoever... They'll be lost to the game!"

Two main things that irk me, my football teams name coming out of the mouth of that dirty cockmongler Chic Young notwithstanding;

1) Who's to say that some Rangers fans won't start putting their money into other clubs, even if only for a few games a season?

2) In the long term, who's to say that a larger portion of those fans from places like Perth, Kirkcaldy, Maryhill, Dundee, Inverness, Ayrshire etc. etc. won't be supporting their local teams instead of Rangers?

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I'm going on holiday tomorrow, so it appears that I will miss the real excrement hitting the Ibrox air conditioning system.

From what I'm reading, only the tip of the wrong-doing iceberg has been revealed, and the news to come could be explosive. I'm getting the hints that a 'far too cosy' relationship between the BoS and Sir Minty is going to be revealed? Rangers cash will run out while I'm away, the transfer window opens, and the Rangers squad's wages shoot back to pre-Haudit & Daudit levels. HMRC might pipe up, the SFA must surely act before FIFA / UEFA do, and the SPL (surely to Christ!) must make a decision on something over the two week period that I'm out of the country. They must reach a conclusion to their EBT investigation, no? The BBC will leak more information out, and Hughie Green will disappear up his own arse in a puff of smoke. H&D will liquidate... Anything else I might miss?

If this all happens when I'm away, it will be a scunner on two fronts. One, I'll miss all the fun, and Two, it'll hamper Ally's efforts in reaching the group stages of the Champions League.

See you in two weeks. Keep some jelly & ice cream for me.

Edited by pozbaird
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Aye, turn it up to ten :P

And just how appropriate are the words?

I know you thought you were a real operator,

But I don't know why,

All you had was a bankroll babe,

And a glint in your eye,

I'm high steppin' like an indian brave,

I'm the one Dancing On Your Grave

You know I'm a killer babe,

Here's late news for you,

You couldn't buy me with a million, babe,

I'm too good for you,

I know you think I'm a real rough trade,

Now I'm the one Dancing On Your Grave

One time you was a real high-stepper,

On the high trapeze,

But you know you ran out of money,

Wound up on your knees,

I'm the one you never made,

Now I'm the one Dancing On Your Grave

This should be the anthem of every diddy club fan. It perfectly sums up the real diddy fan and the glory hunter.:D

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Having listened to 3 hours of Sportsound,

I feel it's time this thread got serious. Plenty post which are.

I do enjoy the fun but wonder if I am a bit twisted.

It's not just Rangers, it is Scottish football that is at stake.

The time is now.

I hope my chairman is squirming over his comments on Tuesday, but I do think the media hijack him a bit.

It is now time for every club to declare their stance, it's more than season ticket sales.

Bottom line for me, is if the game in Scotland is so rotten, just let it die as did Woolworths, that great institution who couldn't find their arse when the time came.

Missed this one . Great minds and all that though!

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did you see the post by barcabhoy on rangerstaxcase.com, which you could dismiss as speculation til rangerstaxcase himself gave it the stamp of approval

barcabhoy said

Barcabhoy says:

26/05/2012 at 2:19 am

Adam doesn't bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i'm concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven't been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam's efforts to put forward the alternative view.It's not my story so i can't control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don't walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

and rangerstaxcase himself said

rangerstaxcase says:

26/05/2012 at 11:20 am

For those of you excited by Barcabhoy's post, I know what he is talking about, and his post is correct.

<B> There is a lot of leg in this story yet. </B>

a lot of chatter that its connected with

Celtic Underground ‏@celticrumours

Gavin Masterton - 18 years later I suppose you'd have been entitled to think you'd got away with it.

and in the original there was a cheeky hyper-link on the highlighted 'legs' line which led to the three-legged motif of the famous tax haven that is - The Isle of Man?

What are they hinting at?

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I don't think you can really blame the players for accepting EBTs unless it becomes clear on an individual basis that they knew it was dodgy... Many footballers are not the brightest, plus if the club (and presumably their agent) is giving it the thumbs-up, you'd not question it. Remember too that EBTs weren't illegal - it may be the detail of how Rangers administered them.

Also top-end football has long employed numerous contrived payments methods... image rights another example.

It wouldn't surprise me if many top footballers don't have a clue about their pay beyond how much they get.

Yep. I've read that legally the individuals will be liable but I think morally if everyone around them's saying "sign this, sign this, sign this" and they get money in their account every week, it's kinda missing the point a bit to castigate them.

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and in the original there was a cheeky hyper-link on the highlighted 'legs' line which led to the three-legged motif of the famous tax haven that is - The Isle of Man?

What are they hinting at?

If the SFA have stated that the only thing worse than what they have done is Match fixing and people are saying it is worse then surely it has to do with match fixing.

If that is the case, bye bye Rangers

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Grudging respect to uncle Walt for ripping Chic a new one on this occasion. A clip that never gets tired!:


I've seen that clip a bunch of times. Neither of them comes out of it particularly well. Chick actually had a good question in his head - could Boli adapt, would Boli still have the quality - but totally tripped over it and basically asked "is this European Cup winner any guid?" Smith getting 'backsies' is the most cringeworthy thing ever, but that's Smith to a tee. I think when Smith retires quite a lot's going to come out about his conduct towards players.

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A few things;

a) If your club doesn't have money to meet its tax liabilities, it doesn't have money to try to buy players. Which is exactly what Rangers tried to do, as has been mentioned, with Sandaza and Cousin, and has already been done with Wallace and Jelavic (who has since left at a profit!) Embarrassing, and disgraceful conduct for "a Scottish institution".

Don't forget that Rangers still owe Rapid Vienna for the Jelavic transfer, so the profit's actually greater than it should be.

This isn't exactly uncommon in football but it's still worth remembering: Rangers have left a trail of shafted creditors in their wake from the guys who polish the trophies right up to fellow professional clubs.

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More bad news for the orcs - McGregor is obviously ignoring the calls to boycott the national side and will play in the friendly against the USA. Will he be added to the enemies list?

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Is there any timescale for this BoS-related revelation? I want to know if I should start making preparations to close my BoS accounts. If it turns out they're in bed with this whole thing I'm finished with them.

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