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Think you've been trolled. wiki the Netherlands religion bud

"Currently, Roman Catholicism (see Catholicism in the Netherlands) is the single largest religion of the Netherlands, forming the religious home of some 23% of the Dutch people in 2012, down from 40% in the 1970s. The Protestant Church of the Netherlands follows with 11% of the population, and another 6% belong to other Protestant churches. Islam has approximately 825,000 followers, making 4% of the Dutch population Muslim"

It's a bit rich anyway when so-called non-OF fans start trawling religion up on P&B anyway

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finally caught up on this thread. now off to listen to sportsounbd from yesterday. fucking hell this requires more effort than work :unsure:

Is the whole show up anywhere yet? Listened to podcast but that doesn't do Chicos meltdown justice according to this thread.

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The same can be said for every club in this country, why do you think the SPL was even set up in the first place? Nothing to do with the good of scottish football or because they give a fleck about lower league teams, it was all about greed. And that includes Kilmarnock, so please get off that undeserving high horse.

When was the last thing Kilmarnock put any other club in the country before themselves?

If the SPL could get away with it they'd scrap relegation in a heartbeat, not for the good of Scottish football, but for the good of each and everyone of them.

Our clubs are no different in that respect

Unfortunately , this is a100% spot on assessment. The rest of the SPL have been fucked over by the old firm but they in turn have fucked over the First Division. I can't for the life of me remember a Killie , Hibs or whoever fan complaining about the lack of sporting integrity involved with the one promotion place to the garden of eden ( not). Yes, the **** deserve their punishment but should the rest be able to take the moral high ground ? Not until decisions are made for the benefit of all Scottish football they can't .

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1338118763[/url]' post='6277141']

Is the whole show up anywhere yet? Listened to podcast but that doesn't do Chicos meltdown justice according to this thread.

It's on SoundCloud:

Chick Young: International-Class Trumpet

Even considering his long-standing, poorly closeted yet furtive masturbation over the Berrz, I am stunned with the veractiy with which he still defends Rangers. The section where he suggests they should hide any remaining evidence of wrongdoing is breathtaking. Chick may at some point protest he is trying to give the debate balance; he is not. He is defeding the indefensible. Jim Spence, on the other hand, is excellent in this clip and should be commended for his presentation of facts as facts, and not trying to sensationalise his latest exclusive.

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On the FIFA point, taking a governing body to court didn't cause any great upheaval in Partick's case according to Scotland on Sunday:

The Partick Thistle case happened in 2004. The current FIFA Statute in question - Article 64 - have been in effect since August last year, largely because FIFA were fed up with clubs taking the piss.

Kee[ clutching at those straws, tick-tock, tick-tock.

"Currently, Roman Catholicism (see Catholicism in the Netherlands) is the single largest religion of the Netherlands, forming the religious home of some 23% of the Dutch people in 2012, down from 40% in the 1970s. The Protestant Church of the Netherlands follows with 11% of the population, and another 6% belong to other Protestant churches. Islam has approximately 825,000 followers, making 4% of the Dutch population Muslim"

It's a bit rich anyway when so-called non-OF fans start trawling religion up on P&B anyway

If either of those idiots "knew their history", they'd know why the biggest backers of the House of Orange is the Roman Catholic population, very much the Netherlands version of the "Gawd bless 'em, they do a wonderful job!" muppets you get down Windsor way over here. Thanks to them it's still a nation where you can get yourself into real trouble if you slag off the reigning monarch in what is deemed an "insulting" manner.

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Fair do' I'll hold my hands up and admit my ignorance, religion is not my strong point, apologies to anyone who I offended.

Wouldn't worry about it, some folk here are approaching ugly sister levels of faux offendability...

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It's on SoundCloud:

Chick Young: International-Class Trumpet

Even considering his long-standing, poorly closeted yet furtive masturbation over the Berrz, I am stunned with the veractiy with which he still defends Rangers. The section where he suggests they should hide any remaining evidence of wrongdoing is breathtaking. Chick may at some point protest he is trying to give the debate balance; he is not. He is defeding the indefensible. Jim Spence, on the other hand, is excellent in this clip and should be commended for his presentation of facts as facts, and not trying to sensationalise his latest exclusive.

ta v moocho, only downside is it means Motorhead needs to go off :(

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Unfortunately , this is a100% spot on assessment. The rest of the SPL have been fucked over by the old firm but they in turn have fucked over the First Division. I can't for the life of me remember a Killie , Hibs or whoever fan complaining about the lack of sporting integrity involved with the one promotion place to the garden of eden ( not). Yes, the **** deserve their punishment but should the rest be able to take the moral high ground ? Not until decisions are made for the benefit of all Scottish football they can't .

correct the spl was set up to benefit scottish football ,usa 5 scotland 1 well it never fkn worked time to get back to basics back to the old 2 division set up spread the wealth ffs shower of fagen b#######.only thing good was all seater stadium and there overated .scrap the spl now

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Wouldn't worry about it, some folk here are approaching ugly sister levels of faux offendability...

I wasn't being offended - I was highlighting the pathos of those non-OF fans who accuse Celtic and Rangers of all sorts, then it is they who bring riligun up a la Ranjursmedia stylee on P&B. Stonedsailor completely accepted the point.

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1338120043[/url]' post='6277186']

Is this just the podcast??? Only 1 hour?

Think it's abridged, but doesn't seem to be a podcast. Most of it is the debate mentioned in earlier pages, Mark Daly reaming Chick, and suggestions of far worse to come. Last mminute or so is of some old, ugly fat jakey who wriggled out of his pish-stained straitjacket and was invited to give his opinion on the Rangers saga.

He answers to both 'The Goalie' and also 'The Flying Pig', un-coincidentally.

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The Partick Thistle case happened in 2004. The current FIFA Statute in question - Article 64 - have been in effect since August last year, largely because FIFA were fed up with clubs taking the piss.

I was rather hoping that would be the case and that someone would be able to kill the Thistle defence stone dead!

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correct the spl was set up to benefit scottish football ,usa 5 scotland 1 well it never fkn worked time to get back to basics back to the old 2 division set up spread the wealth ffs shower of fagen b#######.only thing good was all seater stadium and there overated .scrap the spl now

You're joking right ? :unsure:

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Probably already posted but here is a very interesting blog from a sports lawyer.

The developments in Scottish football, this year, have been astonishing and rather controversial. For the sports lawyer, this is a remarkable opportunity to examine and critically analyse further the perennial battle between state regulation and self-regulation. Rangers have certainly given us this opportunity with their decision to challenge the transfer embargo imposed on them, by submitting an application to a civil court in Scotland. Irrespective of the Scottish court's decision, the question remains whether the football authorities in Scotland would impose further sanctions on Rangers as a result of this development.

Several views have been expressed already and many more will probably appear pending the final decision by the Scottish court. It is my normal practice to listen to all views and evaluate the efficacy and probity of the evidence available. Above all, it is also normal practice for a lawyer to always follow the law and the regulatory framework in place, before the appropriate advice is given to the client. With this in mind, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the application submitted by Rangers to the Court of Session may create several ramifications, not only for the future of the club, but for the future of Scottish football too.

It is a well established fact that clubs who attempt to seek remedies before national courts, may violate specific FIFA and UEFA regulations. This submission cannot be dismissed at face value nor could it be ignored at the expense of doubtful journalistic information. This may indeed make me sound arrogant or force me to come into direct collision with many of my journalist friends; however, I am in a position to appreciate the regulatory framework and the politics of football, as I have been involved in several appeals before CAS since May 2010, on the same matter and I have also advised four clubs in Greece, one in Spain, one in Holland and one in South Africa, on the very same issues under analysis.

On the advice given to a client, you cannot rely on journalistic information, who could be based, most of the times, on sources who base opinions on politics rather than the law. On the facts and subject to the rules currently in place, the advice is clear and unequivocal: FIFA rules do not allow clubs to seek remedies before national courts and when clubs decide to seek such remedies before national courts, the national federations are obliged to impose sanctions. Similarly, UEFA Statutes also prohibit clubs from seeking redress before national courts, or any other courts of arbitration. One could appreciate, therefore, that the Rangers decision to file an application before a national court, against a decision of a purely sporting nature, is, to say the least, brave and, at the same time, quite dangerous.

One would also question the propriety of such decision and the advice given regarding such decision. On the face of it, an argument could be made that Rangers had no choice but to file such an application before the Court of Session. This is because the rules of the SFA do not allow for a further appeal to the CAS and the decisions of its disciplinary bodies are final and binding. Rangers do not have the time and probably the resources to challenge the legality of the rules that do not allow for an appeal to the CAS. Instead, they decided to challenge something that could, in theory, be beneficial. In terms of legal advice, the law is clear. In terms of the decision making, the risk is great. Those in charge of the decision making at Rangers would have to answer a lot of questions if the Court's decision is unfavourable to Rangers. The view 'we have nothing to lose' may have prevailed, but we cannot speculate in the absence of evidence. What we can do, however, is to follow the public statements of those advising Rangers.

At a first glance, the legal basis of the application before the Court of Session, appears to focus on the alleged impropriety of the sanction imposed on Rangers in relation to the transfer embargo. The club's submission is that in the absence of a relevant sanction of a transfer embargo, the disciplinary committee of the SFA exceeded its powers and 'made rules' on the go. This is, I would add, a blatant disregard of natural justice and due process. I would also add that the application may have a very good chance of being successful, given that governing bodies must adhere to their rules and ensure that all parties concerned follow the normative environment the regulator created. This, of course, incorporates the SFA's own disciplinary committees who have a duty to ensure that the rules are applied purposefully and not pedantically.

Given the above submissions, the application submitted by Rangers may end up being successful. This does not, however, bring a conclusion to the matter. In my opinion, the Court may come to the conclusion that the SFA's disciplinary committee did in fact exceed its powers in that it applied a sanction that is not available in the SFA's regulations. In this case, it is highly likely that the Court would deem the committee's decision void. This is not, however, going to be a reason for celebrations. The Court of Session does not have jurisdiction to apply the correct sanctions, but only to decide on the appropriateness of a decision taken by a governing body. The Court, if it accepts the application filed by Rangers, would probably send the matter back to the disciplinary committee of the SFA, so the latter could apply the correct and appropriate sanctions. In the absence of the transfer embargo sanction, it is not difficult for an independent observer to appreciate what the remaining sanctions would be. In my view, they would not be simple fines.

Finally, it remains to be seen, whether the SFA would enforce further sanctions against Rangers regarding the club's decision to seek remedies before a national court. If the SFA decides not to proceed further, FIFA and UEFA may decide to interfere. Again such involvement would very much depend on FIFA's and UEFA's political decision making. The examples in relation to other countries are many and self-explanatory. FIFA and UEFA have the will and the power to interfere with the decision making of a national federation. UEFA's sanctions, in particular, on such matter, are many and range from a simple reprimand to a complete ban on the national team and the clubs. It is this latter sanction that may affect Scottish football in a very damaging way.

In my view, the SFA's disciplinary panel decided to apply a sanction which, under the circumstances, could be deemed to be proportionate and allow Rangers, at the same time, to continue trading. Had the Panel applied the regulatory framework with a literal and orthodox interpretation, the situation for Rangers would have been far worse. Still, the application to challenge the SFA Panel's decision, may end up being 'utterly irretrievable' for Scottish football as a whole...

Dr. Gregory Ioannidis

26 May 2012

PS For the sake of clarity, I would like to state that I am not suggesting in this article that the Application submitted by Rangers will be successful. I am simply analysing the possible ramifications in the event such application is successful.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Unfortunately , this is a100% spot on assessment. The rest of the SPL have been fucked over by the old firm but they in turn have fucked over the First Division. I can't for the life of me remember a Killie , Hibs or whoever fan complaining about the lack of sporting integrity involved with the one promotion place to the garden of eden ( not). Yes, the **** deserve their punishment but should the rest be able to take the moral high ground ? Not until decisions are made for the benefit of all Scottish football they can't .

I agree with the principle but the rest of the SPL haven't exactly been fucked over by the OF...they've fucked themselves over. They agreed to the set up and agreed to the voting structures so they have only themselves to blame. They consigned their souls, and therefore their supporters and Scottish football, to a permanent also ran situation where the measure of success is finishing third. Rather than admit it hasn't worked, they are now prepared to do absolutely anything it takes to preserve the situation, and it's far from fabulous.

Anyone that has contributed to the establishment of the SPL and is currently trying to maintain is worthy only of contempt and sadly I must include my own club in that. They brought it all on themselves.

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Was that guy at Dunfermline not the head of the Bank of Scotland at one point? Did the Pars really lie down at Rangers that last game of the season at Ibrox when the 'tic were at Killie? Come tae think o it was their team no full o ex bears?

I watched that game and Dunfermline played really well for about an hour. They caved in once it got to about 3-1, but Rangers were absolutely rampant by then. What has always puzzled me about the accusations, and the comments of that arse Chris Sutton, Rangers won by five goals at home but Celtic won by four goals away from home, yet nobody ever suggests Killie lay down. And this comes from someone who would party for days if Rangers die.

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Probably already posted but here is a very interesting blog from a sports lawyer.

I read that yesterday and my immediate thought was this part is incorrect:

"This is because the rules of the SFA do not allow for a further appeal to the CAS and the decisions of its disciplinary bodies are final and binding."

Can anyone corfirm?

(PS - Ioannidis is well known for this Celtic connections and has tweeted utter tosh several times during this farce!)

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Surely, and irrespective of the Court of Session findings, the SFA must level yet another charge of bringing the game into disrepute against Ranjurs for taking the Civil Court action. I'm presuming they're only holding fire until after the hearing???

It's a pity nobody will charge the SFA and SPL with bringing the game into disrepute too.

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The Partick Thistle case happened in 2004. The current FIFA Statute in question - Article 64 - have been in effect since August last year, largely because FIFA were fed up with clubs taking the piss.

I'm pretty sure FIFA have had such a rule since well before last August, even if that's when that particular article was introduced.

Edited by Bearwithme
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