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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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We have to change the system and pointing the finger of blame at others while doing nothing to bring about change doesn't help anybody.

Troll a bit too obvious No.8......Rangers are the ones in the wrong and are the only ones pointing the finger.

I sincerely hope that FIFA take on the role of Marty McFly and egg on George McFly (the SFA) who in turn knocks your poisonous club the f**k out !

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Just read the bbc news report of it, according the the QC for the sfa the only options left open were suspension or expulsion and as such suspension would have to be looked at meaning rangers couldn't play in any pre season friendlies.

I hope that's just selective quoting from the bbc

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The SFA can stick to their guns and simply ignore the verdict. Nothing Rangers can do about it.

Yup, the court decision sends it back to the appeal tribunal. So let's see..

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It appears SFA screwed up. Their rules do not provide a route to CAS, but siggested the Appeals Tribunal decision was final and binding. Under such circumstances you could argue that Ranjurs had no option but to go to the Court of Session.

I'm maybe totally wide of the mark but I thought they did provide that route as stated in the rules here:

5.1 All members shall:


© recognise and submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport as specified in the relevant provisions of the FIFA Statutes and the UEFA Statutes

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Thats not the point I was making, they have had the time since Rangers informed the SFA of their decision to take it to a civil court. FIFA have had plenty of time since then and done bugger all and will continue to do so. Unlike others I base this on their actions so far and not on assumptions of what they will/can do. FIFA if anything will take action against the SFA not Rangers for making a complete arse of this whole debacle due to their inability to deal with this appropriately, How can they when an ex Rangers director who has been outed as receiving EBTs from the club sits at the top of the SFA association.

Until the civil court case had happened, there was nothing the SFA could have done. You cannot punish someone in sport for something they say they are going to do that may turn out to be bluster.

The SFA were right to warn Rangers and simply wait for events to take their course. Now they've all the ammunition they need to be done with them.

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It is effectively overturned.

If the SFA decide to reimpose one, it just comes back to the CoS and we all pass Go and start again.

The SFA have screwed this one up. They don't want to impose a harsher penalty because that will p!ss of the SPL and other chairmen who want the pay-day that Rangers represent. On the other hand, a lighter penalty is just admitting that they screwed up.

so really they could just say that it stands (with a threat of termination of membership upon appeal) and this is all much adoo about nothing

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Disappointed seeing the terms 'orcs and Scotland's shame' trotted out in earlier pages.

C'mon this is P&B, not a site for one side of the OF or another.

Edited by chico
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Follow Follower's seem to think that the CVA hinges on R*ngers competing in all domestic competitions next season. Would that rule out a potential SC ban?

One of the relevant Conditions of the offer is

4.22.6 all consents or other requirements of the SPL and SFA having been obtained or

complied with so that Rangers Football Club can continue to participate in such

domestic leagues and competitions as it currently participates in.

So competing in the cup is one of the hinges.

I wouldn't like to guess at what the SFA will do now.

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The SFA can stick to their guns and simply ignore the verdict. Nothing Rangers can do about it.

Or they can thank Lord Glennie for his advice, and then sit on it. Taking a tip or two from Duff & Duffer they can stretch out any decision for a couple of months (at least).

Meanwhile they can take on the dual contract scandal, given the facts confirmed by 'Honest Billy' Dodds. http://scotslawthoug...-a-smoking-gun/

Enough information can be obtained within a week to move to expulsion. This will make the transfer embargo irrelevant.

Meanwhile HMRC can start to give the carcass a good kicking. laugh.gif

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I believe that is know as Contempt of Court.

The COS can only advise that the judgement was wrong, they cant enforce it ,they can only do what they have done and sent it back for review

Therefore if the SFA Ignore this ruling then they CANT be done for contempt

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What has this to do with Celtic, you fuckwit !!

because Rangers & Celtic is ALL that Scottish football will end up with.

PS - you don't need to play the keyboard warrior role every time !

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This may have been answered already, but I'll ask anyway as this thread is growing exponentially!

I notice there is some debate about whether Rangers had the mechanism to take this case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

The SFA Handbook (available on scottishfa.co.uk) is littered with references to the CAS in the judicial panel section.

If that is the case, then why did Rangers go to the Court of Session?

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I'm maybe totally wide of the mark but I thought they did provide that route as stated in the rules:

I think we'd both need to scan through all the rules reparding Tribunals and Appeals rather than simply the one you've picked-out. I was first alerted to it by the Iannodis blog which pointed out that the SFA's progression provided no automatic route to CAS wiithout the express approval of the SFA itself (ie. the body applying the punishment also being the gatekeeper of the options if you're not satisfied with that body's conduct).

I don't have the black&white which Iannodis drew upon or which Ranjur's QC apparently relied upon in Court today.

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So even if the SFA have cocked up, they now have FIFA on their backs to deal with it in the correct manner. That means now the SFA have Rangers by the balls now so if Rangers were to serve the ruling the SFA can be ready with the eviction letter.

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hmmm... Jamie Borthwick@jamiekborthwickArticle 113.3.6 of the SFA Articles of Association seems to say that the only way a club can appeal an appeal hearing...is through CAS.

Jamie Borthwick@jamiekborthwickSFA 133.3.6: "The decision of the Appeals Board shall be final and binding on all parties concerned... (1/2)

Jamie Borthwick@jamiekborthwick"...subject to the arbitration procedure which may be available to the appellant to the Court of Arbitration for Sport." (2.2)

there seems to be multiple references to CAS in all manner of SFA documents, but Rangers had no option but to go to CoS?

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Until the civil court case had happened, there was nothing the SFA could have done. You cannot punish someone in sport for something they say they are going to do that may turn out to be bluster.

The SFA were right to warn Rangers and simply wait for events to take their course. Now they've all the ammunition they need to be done with them.

lol..maybe am not getting this across right. I am talking about FIFA not the SFA. The SFA can't do anything because they had to go to court FIFA on the other hand could certainly have stepped in at any time once they knew Rangers had taken the parent association to a civil court but decided not too. It just re emphasis my point they will do nothing. Their quote that they are making no comment on the result but will basically monitor events just gives credence to this. SFA WILL back down of this I have no doubt as Rangers have proven they can run rings round them all day long with appeals and court action and FIFA will continue to sit out in the sidelines.

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