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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Loopy Leggo getting all froth-tastic today :-


"Green appears to be on the very brink of pulling off a major coup which will make him a multi millionaire and place Rangers in danger, for I seriously doubt if Rangers supporters have the will, the organisation or the unity of purpose to do what is needed."

Even if they did have the will, they don't have the wherewithall Leggo, you fud. Boycott season tickets ? Good luck with that !

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This story just keeps coming. If you wrote the book beforehand people would criticize it for being overly complex and convoluted, and completely unrealistic.

"The Big Rangers Admin"


Minty Moonbeams, Craig 'Stand up Guy' Whyte, Duff & Duffer, Baron Knights, Greens' Brigade


Ra Peepul, Sweet FA, SPhelL, Super Sally, Jardeen, a weird porno/tax guy, weegia (traynor, Dung etc)

Also Starring

RangersMedia, RangersTaxCase, Leggo, P&B Big Admin thread

Lucky to sell 10 copies ....... if it was beforehand. :D

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Oi, some of us have contributed quite well to the thread all along, we can't help it if some of our numpty element have now found the thread.

fly with the crows then you get sho..................wink.giflaugh.gif

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why can't you take things to a separate court from the ones FIFA wants? That Bosman guy took his case to the European courts and changed the whole contract system in Europe.

FIFA could hardly ban Belgium's international side, or club teams, when it was Bosman who took the Belgian FA to court (he also forced his club, Liege, and UEFA to the courts).

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Even if they did have the will, they don't have the wherewithall Leggo, you fud. Boycott season tickets ? Good luck with that !

Boycotting Rangers was always the next logical step.

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The question that really needs asked is what is FIFA's religious leanings.

Are they going to shaft rangers in a sign of blatant anti Protestantry or will they favour rangers in a disgusting attack on Catholics, the Irish and celtic?

We need transparency and names, don't forget we need to know names.

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I have to say I really don't know where this will go. We have the SFA who will be unwilling to expel Rangers but have no other sanctions available to them that "fit the crime". You have FIFA/UEFA who will be looking at the SFA but unable to act against one club. There is the SPL who openly acknowledge their reliance on the sponsorship money the OF bring in mean they cannot go cold turkey and remove Rangers from the SPL, and if a NewCo appears it will be accepted in replacement of the OldCo. Depending on which judge you wish to believe the SFA have either been in breach of their own regulations, regulations that had a complete re-write just a year ago and which all clubs (including Rangers) agreed to or are fully entitled to enforce any sanction they see fit. And finally we have the representatives of the SPL which the fans have absolutely no faith in. It's an unholy mess, and one I can't see any way out of without one set of fans or officials being hung out to dry.

I think it's fairly clear that both the SPL and the SFA should clear their decks as both seem (certainly from my point of view) to be failing in their collective duties, but in the current situation what benefit would that bring? I just don't see where we go from here as the highest national organisation, the SFA, seem to be equally mired in this mess as the SPL and the SPL clubs. The only ones that seem to have avoided the shit is the SFL who are purely innocent as they have nothing to do with this and haven't had the opportunity to f*ck up.

Edited by Ric
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:blink: Of all the posts on here, there seems to be a common attempt to categorise the situation in terms of games, e.g. a gunfight each waiting to see who draws firs, or a game of starey oot to see who blinks first, or poker with the cairds covered.

But...... I've got it sussed, it's a giant, very expensive game of Jenga.

Everybody has their own hidden agenda for wanting the tower to fall, but they don't want to be the one that pulls out the very important last stick that causes the tumble, best to get the other guy to do it, then he gets the blame.

SPL miss a turn.

SFA apply transfer embargo

D&P get Bill Miller to put a stick back in

SPL miss a turn

Bill Miller pulls a stick oot

The Mysterons appear and put a stick back

The Mysterons produce a "CVA":blink: and put a stick back.

The Mysterons challenge the embargo and put a stick back

The SPL miss a turn

The SFA reach gently for a stick, only to be shoved oot the road by UEFA, who get phecked off with the Mysterons cheating and kick the whole pheckin tower over, set fire to the sticks and cook sausages on the resulting BBQ

Edited by Happy Buddie
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We should make sure the Celtic, Motherwell, Dundee United, St Johnstone and Hearts Chairmen all see this article before the vote today..

What time is the vote due ?

Or should i ask, what time is the vote postponment due ?

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I have to say I really don't know where this will go. We have the SFA who will be unwilling to expel Rangers but have no other sanctions available to them that "fit the crime". You have FIFA/UEFA who will be looking at the SFA but unable to act against one club. There is the SPL who openly acknowledge their reliance on the sponsorship money the OF bring in mean they cannot go cold turkey and remove Rangers from the SPL, and if a NewCo appears it will be accepted in replacement of the OldCo. Depending on which judge you wish to believe the SFA have either been in breach of their own regulations, regulations that had a complete re-write just a year ago and which all clubs (including Rangers) agreed to or are fully entitled to enforce any sanction they see fit. And finally we have the representatives of the SPL which the fans have absolutely no faith in. It's an unholy mess, and one I can't see any way out of without one set of fans or officials being hung out to dry.

I think it's fairly clear that both the SPL and the SFA should clear their decks as both seem (certainly from my point of view) to be failing in their collective duties, but in the current situation what benefit would that bring? I just don't see where we go from here as the highest national organisation, the SFA, seem to be equally mired in this mess as the SPL and the SPL clubs. The only ones that seem to have avoided the shit is the SFL who are purely innocent as they have nothing to do with this and haven't had the opportunity to f*ck up.

I think we are now in to the territory where a newco is inevitable. The SFA will expel Rangers FC (either totally or from the Cup). Green will then say he cannot proceed with the CVA on that basis. A newco will be formed (Rangers 2012 FC) and will be accepted in to the SFA and SPL.

Sad but true

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We should make sure the Celtic, Motherwell, Dundee United, St Johnstone and Hearts Chairmen all see this article before the vote today..

2 things...

1) That article is nothing but typical drama queen journalism from the Retard. Switzerland were not thrown out of the WC (or EC) and no Swiss clubs were stopped from playing in Europe other than Sion.

2) Our chairmen, should they vote - which they won't, are motivated by day to day issues of funding the club. Only a select few would be affected by a European ban, and of those it's unlikely that any will make much money from the venture (certainly going by previous examples). Rangers in the SPL provides more funding than not, and our club chairmen have positioned our clubs into the situation that the money is necessary in order to remain in the black.

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