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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is it time to resurrect the "Rangers Sinking Ship Rats Bingo" game again? Now that the contracts have reverted back to their original terms, only with nice little release clauses, who's going to jump ship first?

I'll put a tenner on Naismith (but in keeping with the spirit of the times, you'll only get 90p if I lose)

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A euphemism I used to see for something that was extremely difficult, nigh on impossible, is "like following Queen at Live Aid" (one for older P&B-ers.).

I think I'll now update that to "like trying to stay up to date with The Big Rangers Administration Thread on Pie & Bovril".

Suck on this one, Iceland is, tec tonically, both in North America and in Europe.

I saw a program once that educated me that everything Northwest of Loch Ness in Scotland is actually part of North America, as the rock composition is the same, and entirely different from the South East side of the loch and beyond.

Anyhoo, are they deid yet?

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I was at that game, 1977, iirc, Davie Cooper was playing for Clydebank, and Sir Alex was at St Mirren. One of the best atmospheres I've ever know at a game.


1977 Firpark vs St Mirren was best atmosphere / biggest crowd I have seen at FP. Amazing

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Is it too early for jelly and icecream?

I thought at first this was a light hearted reference to having a party but am told it is deeper than that and has Celtic/IRA conortations. Is this correct? Nothing would surprise me unfortunately.

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A euphemism I used to see for something that was extremely difficult, nigh on impossible, is "like following Queen at Live Aid" (one for older P&B-ers.).

I think I'll now update that to "like trying to stay up to date with The Big Rangers Administration Thread on Pie & Bovril".

I saw a program once that educated me that everything Northwest of Loch Ness in Scotland is actually part of North America, as the rock composition is the same, and entirely different from the South East side of the loch and beyond.

Anyhoo, are they deid yet?

Down and twitching, naebody steppin in to give CPR, but naeboy yet stepped forward to do the decent thing. Wait what's that noise? Oh, look, it's that nice Mr Regan putting a shell in his shotgun.

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1977 Firpark vs St Mirren was best atmosphere / biggest crowd I have seen at FP. Amazing

Oh, I remember that game very well. That was in the Cup, the round after we had hammered DU 4-1 on a bone hard pitch cos SAF had our boys out in trainers and the Arabs tried to play in boots. Then we went to Fir Park and MFC came over all South American......i.e booted us all over the park. Aye, hang your head in shame on that one.

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I thought at first this was a light hearted reference to having a party but am told it is deeper than that and has Celtic/IRA conortations. Is this correct? Nothing would surprise me unfortunately.

Not a Celtic fan but the suggestion it's IRA related is nonsense:

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What leads you to believe FIFA could give a toss? Sensalionalist Daily Record pieces? Are they on a flight to Scotland as we speak?

My prediction - Appeals panel ban the scum from Scottish Cup, UEFA say "national Association have taken action and we will not interfere", FIFA say "where is Scotland?, is this a Welsh issue?"

Regardless of how insignificant a nation is in footballing terms, FIFA will take an interest. They do not want any precedent set which will allow other clubs across the world to take their national association to law courts.

Just as an example, what if Rangers go unpunished for this then in two months time the FIGC, having discovered hard evidence that multiple Italian clubs have been guilty of match fixing again, decide that this time they're not going so easy as some point deductions and one token relegation, instead punting the worst offenders to their regional part of Serie D meaning it'll take several years for them to return to Serie A. Let's say for arguments sake - I'm not saying any of these clubs are guilty of anything - you have clubs like Juventus, Milan, Napoli and Lazio given that punishment.

Having seen that just a couple of months earlier a club in another UEFA country has taken their national association to court and escaped with only a token punishment, they all go to the shambolic Italian courts to challenge their demotions rather than the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The case drags on and on, and with no one knowing what division clubs are going to be in, the season can't go ahead. The World Cup qualifiers are starting, FIFA are threatening to ban the Italian national team, but don't want to lose one of the biggest sides in the world from their showpiece while UEFA don't want to lose some of the biggest attractions from the Champions League by chucking out all Italian sides. The whole thing would be an utter mess which would do huge harm to the reputation of football worldwide, not just in Italy, all while making FIFA look weak.

That's why FIFA are taking a big interest in this and why they will be absolutely willing to hammer the SFA if they don't punish Rangers effectively. Rangers are a big enough club that most football fans around the world will have heard of them and it would be news if they've been expelled, yet despite their size they're utterly insignificant in terms of generating revenue for UEFA next to the larger clubs in Europe. It's a perfect club to make an example of. Similarly if they find themselves having to punish the SFA by expelling the national team from the qualifiers, everyone'll be aware of it and it'll make national associations aware that FIFA aren't to be messed with. It's also no concern of FIFA that Scotland wouldn't be at a World Cup, whereas if they were forced to expel Italy or another major nation that would be an issue as they want the big sides there.

None of this guarantees that the SFA won't bottle it, but now that Rangers have contrived to get FIFA interested expulsion is more likely.

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A euphemism I used to see for something that was extremely difficult, nigh on impossible, is "like following Queen at Live Aid" (one for older P&B-ers.).

I think I'll now update that to "like trying to stay up to date with The Big Rangers Administration Thread on Pie & Bovril".

I saw a program once that educated me that everything Northwest of Loch Ness in Scotland is actually part of North America, as the rock composition is the same, and entirely different from the South East side of the loch and beyond.

Anyhoo, are they deid yet?

I think actually the whole of Scotland sailed across the Atlantic, that's why we've got granite as a bedrock and the rest of Britain has mostly chalk, which is why our water is superb and THEIR'S is shyte.

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Down and twitching, naebody steppin in to give CPR, but naeboy yet stepped forward to do the decent thing. Wait what's that noise? Oh, look, it's that nice Mr Regan putting a shell in his shotgun.

Tell him to put another 1 in and aim at Cockwomble.

Although he might do it himself if his beloved Rangers get the boot.

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I saw a program once that educated me that everything Northwest of Loch Ness in Scotland is actually part of North America, as the rock composition is the same, and entirely different from the South East side of the loch and beyond.

I think actually the whole of Scotland sailed across the Atlantic, that's why we've got granite as a bedrock and the rest of Britain has mostly chalk, which is why our water is superb and THEIR'S is shyte.

Not quite.

From the exception of Tertiary volcanics like Skye, all things NW of the Highland Boundary Fault (ie Stonehaven, Crieff, Bute) were part of the ancient continent Laurentia which present day North America and Greenland were also part of. The Grampian block SE of Loch Ness (the Great Glen Fault) were shallow marine sediments on the Laurentian (i.e. 'North American' plate) continetal shelf and lateral equivalents to the NW Highlands. The Midland Valley terrane however was a separate volcanic island arc system like Japan which later crashed into it as the Iapetus ocean between Avalonia (England) closed. The final stage involved England on the other side smashing into us and this is what triggered most of the granite formation within the 'Caledonide' mountains, formerly the size of the Himalayas but we're now just seeing the eroded roots of it. These granites were formed ~350 million years before the Atlantic even started spreading.

Iceland is a very recent part of the Atlantic Ridge volcanics splitting up what was previously the amalgamation of these continents with a few more added on. Technically Iceland isn't on any continent as it's on thinner, basaltic Oceanic Crust, not thick continental. Scotland has always been on this side of the Atlantic. We haven't sailed across it, it's simply split us apart from North America. Skye, Mull etc are just two 'ancient' Icelandic style volcanic centres from when this ocean spreading kicked off.

Additionally, only the SE of England has much chalk, most of it's sandstone, limestone with some lavas in the lake District etc. However, chalk would probably have covered the British Isles (including Scotland) but most of it's been eroded away. Most of England's water comes from underground aquifers and hence the limestones of northern England make the water 'hard' and shyte. Most of Scotland's comes straight off the mountain and stored on impermeable hard rock, e.g. Loch Katrine.

Sorry for that, but I felt it needed addressed. ;)

Edited by Hedgecutter
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