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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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IMO the majority of mongs on RM have been reasonable about the club's future over the past week or so.

My link

Although the guy wanting Rangers to go for Premiership players is a laugh.

Bang their heads against a brick wall enough times and they will eventually come round to the idea that it hurts. :lol:

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Yeah but I'm not always on this thread to read your ramblings u patronising tit.

Not always on but you couldn't interpret it for yourself and see it was a red-herring?????? Are you being a bit dense and posting un-thought-thru shoite therefore? You needed someone else to point the bleeding obvious out?

PS - explain to me like I'm a 5 year old why Green & the Mysterons wouldn't giggle at a SC ban and tell H&D that wee part of their offer didn't matter. I await yer analysis.

Edited by Claymores
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Was just remembering that it was said that rangers were losing £12m a year on players wages, which worked out as £1m a month. Seeing as the season only lasts 10 months (about that) how much would they be losing if they keep the same players until the start of the new season?

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On holiday at present so struggling to catch up. However......

The Cockwoble Must Go

OK I've joined in with the point and laugh at Doncaster but was never really critical of him as he is just the front guy for the (largely spineless) SPL chairmen. However I read the bit from the BBC Newsnight interview which included:

Fit-and-proper test

The SPL chief executive also said that it was extremely difficult to design a fit-and-proper test for prospective new owners of clubs.

"If you talk about past criminal record, then arguably Ghandi I think had a criminal record, and ultimately he's be a fit and proper person to run a premier league club in Scotland but he might be forbidden by such an objective test."

Yeah there it is. In defending theSPL's non action he invokes the name of Ghandi. What sort of knob makes a statement like this? If somebody on this thread made that sort of comparison they would get ridiculed but here is the SPL Chief Executive saying it.

Once the Rangers fiasco is over the Cockwomble has to go for the sake of Scottish football's credibility.

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Even if the 'perceived' weakest punishment for Rangers is given (ban from Scottish Cup) they will still be f**ked as the CVA is based on them participating in the competition.

Tbf, I doubt Green would pull-out over Scottish Cup, and from what we know the CVA agreement wouldn't oblige him to.

(And even if it did it wouldn't be to D&P's benefit to demand it).

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Actual lol. So your shame is the equivalent to your long years of cheating? It may have been on the instruction of a few, but your club and its fans benefited for two decades, depriving other clubs of legitimate chances of competing and forcing many others to spend money on 2nd rate foreigners in desperate attempts to play catch-up.

Where was your shame when your fellow bears went on the rampage in Manchester?

Where was your shame when your club was repeatedly fined for sectarian chants?

Where was your shame when your club refused to sign a Catholic for 100 years?

You have no shame, because if you did, you wouldn't support such a vile institution. You wouldn't support a club which proudly stands for exclusion, bigotry and racism. Your supporters groups bleat about bigoted singing as being the acts of a minority, but where has the criticism been from the majority? Conspicuously absent, because it is the case, as everyone else knows, that such singing is condoned by EVERYONE in the Ibrox ranks, no matter their age, gender or upbringing.

And still, after all the fines, after all the cheating, the singing and the fraudulent schemes, you still fail to show a semblance of dignity, or of guilt. Not a single Rangers fan can provide a genuine reason as to why your stinking carcass of a club should be saved.

You don't understand why your club is so despised by the supporters of others. You can't understand why someone would choose to support their local team over the famous Glasgow Rangers.

You cheated your way to title after title, trophy after trophy, award after award. And you want us to think the club has suffered enough because of the "shame?"

You are right on one thing though - I probably would feel pity for any other club in similar circumstances. But your club is a vile, racist and bigoted organisation, a stain on society and a cause of division and violence for many.

You won't be missed.


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Hmm. Football clubs taking court action. Isn't that some kind of outrage? :D

I'd be interested to see a neutral account of that episode.

You could neutrally summarise it as follows:... momentum swung behind reconstruction back to 2 divisions of 16, which was the system before 1956 when C Division was abolished (with A Division + B Division expanding) upon the creation of a seperate Reserve league. It was lead by Rangers and was to be facilitated by forming a new league.

Those 5 clubs to be excluded - owing to lowest attendances - fought a delaying action in court and sought friends among the other clubs.

It was emotive due to the exclusion aspect, and as "the 5" had been kept in the dark.

Eventually the plans were dropped, although a few years later momentum and necessity built for then ultimately won a 3-tier structure and Premier Division.

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"Rangers usually play 3 or 4 games in the Scottish cup on average...That is a guesstimate....take that over say 2 or 3 seasons and it is a massive financial loss to the club. "

How can a club who doesn't pay bills actually *feel* the pain of financial loss?

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Tbf, I doubt Green would pull-out over Scottish Cup, and from what we know the CVA agreement wouldn't oblige him to.

(And even if it did it wouldn't be to D&P's benefit to demand it).

It's one of the falacious side-shows that Jim DelaC*nt put-in to try to make himself look clever yet made himself look stoopid! That whole clause is a waiver on being in SPL, cups. Does anyone with 2 braincells to rub together think Green wouldn't go "ya dancer" if Appelate body only ban the scum from SC? Then get on the blower to to H&D take oot the part involving SC?

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I've followed the thread closely, read every single post, until today - I've been out at work, came back to check on The Great Love Of My Life Mark II (this thread) when I noticed I'd missed too many threads to read through. Which is my long-winded way of saying sorry if this has already been posted.

The latest BBC Rangers story is about the SFA accepting the court ruling. If I were Rangers, I'd be shitting myself at the following 2 statements:

"The right of appeal is now open to the Scottish FA through the Court of Session. However, by so doing, the very principles on which the Scottish FA - and, for that matter, Uefa and Fifa - are founded, namely football disciplinary matters being dealt with within its own jurisdiction, would be fundamentally compromised. "


"Therefore, it is our intention to accede to Lord Glennie's request and refer the matter back to the Appellate Tribunal, which will consider the remaining sanctions open to it. "

They wouldn't. Would they?

I'd rather they appealed as you just know they wont have the bottle to do anything worse than a pathetic Scottish Cup ban.

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It should be staggering that they've got funds in place to start paying FULL wages again without any redundancies, but it's not. Nothing staggers me about this sorry saga any more.

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Was just remembering that it was said that rangers were losing £12m a year on players wages, which worked out as £1m a month. Seeing as the season only lasts 10 months (about that) how much would they be losing if they keep the same players until the start of the new season?

I've seen figures flying aboots that £3.5million over the summer break before they even kick a ba if allowed to play on the opener 2012/13. Better question is why H&D didn't punt some big earners months ago rather than accept short-term wage cut with golden "cheerios". How many millions did that cost the creditors?

Its the only Administration ever, ever without 1 single redundancy for a company that leaks £1m a month

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Not worth starting a new thread, so I'll just throw it in here (even tho it's off topic).

I've been a member here for a couple o years but have only recently started posting. I've got a couple o questions....

1 I heard Div (administrator?) on an Off the Ball podcast. Sounded like a decent enough boy (Tam Cowan described him as a 'stretched' Willow Flood!). Is Div a regular 'media type' or was his OTB appearance a one off?

2 I know Stuart Cosgrove is a regular poster. What's his username? And are there any other journos that post on here?

I appreciate that was actually THREE questions instead of the 'couple' that I said I'd ask, but f**k it, it's a Rangers thread....since when did the sums ever matter?!!


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It should be staggering that they've got funds in place to start paying FULL wages again without any redundancies, but it's not. Nothing staggers me about this sorry saga any more.

I heard a rumour that the current wage bill sits at around £16M p/a.

Maybe the wages will be paid with the mass influx of transfer fees.

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Fucking hell. I changed tactic on this thread today thinking I'll read it later rather than dipping in and out during the day. Just caught up in a marathon read and that was on a quiet day.

Enjoyed the discussions on what happened around Third Lanark and the long forgotten plot to banish Albion Rovers, Berwick Rangers, Brechin City, Stranraer and Stenhousemuir. The geology interlude including the Isostatic rebound was also strangely enjoyable. The sectarian nature of jelly and ice cream I could have done without though.

Back on topic, as someone else said FIFA's involvement can only be good. The SFA/SPL have a long record of bottling big decisions when it comes to the Old Firm but with outside influences watching it gives me a glimmer of hope they might do the right thing.

Any news on the FIFA statement promised?

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