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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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wow actual jounalism with proper research.....not seen much of that recently ! good to see the comments as well reflecting real life, more diddies talking sense and illiterate rantings from the of fans :lol:

Actual journalism? It's virtually lifted wholesale from this thread!

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What Might Happen to Rangers at the Re-Heard Appellate Tribunal?

Some lengthy reading for a Sunday, in which I attempt to answer the question of what Lord Carloway's Appellate Tribunal will decide about an additional sanction on Rangers. In the process of reaching a conclusion on this, I consider the following.

What did the Judicial Panel think of the gravity of Rangers' offence?

What options are open to the Appellate Tribunal?

Why I do not think ejection from the Scottish Cup is either competent or appropriate.

What effect would suspension, expulsion or termination have on Rangers.

What could Mr Green do, in the event of any of the above three penalties being imposed?

Can Rangers agree a shorter signing ban with the SFA?

What will happen before Lord Carloway?

If unhappy with the decision can Rangers appeal further, whether to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, or to the Court of Session?

And I conclude with a foray into Shakespearean adaptation!


In answer to all those who see the punishment as a ban from next season's Scottish Cup as the probable result then consider this

However, the Scottish Cup has not started for season 2012-2013. How can a team be “ejected” from something which has not commenced? Interestingly there are various rules, such as Rule 313, which specify that a team can be “ejected” from the Scottish Cup, or “suspended” from it. Taking the Rangers approach of focussing on the letter of the law, rather than the spirit, I suggest that it would not be competent to remove Rangers from the Scottish Cup, when it has not yet started. That would in fact be a suspension, rather than an ejection. Rule 66, which prescribed the penalties for a disrepute “conviction” does not include reference to suspension from the Scottish Cup, only ejection. Accordingly, on that reading, the AT cannot suspend Rangers from the next Scottish Cup.

F.U.C.K.E.D :lol:

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playing games closely together is NOT a punishment

a real suspension i.e losing all games by default 3-0 over a 6/12 month period is a punishment

if they get to play every game there is no point at all in suspending them , maybye a suspended 6 month suspension would suit better i.e give them a chance to behave under new ownership should it happen under close supervision if its decided they arent suspend them for the 2nd half of the season

Allowing them to play every game in a shortened period also affects the other teams who will have to play games when they have no need to.

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i would never do that to a woodlouseohmy.gif

I'm starting to worry about you, that's twice in a month you've been sharp in reply, are you in cold turkey?

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What is the Problem with “Ejection” From the Scottish Cup?

Normally “ejection” from the Scottish Cup comes when a team wins a match, but plays an ineligible player, or otherwise breaks the rules. In those circumstances the team is eliminated from the competition, and is replaced by the team it defeated.

However, the Scottish Cup has not started for season 2012-2013. How can a team be “ejected” from something which has not commenced? Interestingly there are various rules, such as Rule 313, which specify that a team can be “ejected” from the Scottish Cup, or “suspended” from it. Taking the Rangers approach of focussing on the letter of the law, rather than the spirit, I suggest that it would not be competent to remove Rangers from the Scottish Cup, when it has not yet started. That would in fact be a suspension, rather than an ejection. Rule 66, which prescribed the penalties for a disrepute “conviction” does not include reference to suspension from the Scottish Cup, only ejection. Accordingly, on that reading, the AT cannot suspend Rangers from the next Scottish Cup.

In any event, and standing the comments by the JP and AT about the seriousness of the offences, would elimination from the Scottish Cup for one season be a suitable and proportionate penalty? As a team can go out of the Cup in the first round in which it competes, then the penalty is a variable one. Teams are “ejected” from the Scottish Cup for gaining an unfair advantage by playing an ineligible player, which can be as a result of an administrative oversight. Would that be a suitable punishment for the “undoubted gravity of the breaches”? I would suggest not.

On the strict “letter of the law”, Rangers cannot be “ejected” from the Cup before they are in it. And even if they could, it is not a “proportionate” penalty.

Interesting.... suspension it is then ?

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Lord Glennie did not suggest or request that the sentence be sent back to the INDEPENDENT Appellate Tribunal. Lord Glennie ordered that it be sent back to the INDEPENDENT Appelate Tribunal.

have i not had enough sleep or somethinghuh.gif

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Quote from Leggo on Saturday

I have been told that there is a plan for someone to go public with their fears about Charles Green. But that it is being held back as a nuclear option. A last resort when all other forms of persuasion have failed to rally and unite Rangers supporters.

Here comes the saviour!!


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Wish a legal eagle could suggest whether Rangers are behind the 8 ball on this appeal issue, who's holding the aces in this situation? Is it scots law re articles of association or law of land re right to appeal to the courts.

I was off the opinion that Scots law would only be usurped if it were regarded to be unfair/discriminatory etc, how can it be unfair when Rangers along with others have created it?

Edited by ayrmad
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Allowing them to play every game in a shortened period also affects the other teams who will have to play games when they have no need to.

As already pointed out, the effect of the other eleven having to play 2 extra games within an 18 week period is minor compared to Rangers having to play perhaps 20 additional matches in that period.

If the SFA suspend Rangers for a full season I'd be very surprised, and I don't see how they can void their games for matches within the suspension period when the SPL runs its own affairs.

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