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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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When are the fixtures due? What if all this bollocks is still not sorted, no doubt the fixtures will be put back.

A fortnight's time.

SPL are probably contractually obliged to issue at the same time as everyone else... and regardless, how is delaying helping any much more than potentially amending, tbh?

And did they do that in previous instances of administration?

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Many countries show every (or almost every) game of the season live, and in several cases have done so for sometime. Also, idealised and nostalgic as it may be, the future isn't and won't be "no TV".

YIP ! already knew that with the TV deals "here to stay".

I'd have hoped FIFA/UEFA would have at least to install wage caps at the very least IMO because players wages are well out of control in the pursuit of success and driving some teams to the wall.A simple banding structure across the board and then players will have to pick which team out of many instead "HOW MUCH in millions a year".

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YIP ! already knew that with the TV deals "here to stay".

I'd have hoped FIFA/UEFA would have at least to install wage caps at the very least IMO because players wages are well out of control in the pursuit of success and driving some teams to the wall.A simple banding structure across the board and then players will have to pick which team out of many instead "HOW MUCH in millions a year".

They can't install a maximum wage... it'd fall quicker than Bosman. You can apply wage-to-turnover ratios, but that doesn't necessary level the playing field - and infact it could encourage the 'pursuit' of income every more, among the 2nd order, to boost turnovers and thus compete.

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I'm going with the optimistic view that this mess will be sorted before that.

I'll still harbour the thought that it's already been done and they are trying to find a "good way" to tell us.

I agree ! and our anuses have been well lubed recently for the orcs return in top flight footy ... the only questions are "what form ? old or newco" and "what frigging punishment will they get to ensure some sort of justice has taken course to appease the masses and piss the orcs off slightly".

It all comes down to the BTC outcome BOOM or GLOOM ?.

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They can't install a maximum wage... it'd fall quicker than Bosman. You can apply wage-to-turnover ratios, but that doesn't necessary level the playing field - and infact it could encourage the 'pursuit' of income every more, among the 2nd order, to boost turnovers and thus compete.

How about performance related pay then ? if your players are pish then pay them less but with an agreed basic and if you are successful according to the clubs ambitions for the season ie finish in the top 6 or avoid relegation they get the full amount agreed in the contract.

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How about performance related pay then ? if your players are pish then pay them less but with an agreed basic and if you are successful according to the clubs ambitions for the season ie finish in the top 6 or avoid relegation they get the full amount agreed in the contract.

That's just paying bonuses, basically?

Problem is that clubs generally (national and internationally) won't all go for bonus-heavy wage-light contracts.

It might get into trouble with EU too, anyway... it could be construed as deliberate collective wage depression, particularly as only 1 club per league can 'win' etc.

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Record stated yesterday that greene's solicitors are looking in to his Legal options should the sfa Punish them further. Don't they never learn?

They can't learn because their whole outlook is f*cked up from the start.

They don't believe they've done anything wrong, ergo they can't admit any wrongdoing. They are so far up their own arseholes they are still thinking about winning the league next season - that's why they complained so bitterly about the transfer ban which was actually a soft penalty. Even now most of the orcs will be harbouring the fantasy of them winning next seasons league against the odds and showing the rest of us how great they are. :lol:

Pure scum from top to bottom. It's no wonder Green was the last man standing as he's clearly in la-la land along with the majority of their supporters. That's all they have left now, the absolute skidmarks of the club left to embarrass and drag down the rest of the SPL for the remainder of their pathetic existence. Here's hoping it's 3-4 more days and not a second longer.

Edited by KillieJimbo
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Been thinking ...


... some posts on this thread have shown that relegation from the SPL will not mean THE END for most clubs. Even my county rivals might survive such a painful experience (possibly, although they might've ripped the arse out of it too far). I won't deny that such a relegation occasion would be celebrated massively in my household, but I feel a wee bit more piece of mind that it possibly wouldn't mean the said END for them.

Many original SPL clubs sold their souls at the time but recent posts got me thinking that many fans would love to return to days of shifting between leagues with regular promotion/relegationj battles. It creates brilliant days out as my own club have experienced in recent years. Do SPL fans feel reassured that relegation could in fact be enjoyable rather than THE END ... Hibs in the late 90s spring to mind as a model of survival.

F*ck SKY, who fancies a Forfar bridie ...

One of the things about this whole episode that has annoyed me most is the myth perpetually put out by Rangers and the MSM is that Scottish Football would die without them and that the putting down of Rangers would have a massively detrimental affect on the other clubs... what utter nonesense.

By that logic every team that is relegated should go into administration which clearly is not the case or the Pars, Falkirk, Inverness, Hamilton etc would be in administration.

Indeed most Pars fans I know are looking forward to returning to the 1st after the drudgery of the SPL and of playing in a league dictated by 2 teams. The attendence figures bear this out aswell - take some of our old firm crowds this season and compare them to our games against our biggest rivals in the 1st...

SPL 'Old Firm' Home Games 2011-12:

Rangers (H) - 7,577

Rangers (H) - 7,464

Celtic (H) - 10,140

1st Division 'Biggest Rivals' Home Games 2010-11:

Raith Rovers (H) - 7,158

Raith Rovers (H)- 11,052

Falkirk (H) - 5,121

Falkikk (H) - 7,828

Also, if those figures were for home fans only then there would probably be a difference of 4-500 less in the number of Pars fans who attended the old firm games at east end compared to games against Raith / Falirk in the 1st. Granted these games had the edge that they were all important games in a competetive league which helped draw big crowds and also the fact they were against our biggest rivals.

But what it shows is the lack of a Rangers fixture does not spell doom for the other clubs - and as a benefit your club loses fixtures where the home support dont actually attend due to being sick of the bigotry baggage etc that is visited to your ground.

A bigger SPL with more teams and playoffs means more potential games like Dundee Utd - Dundee / St Johnstone - Dundee / Pars - Falkirk / Pars - Raith Rovers / Motherwell - Hamilton / Ross County - Inverness - games the fans want and will come out for.

And if there is any shortfall any money from the lack of a Rangers game / TV money then reduce the budgets accordingly.

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A horrible thought, but if the Scottish clubs are all banned from Europe, it works out quite nicely for Rangers, who are themselves banned as it is. If they are to endure a fallow period, then dragging down everyone else will ensure that they do not face an insurmountable gap when they eventually return as a force in the game.

Of course, Celtic could earn themselves a significant financial edge, but not only that, what if another club like Hearts started to boost their own revenues and profile as well.

I doubt that this is on the minds of whoever owns RFC IA these days, but they do have less to lose if there is a ban on international participation.

Of course, they do seem to be deliberately upping the stakes with the SFA. All parties seem terrified to deliver the final blow, but if the SFA is forced into a situation whereby they need to suspend or expoel RFC IA, then the mob card can be played. Outing the members of an Independent Tribunal will be nothing compared to the fury unleashed. But it may be no more sinister than getting the SFA do something they do not have the backbone to do themselves.

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Just a small question from a diddy fan: have h&d taken the bbc to court yet over the 'false' allegations in the Marc Daly docu? If not why? could it be that the allegations were true? Just a thought.

When will they die?


friday or


Cant see it lasting much longer than that.

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Just a small question from a diddy fan: have h&d taken the bbc to court yet over the 'false' allegations in the Marc Daly docu? If not why? could it be that the allegations were true?

They need to wait their turn. Craig Whyte is suing them first you see.

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I've just had a warming thought, if Rangers do completely die, can we start to pursue the return of alcohol at the games? The vile bigot brothers are off course the reason we don't get booze at the games anymore, and perhaps if we lost one it would be safe to bring it back. This would also help increase revenue at clubs.

Pie in the sky perhaps? We can but hope.

Edited by Spain
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In which I:

Comment on the response of Duff & Phelps to the emails published by the BBC regarding the “fee agreement” with Craig Whyte;

Point out apparent differences between what D&P are saying now and what they said at the start of the administration process; and

Consider whether in fact Mr Daly could sue Mr Whitehouse for defamation, and thus leave D&P in court proving that they have acted properly, rather than having the BBC prove that D&P acted improperly (allegedly).

I also ask the following question:- What justified Mr Grier, in the summer of 2011, going to HMRC, a substantial creditor of his client, and telling them that he, they, the sellers of the business and the supporters and media have all been “duped”? Presumably Mr Grier got his client’s permission to breach confidentiality. If not, and he viewed this as such a fundamental breach of trust in the client-accountant relationship that he was justified in telling the major creditor that Mr Whyte was, to put it bluntly “at it” (allegedly), how could he, or his partners, continue to act for Rangers/Whyte/Wavetower/Liberty Capital?


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Charles Green says Rangers could make next move in legal battle with SFA

More smoke/mirrors and bullshit coming from Green. He will make the next move on what basis?

He is also aware that he is entitled to go to CAS with any complaint. FIFA made that abundantly clear so he has no excuse on that score any more.

Your honour .. the SFA have not acted yet .. and I object to this ... PMSL !!!

Green is stated as saying he wishes to prevent a disaster for the Scottish game: let Rangers die then! wink.gif

Back to the crowd stuff: here are the average spl attendances since season 97-98-

1998: 17997

1999: 18534

2000: 17902

2001: 15724

2002: 16001

2003: 15724

2004: 15226

2005: 15,659

2006: 16174

2007: 16194

2008: 15580

2009: 15538

2010: 13955

2011: 13670

2012: 13865

I can't remember anyone saying that - I can remember saying they were among the highest in history. Which they are. They've dipped in recent years, but that's no surprise economically.

Either that or you're advocating a return to a 10-team, 36-game SPL...

And the worst recession in decades.

Tbf I'd rather class myself as a realist and a dealer in facts as opposed to a naysayer and party pooper ;).

I'd argue that the average drop in attendances is much more than a dip (say, over 4000 per game in a 14 year period), and that this massive fall in crowds began well before the onset of the 2008 recession. Generally, crowds have been falling throughout the existence of the spl, indicated by these figures.

I've never advocated a return to a ten team league, HibeeJibee. I might suggest that the rise in live telly coverage of Scottish football has been a contributory factor. Someone might argue that the huge drop in attendances has taken place over the period Rangers have been using EBTs/double contracts.

'Lies, damned lies, and statistics', yet over the EBT period, Scottish top league crowds have fallen by over 20%. Not simply a dip, and there will be several reasons for this: recession, certainly, but also live TV (which reconfigures match days and kick off times) , lack of competition (partly contributed to by Rangers gaining unfair advantages) and staleness, drop in quality indicated by the performances in Europe and of the International team, this coupled with ever increasing entrance costs.

Other factors might include poor stewarding and the zealous nature regarding this when fans appear to get behind their sides (apart from when the OF fans are involved). Maybe even the smoking ban has chased folk from football! I used to enjoy the whiff of dope circulating around the East Stand at Tannadice. tongue.gif

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Flemings of Arbroath steak & gravy pies! Excellent! smile.gif

Oh, now you're talking. Last time I was up, I bought 2 dozen and froze them. Sad to say that the Star Chippy at the bottom of the West Port is now a chinky, so had to make do with a fish supper from the Round O.

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in the past 7 days i have seen:

several posters confidently state that D&P would be getting removed asap and artmenia moonbeam qc even go as far saying they would be charged with crimes by the end of the week.

a succesion of roasters arguing that turkey is in the EU.

4 or 5 different people not understanding that lord glennie quoting the sfa qc doesn't make that quote his opinion.

a refusal to understand that the sfa can't punish clubs for going to court.

D&P's admin bill being stated as being 2 million higher than it actually was and D&P being accussed of lieing to the bbc about it.

tonight's disaster featuring D&P not paying paye and ni during the admin period.

At least one of those is not true. Another was a genuine mistake, which got to the right conclusion at the end.

They can't install a maximum wage... it'd fall quicker than Bosman. You can apply wage-to-turnover ratios, but that doesn't necessary level the playing field - and infact it could encourage the 'pursuit' of income every more, among the 2nd order, to boost turnovers and thus compete.

Rugby league operate a wage cap, why could football not?

Im not a fan of wage-to-turnover ratios, but I think you're fears are a little exaggerated. I get the point your making - Sky money becomes even more important, sporting integrity goes out the window etc - but that doesnt necessarily have to be the case. Income could be weighted, so that increasing crowds increases your budget more than tv money, for example.

Charles Green says Rangers could make next move in legal battle with SFA

More smoke/mirrors and bullshit coming from Green. He will make the next move on what basis?

He is also aware that he is entitled to go to CAS with any complaint. FIFA made that abundantly clear so he has no excuse on that score any more.

Your honour .. the SFA have not acted yet .. and I object to this ... PMSL !!!

Unbelievable. So, now Green is thinking of appealing Glennies decision to try and get him to send it back to the original panel, so that they can then appeal their decision to the SFA appeal panel. Then presumably, its off to CaS we go ... hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho

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