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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Point three - Most bears were against it but don't let the facts get in the way of your petty point scoring.

So was JJB added to the boycot list if you's felt so strongly about it?

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Have you not seen the news? The green brigade must be thoroughly vetted by D&P now before the SFA will allow them to take up ownership of RFC, that should add a week or two to the sale process, probably hampering the CVA bid and adding another hurdle or two to the newco process. Plenty more drawn out excruciating torture for the Green Brigade and the various RFC fans.

might just be because there hasnt been anything funny for a whilesad.gif

help me get my bloodlust back guys

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SFA are acting rather strangely in all this. They're putting as many hurdles as possible in front of Rangers without actually dealing the killer blow. Could it be that they don't want to expel them, but feel they have no option, and are hoping they die in the mean time, so they avoid the blame game?

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might just be because there hasnt been anything funny for a whilesad.gif

help me get my bloodlust back guys

There was some rumour of an RFC shareholder meeting on the 14th to vote on one issue, suggestion being that it might be a liquidation proposal. Hope this helps you. We are also awaiting news from the Green brigade meeting with RFC supporter groups today, might get something out of that, hang tight mate.

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People have lost their jobs and wanting to see people losing their jobs is wrong.

AW come on Benny Boy that's just soooooo wrong coming from you.

If you had typed .......

If my team had paid their taxes instead of chasing rainbows no one would have lost their jobs and that extra tax money would have created more jobs in the economy.

And fielding a weaker team like they should have may have lead to another team other than the OF competing in the CL and winning domestic trophies generating more cash for more clubs creating a better more competitive fair league.

And if my team played fair then the mess Scottish football is in just now would never have occurred resulting in other teams who played by the books being threatened with possible financial woes and even going into administration and even worse liquidation !.

Now if you had typed that I'd have given you a greeny for being a fair and reasonable approached Rangers fan,but no you just had pass the blame onto others because of your teams actions didn't ya ?.

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Stewart Regan said: "It is important that club owners take more responsibility to ensure that they sell their club to an individual or individuals who act responsibly and within the rules of football. "The Scottish FA governs the whole of football and rather than spend millions of pounds on investigations into any number of prospective purchases across the game at all levels - which would be better kept within the game - it is important that the onus is on those involved in the sale of the club."

A well intentioned attempt, but unfortunately quite meaningless. 'within the rules of football' is an interesting quote. So news that the Mubarak family want to buy into Albion Rovers is great news for the SFA as long as they keep to the rules of football.

When people come to sell football clubs it is usually a distress sale. Owners might go into the purchase of a club with big plans of winning leagues, cups, signing better players, but the reality is usually the very opposite. Just like David Murray was against the wall and would have sold to ANYONE and tried frequently to sell to anyone, most others have had similar experiences.

So how to do it - if you are dodgy? Well get the purchaser to provide property valuations (£100 million?) to show his wealth, even "offer" that as security for the offer. A statement of wealth from someone who can confirm he has it today, but tomorrow the money has moved elsewhere. So a million and one ways to tell the story to the SFA which is useless, but defensible on having carried out to a reasonable level of responsibility. The biggest test of a would be purchaser is the cash that would be handed over. Everything else is irrelevant.

And then the seller having moved on elsewhere gets called up to the SFA as the new owner is a total schyster and crook. They will do what they did to Whyte, to which of course he gave 2 fingers to.

Do we have a fit and proper test?

SFA could setup an independent body to carry out the due diligence properly, paid for by the purchaser and seller equally, which would make sense. If the SFA cannot take on this role with the resources at their disposal (including money) what makes anyone think that clubs have the skills to do it, or the diligent willingness? When Regan says it would cost the SFA millions of pounds. If he reckons it would cost the SFA that amount, could clubs do it for less? If so what parts would they miss out to make it cheaper? And can clubs afford it especially if they are selling when in financial trouble?

A usual politically driven attempt to create something at arms length which takes responsibility away from the SFA. If it goes wrong they can point fingers at others. But finger pointing is all it will be.

This is a well known problem, not just for football clubs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/mattslater/2011/11/british_test_is_fit_for_nothin.html The reason we have so many American owners in England is they do not meet the fit and proper test to take on an American football team. Never mind the Asian owners who have come with blood money and big egos.

Sorry SFA. 0/10 for this one. :(

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SFA are acting rather strangely in all this. They're putting as many hurdles as possible in front of Rangers without actually dealing the killer blow. Could it be that they don't want to expel them, but feel they have no option, and are hoping they die in the mean time, so they avoid the blame game?

I would say, taking a step back and looking at it from a neutral point of view, the SFA are ensuring that should Charles Greens consortium be successful in avoiding liquidation of the club and the said Mr Green does get his asset stripping hands on Rangers and totally shafts them, the blame lies at someone elses door, not theirs.

However, I wouldn't read too much into that move for the time being, they're just covering all eventualities, which given their recent clangers, is actually a really smart move.

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Quite obvious that no one want to deliver the killer blow, thus setting themselves up for abuse by mail etc. Everyone simply hopes that it'll be HMRC or D&P themselves, hence the constant Pontious Pilate acts.

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People have lost their jobs and wanting to see people losing their jobs is wrong.


Perhaps they could join alliances with this lot and create a "jobs for bigoted wankers" campaign.

They look like they have tons in common...


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People have lost their jobs and wanting to see people losing their jobs is wrong.

Is this a serious comment ?

Rangers have a plethora of overpaid individuals who could have been offloaded and they would have a good chance of finding alternative employers who would have paid them ridiculous sums of money for playing football elsewhere. Are you seriously trying to say that people on this forum should feel sorry for people losing their jobs when your own club doesn't care ?

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fuckwIT REGAN on stv saying they arent gonna take action against Rankers for going to COS

SHOCKING SHOCKING SHOCKING (but not surprising) climbdown

looks like they are getting off with it ohmy.gif

Not really unexpected, Rangers questioned the SFA's ability to issue the punishment which was handed out and the issue was settled. What would be a SHOCKING SHOCKING SHOCKING (sic) climbdown would be if the SFA were to administer a punishment previuosly described as too lenient. The posturing and language from the SFA still has me convinced Rangers will get hammered. Long way to go yet.

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People have lost their jobs and wanting to see people losing their jobs is wrong.

what about the people who have spent years trying to build up their business only to be shafted by Rangers FC who are trying slink out of paying the debts they ran up over the years, what about them Bennett boy, what do you feel about your club putting those people out of business or do they not enter into your consideration, at least my club is trying to pay our debt to our creditors ie Lloyds Tsb bank, lets face facts your club is run by parasites for parasites

Edited by DEMON
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Not really unexpected, Rangers questioned the SFA's ability to issue the punishment which was handed out and the issue was settled. What would be a SHOCKING SHOCKING SHOCKING (sic) climbdown would be if the SFA were to administer a punishment previuosly described as too lenient. The posturing and language from the SFA still has me convinced Rangers will get hammered. Long way to go yet.

maybe its just me , ever the pessimist these days when justice is at stake biggrin.gif

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