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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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54s Matthew Lindsay ‏@MattLindsayET

Brian Kennedy owns new SPL "home improvement partner" Weatherseal. Is there any significance in this? Time will tell. #spl

How can the SPL possibly have got a new sponsor? I thought the diddy clubs daring to want a bit more democracy combined with the uncertainty over Rangers was driving everyone away?

Edited by Stu
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Be reasonable No8. We have tolerated your nonsense for more weeks than we care to think about, and give you an easy ride. We tolerate you most of the time, excepting the periods when your consumption of White Lightning kicks in. ohmy.gif

You do however demonstrate the normal Rangers bullying characteristics. Being aggressive to those you think will rise to your bait and get annoyed, ignoring those who might bite back.

Good thing is, we have met your type before. mad.gif

Good thing? Depends on how you look at it. I would rather never having to have meet his type ever.

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We only usually hear about the taxman and ticketus being owed money but never the wee man wi the papershop owed £500. Or the tyre folk owed £48. Its truly galling that these small businesses are owed such pitiful amounts and yet that clown Green is talking about paying an ex player £12k a week.

In the name of all thats good in this world, please let Rangers fade into history fast. At least that way they might preserve some of the honour and dignity of those great players who graced Ibrox and not least those poor souls who lost their lives in the disaster.

Finish them off quickly for goodness sake.

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Well shevchenko has bagged a couple tonight,wonder if he's on Greens free list from the Euros :lol:

Having had such a brilliant idea Green is picking the cream of the crop from http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/spieler/vertragsende/basics_SC4_2012.html

He is looking for players with experience of the Scottish Third Division. laugh.gif and who are cheap. Very cheap. rolleyes.gif

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We need something to happen soon. Things on this thread are getting a bit fraught.

If Ibrox was burnt down and the insurance paid out then HMRC would get the bulk of the dosh they're due.

Assuming the insurance premium is fully paid up to date!!!

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How can the SPL possibly have got a new sponsor? I thought the diddy clubs daring to want a bit more democracy combined with the uncertainty over Rangers was driving everyone away?

New sponsor will be Action Fraud http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

All about nipping things in the bud. biggrin.gif

You can start now https://reportfraud.actionfraud.police.uk/fraudreport/

You can report Mr Blue, Mr Green, Mr Whyte, Mr Mint(y) now.

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On my part of the creditors ( well they owe us all 20 each) I vote no

Sorry to dash your dreams of a £20 refund, but as I've pointed out earlier it's only £2!

There seems to be a bizarre belief that Rangers have defrauded the Scottish taxpayer. That would be much too modest of them: they have of course robbed every taxpayer in the whole of the UK.

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Sorry sgt wilson, it was broken hence the game getting called off.

No, it was called off because Ayr never tried to fix it. Even funnier, the ref told Sandy Stewart on the way off before anyone had even tried to fix it that he had no intention of resuming the game.

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Starting to think Green sprinkles Prozac on his cornflakes. Hes barking mad.

What we really need is Dr Cal Lightman to attend his news conferences to determine wether or not he's telling the truth.

'So Mr Green you're not a chancer and asset stripper?'

'No Dr Lightman, I'm just an honest Yorkshire businessman.'

'Then how come I see that micro expression on your face that makes you look like a devious, lying b*****d. Book him Danno.'

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I know there was that piece in the Daily Mail today regarding Rangers having a CVA agreed, but it's pure conjecture as far as I can see, from one expert. It really could go either way.

A week or two ago the same expert (?) said the exact opposite about the CVA in the Daily Mail. He even admitted it in today's article.

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Somebody always says " the rfffffff paid some of the small creditors" but nobody ever names the creditors who've been paid.:rolleyes:

As you seem so interested or more likely just trying to score points against the RFFF i personally know that Glencairn Crystal had their debt covered by the RFFF,incidentally Glencairn were all right with not getting the bill paid but it was covered. There has also been a healthy number of other small creditors paid by the RFFF,but as you are someone who obviously hasn't paid into the fund why are you so interested? One thing we are not going to do is pander to the curiosity of people such as yourself. Hope that sits all right with you.

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As you seem so interested or more likely just trying to score points against the RFFF i personally know that Glencairn Crystal had their debt covered by the RFFF,incidentally Glencairn were all right with not getting the bill paid but it was covered. There has also been a healthy number of other small creditors paid by the RFFF,but as you are someone who obviously hasn't paid into the fund why are you so interested? One thing we are not going to do is pander to the curiosity of people such as yourself. Hope that sits all right with you.

What about our 40 grand ..?? :angry:

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Thank god you browse here, otherwise you'd think it's all our fault for picking on them and Rangers will breeze the CVA before going on to win the 2014 Champions league with a team of superstars who are realising their dream of playing for the peeeeepul.

Oh it's only to convince myself that there is actually football up in Scotland.

I dont actually give credence to any of the artuicles unless I can back it up elsewhere.

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Schalke we all detest - they are hated as the Ranjurs of Germany insofar as I can detect [known as vile, hateful violent knuckledraggers] I'm sure I read on FF + RM yez were givin yer 'pals' from Hamburg a good spelkin on the streets last time. No? It wasn't exactly huggles.

Schalke should be a good model for Rangers to look at. A club that was badly run and on its knees with bribery and corruption widespread, but sorted itself out, bringing in proper management. They took their medicine and fought back.

Now connected properly with its local community, raises money for charity through benefit games and concerts which it puts DIRECTLY into local community groups. NOT using it to bolster their own staffing levels.

Now they have over 100,000 members, are democratically run, and now the 4/5th richest club in Germany. You can find them on

http://tinyurl.com/6rc5qq6 where they now appear to be on a financial par with Liverpool.

Rangers could learn lessons and move ahead. But sure as hell not under Green, Whyte, King or any of the other shysters circling at present.

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