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UTTER BOLLOX - your club along with 92 others unanimously signed-up to the SFA Articles which incorporated the FIFA/UEFA dictate that you keep footballing matters out of court. Then you willfully and knowingly broke the agreement.

Anyone else see a pattern?laugh.gif

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Complete c**t of a post. You missed the part where I said going to CosS "is about the only right thing we've done right".

I'm not justifying our f**k-up. My point is that Scottish companies should have rights to access to Scottish courts. I don't see how any reasonable person should object to this. The whole FIFA "Ma baw so ma game" stance is shite.

A bit like the "It's oor league ye cannae throw us oot, a big boy did it an ran away" attitude shown by many so called supporters of TFCFKA Rangers FC?

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Guest Kincardine

As others have said - Scottish courts, German courts, French courts, Italian courts... all very different beasts. It would be anarchy.

Accept it. Your (ex) club were stupid bringing the courts into it.

How on earth would it be anarchy? Many companies work happily within many jurisdictions and do so with great success. Many large companies have 'general principles' but defer to local law for interpretation. This works perfectly well for businesses much larger than football.

What's more significant is why a Scottish company shouldn't have access to a Scottish court.

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Who, other than green knuckledraggers, has EVER described celtic as a "family" club?

I was thinking more along the lines of your support certain minorities at celtic park (untraceable of course - it's not like season tickets are numbered ;)) evincing fraternal feelings towards certain organisations of "freedom fighters" and a lack of respect to people who have died for the country your club calls home. And the club then taking no action to ban them, thereby tacitly approving of their actions.

Nothing to do with being a "diddy", just a normal footy fan and a human being who despises bigotry of whatever flavour.

As for whether I jack in the football or not, my business rather than yours. If it helps you, my reasons for turning my back on the game would boil down to principles before cash.

Well you shouldn't have tagged every post on a public forum with KTID then if its 'respect my private views'.....just a thought. You ain't dead.

I would also take part with 'people that have died for the country I call home' part - NAME THEM ALL. :)

Twat. You don't even accept that you hold bigoted views ffs, everyone is a bigot ya clown, just maybe not inline with your bigotry.

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How on earth would it be anarchy? Many companies work happily within many jurisdictions and do so with great success. Many large companies have 'general principles' but defer to local law for interpretation. This works perfectly well for businesses much larger than football.

What's more significant is why a Scottish company shouldn't have access to a Scottish court.

So... why didn't Rangers refuse to sign up to the agreement?

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What's more significant is why a Scottish company shouldn't have access to a Scottish court.

They can have access. If they want they can leave FIFA and play in an association which allows it. They signed up to the rules the same as everyone else.

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Guest Kincardine

If you don't like FIFA's rules, feel free to not play under their banner. Why not set up the Glasgow Rangers Worldwide Football Organisation, then you can invite clubs to play under your banner.

(Only proddy clubs obviously, nae tarriers)


I was simply stating that a club should have to recourse to the courts of its own country.

Utterly pathetic that you had to bring religion in to this

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So... why didn't Rangers refuse to sign up to the agreement?

Be ause they never thought in a million years it would apply to them?

Btw poor Charles green his £9m CVA knocked back now he can pick up the pieces for £5.5m ..saved himself £3.5m must be raging :rolleyes:

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I was simply stating that a club should have to recourse to the courts of its own country.

Utterly pathetic that you had to bring religion in to this

UTTERLY BOLLOX that you say breaking rules of Association that you signed-up to is fine. I detect the tact your on tho - know Rangers FC is fooked, resigned to Govan FC but arguing a lost case that SFA shouldn't eject your scummy loyal from fitba altogether

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Well you shouldn't have tagged every post on a public forum with KTID then (1)if its 'respect my private views'.....just a thought. You ain't dead.

I would also take part with 'people that have died for the country I call home' part - NAME THEM ALL. :)(2)

Twat. You don't even accept that you hold bigoted views ffs,(3) everyone is a bigot ya clown, just maybe not inline with your bigotry.

1. I stopped that some weeks ago, giving my reasons then (mostly MJ's shameless prostitution of a club I see more as mine than his).

2. I have not supported British intervention in either Iraq or Afghanistan, for several reasons. That does not mean I don't respect the sacrifice of those who have laid down their lives in the service of their (and my) country. Your "name them all" and smiley face would actually offend me if I weren't making allowances for the implicit bias in your viewpoint. Nah, f**k it. It IS offensive, but your views are your problem.

3. Being bigoted against bigots? Interesting theory. To be honest, in everyday life, one can normally avoid such people. When the entrenched "traditions" of the Blue and Green Business Partners infiltrate our national game, then it really is time to act. Something that both Sisters have signally failed to do, knowing as they do the drop in income that would be the result.

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I was simply stating that a club should have to recourse to the courts of its own country.

Why dont you just stick 18 players on the ibrox pitch instead of 11 the next game you play? ( if you play another game).

Its your pitch after all and its a free country......

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From ACAS:


If you were employed immediately before the transfer (or if you would have been had you not been unfairly dismissed for a reason connected with the transfer) you automatically become an employee of the new employer, unless you object to being transferred and inform either employer. Your continuity of employment is not broken and you keep all the rights and obligations under your contract of employment with your previous employer."

I totally agree they don't have to transfer to newco but don't see how they would be allowed to breach their contract to oldco.

1) Except where objection is made under paragraph (7), a relevant transfer shall not operate so as to terminate the contract of employment of any person employed by the transferor and assigned to the organised grouping of resources or employees that is subject to the relevant transfer, which would otherwise be terminated by the transfer, but any such contract shall have effect after the transfer as if originally made between the person so employed and the transferee. (7) Paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not operate to transfer the contract of employment and the rights, powers, duties and liabilities under or in connection with it of an employee who informs the transferor or the transferee that he objects to becoming employed by the transferee.

(8) Subject to paragraphs (9) and (11), where an employee so objects, the relevant transfer shall operate so as to terminate his contract of employment with the transferor but he shall not be treated, for any purpose, as having been dismissed by the transferor.

With Green’s plan, the SPL share passes from oldco to newco therefore oldco would not be a football club capable of seeking compensation for the player leaving to new team. As the player would never have had a contract with the newco, then the newco also could not seek compensation from any team signing the player. In effect if players object they can walk away inform the SPL by written notice that the contract was terminated and 14 days later the registration of the player is terminated.

A football career is short aint no point hanging around.

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1. I stopped that some weeks ago, giving my reasons then (mostly MJ's shameless prostitution of a club I see more as mine than his).

2. I have not supported British intervention in either Iraq or Afghanistan, for several reasons. That does not mean I don't respect the sacrifice of those who have laid down their lives in the service of their (and my) country. Your "name them all" and smiley face would actually offend me if I weren't making allowances for the implicit bias in your viewpoint. Nah, f**k it. It IS offensive, but your views are your problem.

3. Being bigoted against bigots? Interesting theory. To be honest, in everyday life, one can normally avoid such people. When the entrenched "traditions" of the Blue and Green Business Partners infiltrate our national game, then it really is time to act. Something that both Sisters have signally failed to do, knowing as they do the drop in income that would be the result.

1/ So you gave your reasons, yet

As for whether I jack in the football or not, my business rather than yours
, so if your business alone, STOP GIVING REASONS.

2/ You have left 'my' country so feck off :) < smiley face at you fecking off.

3/ 'Interesting' yet you didn't answer............

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UTTER BOLLOX - your club along with 92 others unanimously signed-up to the SFA Articles which incorporated the FIFA/UEFA dictate that you keep footballing matters out of court. Then you willfully and knowingly broke the agreement.

Maybe if the SFA had followed their own rules then Duff and Phelps wouldn't have taken them to court.

Next time stick to the facts sunshine.

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"Only proddy clubs obviously, nae tarriers" is just clumsy.

Sorry, should it be dirty ****** b*****ds?

Im just not up on the bigoted terms used by your lot.

Ill try to keep up.

PS Clumsy it may be, but not as clumsy as running the club to liquidation tho :)

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