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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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To be fair, Gaz, Brockville was a proper tip....

Agreed, what an atmosphere though.

Worth mentioning your ground was a dump before reconstruction and is now a white elephant, completely soulless with no legroom and you still haven't been in the black since the day you built it.

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As I understand, so far, they can't apply sanctions to the new company,

BUT, are they in their rights to impose conditions on entry?

If they put sanctions conditions on Sevco entering the SFA, be it via a 'dead men's shoes' taking over of Rangers membership or a brand new membership then they would have to apply the exact same conditions on any football club gaining membership, so Joe Bloggs starting up Deliverance Village FC would have to accept similar sanctions to Sevco for his team to be registered.

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I have actually had to work last night and today but i am delighted that something positive is going to come out of this for Scottish Football. Shame it has taken the authorities so long to get into gear but hopefully now we can look at re-shaping the game from top to bottom. Whatever league system they come up with it simply cannot be any worse than the product we have at present. The game has been in decline for years.

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It can be 1000 years, they still have to write to you every 5 years to keep a claim on the loan.

They could write all they want, letters are irrelevant to what you are alluding to.. It is acknowleging the loan or making a payment in the five year period that counts.

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I have actually had to work last night and today but i am delighted that something positive is going to come out of this for Scottish Football. Shame it has taken the authorities so long to get into gear but hopefully now we can look at re-shaping the game from top to bottom. Whatever league system they come up with it simply cannot be any worse than the product we have at present. The game has been in decline for years.

Hope you haven't thrown down a gauntlet to Neil Doncaster and the SPL's Working Party :lol:!!

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if it was a loan there would be documented terms of settlement, deferred or otherwise.

If there isn't documentation to say its a loan, (or at least 3rd party evidence in the case of a verbal agreement) then legally, it isn't one..

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I have to get something off my chest here. Fair enough, without the discussion on EBTs, this thread would be half the size. I've even thrown my tuppence worth in from time to time. Thing is, though, all us posters on here from the "die, currants, die" brigade to T_S_A_R and the other apologists, actually probably know the square root of f**k all about the legalities or otherwise of (a) the scheme itself, and (b) the scam as used by that football team, what was their name, it'll come to me in a minute....

Anyhoo, I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that HMRC employ a few chaps and chapesses who DO know about these things, indeed are employed on good money to deal with them in professional and impartial manner. So if HMRC reckon that the operation of this scheme was dodgy, I'm inclined to believe them. Especially when the response from everyone at.. hang on, 's on the tip of me tongue, you know who I mean... was not "well, here's what we did - if it's wrong, what can we do to make it right", but "It wis him ower there, I didnae know anything, ye just get yer wages and assume the club's honest, dae ye not?".

As there's apparently a lot of unaccounted money gone through this scheme, and it covers the cardie's time at ibrox, I reckon the berrz should be careful picking their saviours. All the other managers were in those docs the BBC got hold of after all......

Interesting times, children, interesting times....

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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They could write all they want, letters are irrelevant to what you are alluding to.. It is acknowleging the loan or making a payment in the five year period that counts.

Writing a letter of a loan statement is acknowledging the loan. Just writing it in your accounts isn't enough, you have to contact the loanee.

If I lend you fifty quid and say pay it back whenever. If I do nothing then chase you up 6 years later and I have kept wonderful balance sheets and audited accounts of this loan for the duration it wouldn't matter, you could legally juke it. I need to send something to you inside 5 years.

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It could be noted then that a Director like Campbell Ogilvie might well have a legal EBT. He is no longer an employee of Rangers so how and when should he pay this loan back?

If he does not payback any loan then the company is liable for the repayment and why there is an 80 year perpetuity put on them.

But the Rangers EBT system at some point would have been shut and closed down probably before anyone noticed likely well under the radar if the HMRC had not investigated the widespread misuse of the loans on EBT's.

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Writing a letter of a loan statement is acknowledging the loan. Just writing it in your accounts isn't enough, you have to contact the loanee.

If I lend you fifty quid and say pay it back whenever. If I do nothing then chase you up 6 years later and I have kept wonderful balance sheets and audited accounts of this loan for the duration it wouldn't matter, you could legally juke it. I need to send something to you inside 5 years.

Not so, it is the loanee that has to write/make payment or otherwise acknowledge it.

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Yes we need League reconstruction but this is a separate issue from what happens to TRFC the two need to be separated.

No Tv deal should have in the contract that it must show certain games , it must be if they are available they can be shown.

On the Jim Spence for diety status is it that he is the only tabloid journo not falling over himself to protect the views of their OF readership.

The fans who are putting the pressure on and not allowing this story from coming off the front page and making their chairman into men instead of jellyfish.

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