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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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According to reports there could be quick, wholesale changes made to the league(s) structures to find a way of parachuting Rangers newco into the First Division. That's what we need, a quickly, unseemly cobbled together mess of a structure to save a cheating club because the footballing authorities don't have the guts or gumption to deal with their transgressions,

Today's Record

Mmmm - looks to me as if the Bury Rangers story is a 'Bury Bad News Day' story so no one notices the one you have pointed out about them slipping into the SPL2/First Division.

Looks like it's time for out friends in the SFL to step up to the plate and let their chairmen know they're not having it.

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65 million years ago, on a little blue planet, orbiting a small yellow third-class star on the outer arms of a run-of-the-mill spiral galaxy on the remote fringes of the Universe, eneormous beasts with tiny little brains ruled the land. They were so little-challenged by the other types of animals on the planet that they fed without limit. Then out of the sky, with fire blazing from its tail, hurtled a city-sized asteroid. It plunged with outrageous ferocity into the planet's surface, throwing rocks and dust high into the atmosphere, which blocked out star's life-giving light for many months. When the skies cleared, there was not a dinosaur left alive, driven to extinction by the lack of sustenance on the planet's surface. The new rulers of the planet came forth in the shape ofall furry animals and feasted on the carcases of the dead giant beasts. These little animals were more intelligent than the giant dinosaurs, and overy many years had learned to adapt to environments in which the giants could not survive. In time, one of them came to be the most widely spread and most successful of all animals, ever, learning even to control its own environment.

And now we witness the death of another beast, too big for its brain to cope with its changing environment, which has attempted to swallow up all the other beasts in its world, even feeding on its own kind, swallowing them whole in a futile attempt to remove any trace of their existence. But, as with the original dinosaurs, whose bodies were so big, and brains so small, that the head did not know what the tail was doing, the asteroid has struck, and with the dinosaur the victim of its own greed, the small furry animals shall rise up and feed on its carcase.

Keep the faith, brothers.

Are you sure this is a good thing? My reading tells me the old firm are the sun, the asteroid is the EBTs and the dinosaurs unfortunately are the current SPL clubs.

The small furry animal animals (SFL clubs) survive the drama but then become just as reliant on the sun which has reclaimed its place high above everything else and still well out of reach.

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i am truly astonished at the way the press, sfa, spl, sfl seem determined and sure rangers must survive at the highest possible level in division1. they didnt just go under for 1 years mis management but for many years of rule breaking/ cheating running up over 100m debt.

in that time they denied many clubs much needed income from beating them in cups and leagues with players they couldnt afford and often didnt actually pay for before selling said players on at profits the whole thing stinks. if this was to happen to anyother club in scotland there would be no debate they'd be punted out the league and have to re apply for the 3rd division with any other club wanting to join the league set up

talk of transfering their share shouldnt happen i think im right in saying when airdrionians went under they tried and were denied as its against the sfa's own rules and had to purchase and rebrand clydebank.

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Are you sure this is a good thing? My reading tells me the old firm are the sun, the asteroid is the EBTs and the dinosaurs unfortunately are the current SPL clubs.

The small furry animal animals (SFL clubs) survive the drama but then become just as reliant on the sun which has reclaimed its place high above everything else and still well out of reach.

Small furry animals eating sensibly what they can find = : the diddy teams which live within their means. Adapt and survive.

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Today's Record

Mmmm - looks to me as if the Bury Rangers story is a 'Bury Bad News Day' story so no one notices the one you have pointed out about them slipping into the SPL2/First Division.

Looks like it's time for out friends in the SFL to step up to the plate and let their chairmen know they're not having it.

Friends, Scotsmen, countrymen,

I come here to bury Rangers, not to praise them.

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The Sun has it as an Exclusive. :blink:

Bury Them Deep

As usual the comments from the misguided are more entertaining than the article.

Excellent move...Just hope that Mr. Green can pull this off..... This is a WIN WIN Win situation for Rangers and League One....

The only losers will be the SPL and the SFA...and of course the irish wannabees in the east end of Glasgow...To hell with them anyway... They HATE anything British and have a support with IRA allegiances.....

Yup, that's really helping your cause :lol:

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Reports in the Daily Record. I got more insight from my four-month-old niece this morning.

Don't disagree with that but it alaways concerns me when there are direct quotations from one of the key figures rather than a 'journalist's' interpretation.

Here is the quote attributed to David Longmuir:

“We had a very productive meeting and we’re right in the middle of discussing all the options at the moment and Rangers’ situation is part of it.

“There are other options available as well but we’re just trying to do what is best for Scottish football.

We’re not ruling anything out at the moment and there is a lot of work to be done before anything can be put together and agreed on.

“I think we looked at every option available to benefit the game and the Rangers issue was one of them.

“As an organisation, we are preparing ourselves for every eventuality that may impact on us. That is the only prudent thing to do.”

To me that does not bode well.

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2007 - the year I genuinely did buy a sofa from DFS. It's replaced now though. b*****d didn't even last 5 years

Back on topic, the First Division thing is gathering momentum given that meeting yesterday.I still think it is the compromise that the SPL clubs want as they are punishing Rangers but not sending them totally into the wilderness. They'll probably bounce back up within a year. And the SFL are seeing it as a chance to get much needed reform.

I'm being honest in that I'm not sure what to think. I obviously wouldn't want them in the First and would avoid the games against them but if at the start of all of this nonsense someone had said to me Rangers will be relegated, the Old Firm voting in the SPL would be broken up, the leagues would be brought together again and there is a chance for reform in the league structure I'd have been amazed. If that reform is a 14 team SPL and play offs between the SPL and First then I'd probably say 'deal'. Especially if they get stripped of their titles and cups.

I know I'll probably get shot down for thinking this way but I've always been a pessimist that never saw Rangers in the Third or totally dead even if they deserve that fate (which they do). The people who run football in Scotland are too spineless for that. So for me the above would feel like a result. In an ideal world we'd be shot of both sides of the Old Firm and have a proper league free from the bigotry and bile they bring but it is never going to happen so at least a fairer playing field in the long term is worth this compromise.

As a Raith fan I've had to sit and watch Dundee back to where they were within 2 seasons and scooping up our best players after screwing over creditors for 6p in the £1. The reailty is that watching Rangers do the same won't make me abandon the club I love.

Fully prepared to be burnt at the stake for this :(

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Look at it another way. The fact that The Rangers lovers are desperate to get them into Div 1 says that they won't be in the SPL next season. Think that can be taken as read now. They know what's coming, and are urgently trying to make their landing as soft as possible.

That must be because the SPL/SFA sanctions won't allow The Rangers into the SPL. Never mind the vote.

Will the SFA act before the vote? We know the SPL won't apply sanctions until after it.

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I thought this would happen a few months back. Rangers being dumped into the SF1 and then doing some sort of deal with the Sky to allow them at least two old firm fixtures ala Glasgow cup. To make things even easier for them they throw the carrot of Play off place in SF1 ( you know just in case The Rangurrs finish second). They get back in the SPL in one season, within 2 seasons they will be talking that need 10 team league for the SPL and maybe they are too big for the SPL and they need to…..

Lets not kid ourselves, this is all about protecting Rangers and getting them back in the success bubble as quick as possible. It is about protecting that daft fixture so the radgey bampots can screech their poisonous drivel at each other, and Daily Old Firm Record football reporter can squeeze another 1000 words of dross on to their already oversaturated old firm coverage.

Would the SPL do the same if this was Hearts? Hibs? We know the answer to that do we not? The more I hear the more I despair at the way our game has become.

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I think what we can take from this Bury Rangers story is that Sevco have not got a clue where to go with this, they can only hope that the SPL will invite them to join but if not then Chucky will do what Chucky does best, property developer. I think we should all push the SFA to make an offer for Murray Park£6-7 Million should do it and give Green a good start for redeveloping Ibrox Retail Park.

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Bury my arse..according to twitter its a story from Alan Nixon from the Mirror who is a shareholder in proactive sports and friend of Stratford backer of Green...in other words a scare story by Green to try and influence the SPL vote.

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I think what we can take from this Bury Rangers story is that Sevco have not got a clue where to go with this, they can only hope that the SPL will invite them to join but if not then Chucky will do what Chucky does best, property developer. I think we should all push the SFA to make an offer for Murray Park£6-7 Million should do it and give Green a good start for redeveloping Ibrox Retail Park.

if sfa offered 2-3m am sure greeny would bite their hand off

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Bury my arse..according to twitter its a story from Alan Nixon from the Mirror who is a shareholder in proactive sports and friend of Stratford backer of Green...in other words a scare story by Green to try and influence the SPL vote.

they should call his bluff an say go for it

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As a Raith fan I've had to sit and watch Dundee back to where they were within 2 seasons and scooping up our best players after screwing over creditors for 6p in the £1. The reailty is that watching Rangers do the same won't make me abandon the club I love.

Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

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