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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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2007 - the year I genuinely did buy a sofa from DFS. It's replaced now though. b*****d didn't even last 5 years

Back on topic, the First Division thing is gathering momentum given that meeting yesterday.I still think it is the compromise that the SPL clubs want as they are punishing Rangers but not sending them totally into the wilderness. They'll probably bounce back up within a year. And the SFL are seeing it as a chance to get much needed reform.

I'm being honest in that I'm not sure what to think. I obviously wouldn't want them in the First and would avoid the games against them but if at the start of all of this nonsense someone had said to me Rangers will be relegated, the Old Firm voting in the SPL would be broken up, the leagues would be brought together again and there is a chance for reform in the league structure I'd have been amazed. If that reform is a 14 team SPL and play offs between the SPL and First then I'd probably say 'deal'. Especially if they get stripped of their titles and cups.

I know I'll probably get shot down for thinking this way but I've always been a pessimist that never saw Rangers in the Third or totally dead even if they deserve that fate (which they do). The people who run football in Scotland are too spineless for that. So for me the above would feel like a result. In an ideal world we'd be shot of both sides of the Old Firm and have a proper league free from the bigotry and bile they bring but it is never going to happen so at least a fairer playing field in the long term is worth this compromise.

As a Raith fan I've had to sit and watch Dundee back to where they were within 2 seasons and scooping up our best players after screwing over creditors for 6p in the £1. The reailty is that watching Rangers do the same won't make me abandon the club I love.

Fully prepared to be burnt at the stake for this :(

No I think you're right, it'd be amazing to never have to deal with der 'uns again, but it's never going to go away really. The best option for all concerned really is a bit of pragmatism, a decent humbling for Team Big House, and some root and branch reform. Of course the sort of reform that we all actually want to happen isn't going to. SPL/SFL1 chairmen want the shitty SPL2 compromise which is really just more of the same, while the supporters want larger leagues and a pyramid.

What we're actually going to get is a restructuring hastily scribbled out in the back of a napkin, and then everyone in the board room will slap each others backs before heading out for a few rounds of golf.

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

Another Irn Bru delusional, who thinks the SPL is a piece of piss. It isn't. Trust me.

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Shaun Custis of the Sun in writing made up nonsense shock.

Interpreted for readers of said newspaper: EXCLUSIVE: Shaun Custis, 45, of the Sun in writing made up nonsense SHOCK.

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

Classic. Keep thinking that way and you'll go bust for a third time...:D

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

But you are not, and if this reconstruction happens..you wont be cos The Rangurrs will be in SF1and will buy all your best players off you for squat diddly..might be lucky and get a play off though :rolleyes:

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Bury my arse..according to twitter its a story from Alan Nixon from the Mirror who is a shareholder in proactive sports and friend of Stratford backer of Green...in other words a scare story by Green to try and influence the SPL vote.

I think this may be the crux of it!!!!

If you don't play ball with us and let us be in the SPL then we're taking ourselves out of your set-up and we're not coming back!!!

He's either a clown who is so stupid that he thinks he'll get 50,000 at home as "The Rangers" chase a play-off spot v Doncaster or he's got a plan to get players to sign for a "big name" club and hope they get more exposure down south before punting them on for a huge profit.

He's almost arrogant enough to be a "true ranjur"!!!

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No I think you're right, it'd be amazing to never have to deal with der 'uns again, but it's never going to go away really. The best option for all concerned really is a bit of pragmatism, a decent humbling for Team Big House, and some root and branch reform. Of course the sort of reform that we all actually want to happen isn't going to. SPL/SFL1 chairmen want the shitty SPL2 compromise which is really just more of the same, while the supporters want larger leagues and a pyramid.

What we're actually going to get is a restructuring hastily scribbled out in the back of a napkin, and then everyone in the board room will slap each others backs before heading out for a good hard rodgering from messrs green and cowink.gif

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“Of course, there’s nothing to prevent a Scottish club buying an English club and changing it’s name and it’s colours.

“The real problem occurs when a club tries to play ‘home’ games in a different country to the one where the league is based.”

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4385538/Greens-plot-to-buy-Bury.html#ixzz1yQ6aDQV2

So Rangers could buy Bury, play in light blue as Rangers and play their home games in Carlisle if they agreed to groundshare? Same colours at the stadium, plenty of fans piling down the M74. Far fetched but not impossible.

Ah, one snag might be what to do with Ibrox....

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

The punishment should have been at the very least dungdee getting punted into the 3rd division. You cheated the system more than once, and are such a bunch of scumbags that you'd probably try it again.

What is it about teams that play in blue being cheats that love to whine when karma when their punishment catches up with them?

Cry me a fuckin' river.

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I suspect you are in more danger of going bust.

And you stole Baird from Airdrie, right?

Failure to accept the reality of what your club did. Check

No sense of guilt about creditors being screwed over by your clubs financial misdealing: Check

Slightly aggressive 'look pal' tone: Check

Complete lack of humility. Check

Delusions of grandeur. Check

You are a Rangers fan. Surely :ph34r:

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According to reports there could be quick, wholesale changes made to the league(s) structures to find a way of parachuting Rangers newco into the First Division. That's what we need, a quickly, unseemly cobbled together mess of a structure to save a cheating club because the footballing authorities don't have the guts or gumption to deal with their transgressions,

I assume the SFL clubs would have a vote on this, in the highly unlikely event the shower of cockfumbles that run the Scottish game can get this organised?

In the (extremely hypothetical) event this does occur and the rovers vote yes I will never step foot in Starks Park again.

Vote GTF to Newco.

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

<_< <_< <_<

Can we go with an 11 team SPL next season or have Dunfermline stay up?

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

Total shite!

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“Of course, there’s nothing to prevent a Scottish club buying an English club and changing it’s name and it’s colours.

“The real problem occurs when a club tries to play ‘home’ games in a different country to the one where the league is based.”

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4385538/Greens-plot-to-buy-Bury.html#ixzz1yQ6aDQV2

So Rangers could buy Bury, play in light blue as Rangers and play their home games in Carlisle if they agreed to groundshare? Same colours at the stadium, plenty of fans piling down the M74. Far fetched but not impossible.

Ah, one snag might be what to do with Ibrox....


To be fair to the bill-dodgers, this is the perfect opportunity for them to f**k off to England, which they have always wanted and never hidden their desire to do. Good riddance. Hopefully Celtic can do the same.

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

Aye, Livi got off lightly getting relegated to the third division.

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