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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Some people need to start thinking about this seriously, some are becoming as deluded as the orcs. The deal is all but done. SEVCO or The Rangers WILL play in the First Division, rules WILL be changed, arms have been twisted, sweeteners and bribes have been delivered. Be under no illusions the guys at the top of the associations and the SPL chairmen care about only one thing MONEY. They couldn't give a toss about their clubs. Most are not even supporters and its a business, nothing else. So wake up people.

The stories that the SPL are even going to the extreme of showing Rangers First Division games on SKY who are paying for SPL games to appease Rangers and their fans is a complete betrayal of everything the SFA should be. So Rangers will still get a massive cut of the TV money they would not be entitled to. Rumours of Reagan going on holiday to delay the appellate tribunal in the hope that the Rangers debacle is dealt with via restructuring and they can bin it. It is a complete and utter stitch up.

I knew this as soon as I read Motherwell scare paper to the Well Society, balanced it is not. Just full of scare stories. People have even pointed out that their arithmetic is wrong in parts of the paper. Motherwell board want a yes and a return to their cosy existences in the boardroom. They are morally bankrupt and it disgusts me that these are the people running my club. However I think that they are just more upfront than other chairmen in showing the fans why they want to vote yes to keep the status quo as a NO vote would mean actually working for their position on the board. They knew that a YES vote would have seen the collapse of the Well society and their easy jobs in the boardroom.

A deeply hurt and betrayed Motherwell fan


Edited by Well Well
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Apologies. Rangers "would" walk the first division then.

The amount of fans they could bring in and the calibre of player they could bring in would give them a massive advantage.

Look at dunfermline's shit team 2 years ago. Are we seriously suggesting Rangers with their turnover and status couldn't lure better players than that?

"Sign for us and be challenging for trophies in two years time"

That's assuming they can sign any players at all. Maybe you/they (bit confused there) would prefer a suspension for a year.

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Some people need to start thinking about this seriously, some are becoming as deluded as the orcs. The deal is all but done. SEVCO or The Rangers WILL play in the First Division, rules WILL be changed, arms have been twisted, sweeteners and bribes have been delivered.

We were saying that about Rangers escaping with a CVA. Then we all said everyone would vote yes to newco in the SPL. If we just accept Rangers will be allowed into SFL1 without a fight, then it may happen, so let's not just accept it.

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Some people need to start thinking about this seriously, some are becoming as deluded as the orcs. The deal is all but done. SEVCO or The Rangers WILL play in the First Division, rules WILL be changed, arms have been twisted, sweeteners and bribes have been delivered. Be under no illusions the guys at the top of the associations and the SPL chairmen care about only one thing MONEY. They couldn't give a toss about their clubs. Most are not even supporters and its a business, nothing else. So wake up people.

The fact that the SPL are even going to the extreme of showing Rangers First Division games on SKY who are paying for SPL games to appease Rangers and their fans is a complete betrayal of everything the SFA should be.

I knew this as soon as I read Motherwell scare paper to the Well Society, balanced it is not. Just full of scare stories. People have even pointed out that their arithmetic is wrong in parts of the paper. Motherwell board want a yes and a return to their cosy existences in the boardroom. They are morally bankrupt and it disgusts me that these are the people running my club. However I think that they are just more upfront than other chairmen in showing the fans why they want to vote yes to keep the status quo as a NO vote would mean actually working for their position on the board. They knew that a YES vote would have seen the collapse of the Well society and their easy jobs in the boardroom.

A deeply hurt and betrayed Motherwell fan


The deal may be on the table, but will it get through? Chances are slim. Eight votes against, and it's out. That's what I call a fair voting system

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Just seen this official comment from the SFA - Sorry if it appeared in an earlier page - I may have missed it

The following statement has been issued on behalf of the Scottish FA, SPL and SFL:

"All three parties have been involved in productive discussions for some time on the subject of league reconstruction. This culminated in a positive meeting last night, out of which the two league bodies will now engage in a wider consultation with their member clubs.

"The discussions are based on the key principles for reconstruction outlined in the Henry McLeish Review of Scottish football:

* One league body in the senior game

* Promotion/relegation play-off between SPL and SFL First Division

* Single financial distribution model

* Pyramid system, with the potential for relegation from and promotion to the fourth tier

"Further consultation will take place in the near future, with the aim of reaching a positive outcome on a new model to take Scottish football forward."

SFA Website

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Some people need to start thinking about this seriously, some are becoming as deluded as the orcs. The deal is all but done. SEVCO or The Rangers WILL play in the First Division, rules WILL be changed, arms have been twisted, sweeteners and bribes have been delivered. Be under no illusions the guys at the top of the associations and the SPL chairmen care about only one thing MONEY. They couldn't give a toss about their clubs. Most are not even supporters and its a business, nothing else. So wake up people.

The stories that the SPL are even going to the extreme of showing Rangers First Division games on SKY who are paying for SPL games to appease Rangers and their fans is a complete betrayal of everything the SFA should be. So Rangers will still get a massive cut of the TV money they would not be entitled to. Rumours of Reagan going on holiday to delay the appellate tribunal in the hope that the Rangers debacle is dealt with via restructuring and they can bin it. It is a complete and utter stitch up.

I knew this as soon as I read Motherwell scare paper to the Well Society, balanced it is not. Just full of scare stories. People have even pointed out that their arithmetic is wrong in parts of the paper. Motherwell board want a yes and a return to their cosy existences in the boardroom. They are morally bankrupt and it disgusts me that these are the people running my club. However I think that they are just more upfront than other chairmen in showing the fans why they want to vote yes to keep the status quo as a NO vote would mean actually working for their position on the board. They knew that a YES vote would have seen the collapse of the Well society and their easy jobs in the boardroom.

A deeply hurt and betrayed Motherwell fan


Well Society members have had the balls to ignore the nonsense coming from the boardroom. Other clubs' boardrooms seem to be united against Rangers 2 in the SPL. All it requires is for first division fans to refuse to renew season tickets or ask for refunds, and their clubs will also refuse the new team in the first division. It's nothing even close to a fait accompli. You might be right, but it doesn't have to be so.

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Am I the only one who is baffled by the abuse Jimmy Carr is getting for tax avoidence by the British Public yet Rangers people seem to feel really sorry for them?

Not saying people should be letting Carr off the hook...he's a p***k anyways but the Rangers have taken 1000x What he did in taxation so surely the British masses should be outraged and calling for maximum punishment to Rangers?

Division 3 like every other team.

If Hibs went bust I doubt the league would be restructured and redone to accomodate us. Fucking joke.

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Some people need to start thinking about this seriously, some are becoming as deluded as the orcs. The deal is all but done. SEVCO or The Rangers WILL play in the First Division, rules WILL be changed, arms have been twisted, sweeteners and bribes have been delivered. Be under no illusions the guys at the top of the associations and the SPL chairmen care about only one thing MONEY. They couldn't give a toss about their clubs. Most are not even supporters and its a business, nothing else. So wake up people.

The stories that the SPL are even going to the extreme of showing Rangers First Division games on SKY who are paying for SPL games to appease Rangers and their fans is a complete betrayal of everything the SFA should be. So Rangers will still get a massive cut of the TV money they would not be entitled to. Rumours of Reagan going on holiday to delay the appellate tribunal in the hope that the Rangers debacle is dealt with via restructuring and they can bin it. It is a complete and utter stitch up.

I knew this as soon as I read Motherwell scare paper to the Well Society, balanced it is not. Just full of scare stories. People have even pointed out that their arithmetic is wrong in parts of the paper. Motherwell board want a yes and a return to their cosy existences in the boardroom. They are morally bankrupt and it disgusts me that these are the people running my club. However I think that they are just more upfront than other chairmen in showing the fans why they want to vote yes to keep the status quo as a NO vote would mean actually working for their position on the board. They knew that a YES vote would have seen the collapse of the Well society and their easy jobs in the boardroom.

A deeply hurt and betrayed Motherwell fan


I do hope that your wrong and that your club( and all the other clubs) do not try to turn you and the rest of us over for the sake of Sevco but the scary naggy feeling you get when you have left the gas on is lurking out there, something is gonna go against us diddies and if its what you surmise then Scottish football will need a rebranding WWSPL

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If motherwell wanted a yes vote they would have voted themselves. Any one with a PC andhalf a brain knows the society will vote no.

Motherwell letter seemed quite balanced to me. "Here's the facts. Your call"

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The deal may be on the table, but will it get through? Chances are slim. Eight votes against, and it's out. That's what I call a fair voting system

A categorial YES. They would never present it to the clubs if they thought even for a minute it would not get voted through. They are dangling a huge carrot to the SFL clubs.

The OLD Firm are safe and will still rake in money for as long as Scottish Football exists because they can NEVER be relegated, ever. What is the point in having any leagues in Scotland if TV companies can have such a hold on our game that the Associations will change their rules to their command of "We must have 4 bigot games". Whoever allowed that to be allowed in any TV contract needs sacked.

As I said before the biggest losers in this whole charade are the diddy teams in the SPL. SFL teams will vote it in because it gives them everything they have wanted for years.

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So fans of all smaller teams scream for league reconstruction for years and are basically ignored.

Soon as The Rangers - or whatever they are called - are going to be in the SFL there is a sudden and urgent need to reconstruct the leagues and make promotion to the SPL easier.

What a remarkable coincidence.

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Am I the only one who is baffled by the abuse Jimmy Carr is getting for tax avoidence by the British Public yet Rangers people seem to feel really sorry for them?

Not saying people should be letting Carr off the hook...he's a p***k anyways but the Rangers have taken 1000x What he did in taxation so surely the British masses should be outraged and calling for maximum punishment to Rangers?

Division 3 like every other team.

If Hibs went bust I doubt the league would be restructured and redone to accomodate us. Fucking joke.

Jimmy carr did nothing illegal did he ?

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This is typical actually - mfc release a letter trying to let the fans know the facts with a pretty detailed run down of projected losses from both a yes and a no vote.

These facts don't fit the facts fans want to hear so it's called nonsense and the board are accused of manipulation.

Somehow fans of other clubs have more information about the state of motherwell finances than the people who run the club.

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Some people need to start thinking about this seriously, some are becoming as deluded as the orcs. The deal is all but done. SEVCO or The Rangers WILL play in the First Division, rules WILL be changed, arms have been twisted, sweeteners and bribes have been delivered. Be under no illusions the guys at the top of the associations and the SPL chairmen care about only one thing MONEY. They couldn't give a toss about their clubs. Most are not even supporters and its a business, nothing else. So wake up people.

The stories that the SPL are even going to the extreme of showing Rangers First Division games on SKY who are paying for SPL games to appease Rangers and their fans is a complete betrayal of everything the SFA should be. So Rangers will still get a massive cut of the TV money they would not be entitled to. Rumours of Reagan going on holiday to delay the appellate tribunal in the hope that the Rangers debacle is dealt with via restructuring and they can bin it. It is a complete and utter stitch up.

I knew this as soon as I read Motherwell scare paper to the Well Society, balanced it is not. Just full of scare stories. People have even pointed out that their arithmetic is wrong in parts of the paper. Motherwell board want a yes and a return to their cosy existences in the boardroom. They are morally bankrupt and it disgusts me that these are the people running my club. However I think that they are just more upfront than other chairmen in showing the fans why they want to vote yes to keep the status quo as a NO vote would mean actually working for their position on the board. They knew that a YES vote would have seen the collapse of the Well society and their easy jobs in the boardroom.

A deeply hurt and betrayed Motherwell fan


If the powers that be did the right thing (Newco Rangers in Division 3 at best) it really would be up to the fans to step up to the plate. I've hung fire on purchasing my season ticket until we know exactly what is happening to Newco Rangers but would gladly start taking in away games next season.....would even invite No8 along to ease his cold turkey & as encouragement to continue taking his Lithium.

If not ? walk away ? Boycott Clubs/National team ?

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Am I the only one who is baffled by the abuse Jimmy Carr is getting for tax avoidence by the British Public yet Rangers people seem to feel really sorry for them?

Not saying people should be letting Carr off the hook...he's a p***k anyways but the Rangers have taken 1000x What he did in taxation so surely the British masses should be outraged and calling for maximum punishment to Rangers?

Division 3 like every other team.

If Hibs went bust I doubt the league would be restructured and redone to accomodate us. Fucking joke.

I'm not baffled in the slightest. The larger the "institution" for example Vodaphone who had billions of tax wiped out, the easier it is to get away with it.

Cameron is a bankers plaything, along with Osbourne. They don't even notice ra pepul!

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Why in fûck's name does all the gloom and doom come from so-called Motherwell supporters? Firstly there was that total wânker T_S_A_R and now we have cvnts like madwullie and Well Well stirring up the shyte. Why don't you bastarts go back to RM or FF where you belong or are you just feeling bad because Craig Whyte is a fvcking Welly? :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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So fans of all smaller teams scream for league reconstruction for years and are basically ignored.

Soon as The Rangers - or whatever they are called - are going to be in the SFL there is a sudden and urgent need to reconstruct the leagues and make promotion to the SPL easier.

What a remarkable coincidence.

Point remains - reorganisation can happen with Rangers in the third just as easily as if they were in the first.

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If motherwell wanted a yes vote they would have voted themselves. Any one with a PC andhalf a brain knows the society will vote no.

Motherwell letter seemed quite balanced to me. "Here's the facts. Your call"

No, because they were stuck between a rock and a hard place. A boycott by Rangers or Celtic Fans. They wanted to keep the status quo as it meant the money was the same and they only had one boycott by Celtic fans to worry about. However the feeling from the fans left them in a no win situation. They abdicated their responsibility because they knew a yes vote would have meant the collapse of their own safety net in the Well society. They could then turn round and blame the fans when administration occurred. I can't believe Motherwell fans can't see through this.

Motherwell fans will vote NO I have no doubts there but to say they would have voted YES themselves if they wanted is absolute pish. The groundswell from fans put a huge spanner in them making that decision, they would have had to resign en masse as the fans would have been in an uproar with massive fall in season tickets and as I said the collapse of the Well society. They have done a pontius pilate and the Well fans have fell for it.

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Well Society members have had the balls to ignore the nonsense coming from the boardroom. Other clubs' boardrooms seem to be united against Rangers 2 in the SPL. All it requires is for first division fans to refuse to renew season tickets or ask for refunds, and their clubs will also refuse the new team in the first division. It's nothing even close to a fait accompli. You might be right, but it doesn't have to be so.

Fan pressure can nip all this in the bud. 2 days of meltdown on our fans site after our chairmans comments, warnings that long term fans would walk away forever and ask for ST refunds, emails to the club, resulted in our board issuing an update last night. Its not a NO but its a substantial improvement on Beatties original statement


Edited by Sting777
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