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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Absolutely gutted. Who will fly the flag for St Mirren now? Who will reveal all the exclusives from West Coast clubs? And, most importantly of all, who will be stupid enough to give the wee slap-heid another gig?

But, but - The Columns! Chick's lovely, incisive columns on the BBC Website! Everything I know about football I learned from reading Chick's insights. So what if they were riddled with cliche, tortured metaphors and inaccuracies - I for one was proud that my license fee helped in some small way to keep that wee bawbag in a job 10 years past his fucking sell-by date dry.gif

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Barcabhoy on RTC claims he has inside knowledge that we won't be hearing Chic Young on the Beeb again. Contract not being renewed.


Barcabhoy's gone very quiet about the nuclear information that was due to come out. It's probably about 3-4 weeks since this promised. It's been oh so quiet ever since.

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So what did everyone celebrate with? I've opted for Old Poulteney WK499 2nd Edition. To the death of Rangers, slanje va.

Working tomorrow and nothing left in the house.

Plain old Ribena with chilled water for me - tasted better then usual.:)

HEY - just remembered I had a bottle of Berentzen Apfel Korn 20%.

Poured a measure and chucked it down - excellent stuff! :guinness

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Integrity is name of our game

By jim Traynor on Mar 5, 12 07:30 AM inThe main currency, in fact the only currency any of us in the newspaper game should have in our moral banks must be integrity.

Without it we, as journalists, are of no use to anyone. We have no value. None at all.

Without integrity we fail our readers, our papers and our employers. But just as importantly we fail ourselves.

Integrity, honesty and the desire to call it out no matter the consequences is what defines us. Thankfully it's also what sets us apart, especially from all those 'brave' keyboard thumpers out there in the world of social networking sites and football forums.

They aren't governed by the laws which must be observed by newspapers like this one and are allowed to bash out the most insane, insulting, illogical and confused messages.

I shouldn't complain, though, because it all demonstrates their lack of intellect and common decency.

Which might explain why they prefer to hide behind anonymity or childish pseudonyms.

But sadly there are some high-profile football people using this gift as conduits for their own propaganda and if you've looked at some of these sites you'll know just how easy it is to influence and stir unrest.

There is certainly a lack of integrity in cyberspace but it's honesty that persuades the editors at the Daily Record and Sunday Mail to employ their journalists in the first place. It's why they trust us to make best use of the platforms given to us. link

Love Traynor's use of "intellect". What about the intellect of Gavin Berry (the legend) who thought Third Division Peterhead would somehow win the Second Division. Or Chris Roberts last week, who sounded like a Primary school pupil when he gave his reasons for Newco being re-admitted as his friends and family live in Manchester and they are only interested in watching Rangers and Celtic. Or just employing Gordon Parks. Enough said.

Oh, by the way Traynor, score just in...

Forums 1 Record 0

What a fat arrogant plonker. Hopefully my message is neither confused nor illogical.

I am not sure how Traynor judges intellect or common decency.

If we look at academic qualifications I would guess many posters on P&B have decent first degrees, others with PhDs or are members of professional bodies. People who have owned and run successful businesses. Some even journalists. :rolleyes:

Many will have families and their own children whom they would like to see enjoying football, in a safe environment that is welcoming to all.

These are the motives that have helped drive this forum, and sustained the consistent messages about cleaning up and improving Scottish football. That Rangers, their supporters and the influence they had directly and indirectly was the barricade that got in the way, and was the issue that united what might appear to be a disperate lot at first glance. And of course the unquestioning supporters of Rangers were not just big fat guys wearing a blue shirt.

That is why it is so rich and disengenuous of Traynor to claim we should accept any of the offensive labels he is throwing around in all directions.

Lashing out like that in no ways reduces his culpability in shoring up the corrupt, evil and cheating body that was Rangers. He had many years to deal with it. And please don't pretend he didn't know. I knew years ago and I am neither a journalist nor involved in any club. But the label as one of the succulent lamb brigade will stick to him forever.

Not sure what the Daily Record or the BBC pay him, but it is too much. :huh:

On your bike Jimbo, you are past your sell by date. :lol:

Edited by thelegendthatis
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new campaign--Pozbaird for off the bawlaugh.giflaugh.gif

edit Jim Spence@bbcjimspence Dunfermline say their legal advice is that they should fully expect to be reinstated to SPL if Newco Rangers not admitted.


Deary me, how many arms and legs does that story have now?

George R R Martin would be chuffed to bits if he'd created a story with such ridiculous complexity.

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Barcabhoy's gone very quiet about the nuclear information that was due to come out. It's probably about 3-4 weeks since this promised. It's been oh so quiet ever since.

Well, if wee Chico being punted off the beeb isn't nuclear enough for you, you have clearly been spoiled this past few months.

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Deary me, how many arms and legs does that story have now?

George R R Martin would be chuffed to bits if he'd created a story with such ridiculous complexity.

I Really don't want us involved in legal opinion here and going to battle with either the SPL or Dundee. Both have a case and it both should just wait on the SPL deciding who to ask to be in the SPL next season. Then we move on. unlike some others dry.gif

TBH i would be gutted if we went up - last year was not the easiest stuff to watch and i was looking forward to the first again. Rovers, Dundee, Falkirk and Cowdenbeath all basically derbies for us. We are planning on building a new squad and dont particularly think the bottom of the SPL would be the place to do it.

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AFAIK, the exact details of the League shakeup have yet to be announced. Ideally, Newco won't be in the SPL, which will leave 11 Clubs. A radical solution would be to re-structure the League to a 14 team SPL, moving Dunfermline, Dundee and Falkirk up with immediate effect, Dundee get their derbies, as do Falkirk and Dunfermline. Relegation and play offs all round! You could even keep your split of top 7 and bottom 7 but that's an argument for another day. But a quickfire top 14 is not an impossibility if those in power have the balls to make it happen. Strike while the iron is hot!

Edited by GunnerBairn
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