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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The fact that the MSM are even running that story about events in 1964 shows you how much the tectonic plates have shifted in 2 months.

P.S. Any sign of Chick ?


True enough, but that Hootsmon article also suggests Stranraer will vote on "placing Rangers in the first division". Fundamental error in assumptions.

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You`re all deluded.... I never realised that Scotland had so many legal experts and tax experts all playing on the same forum and don`t even get me started on the subject of "sporting integrity" experts. How do you measure sporting integrity by the way?

Judging by the way that the people charged with the responsibility of looking after the interests of their own clubs (ie Chairmen, Boards of Directors )and also tasked with the responsibility of running their own league, ie member clubs of the SPL, have been and are still currently behaving, then its absolutely no surprise that the Scottish game is in the state that it is. Greed, delusion,fear, self-interest, procrastination are just some of the character traits that are currently being portrayed by the afore-mentioned office bearers for each of the respective clubs. They are to busy trying to be seen to be pleasing the "rent-a-mob fan base" that have suddenly surfaced waving the sporting integrity banner in one hand and their club colours in the other hand. To pass a decision of this magnitude over to the afore mentioned rent-a-mob fans is nothing short of ridiculous (it`s also a breach of their fiduciary duties as a Company Director) It would appear that not one of them has had the courage to actually say "NO COMMENT " when being asked which way their club will vote on July 04th whilst at the same time actually then looking at all the COMMERCIAL implications of rejecting an application for NEWCO to join the SPL. By pandering to the rent-a-mob they are collectively signing the death warrant of the game in Scotland and consigning the SPL to years in the doldrums. I`ll guarantee you that all the so called "supporters" who have been on the forums, newspapers, radio etc over this saga will be the very same ones who will be on the same media vehicles a year from now complaining about the state of Scottish football and how poorly regarded we are by the rest of the world,we need league re-construction,oh woe is me, etc..................... do these so called office bearers currently charged with making these decisions today really think that all the rent-a-mob fans are going to be digging deep into their pockets and turning out in the middle of winter when moneys tight, Xmas is coming and the weathers crap because Dundee/Dunfermline/Club 12 are coming calling. The rent-a-mob fans will be out shopping with their wives,sitting at home on their key boards typing crap about something else,sitting watching the darts on TV.......the only thing they won`t be doing is out supporting their clubs. It will be a similar story in the last quarter of the season as well because 99% of them will have ZERO to play for. So by the end of the coming season each of the clubs (the ones that survive,because Administration is a heart beat away for at least 2 of them) will then see the real effects of the decision made this season. Budgets and revenues will be slashed to levels that will then finish the job of consigning the SPL to a level that it will never recover from. This decision will send ripples through the Scottish game right down to grass roots level so the SFL, Junior and Amateur leagues are all going to feel the effects of this decison for years to come.

Before the brain surgeons,doctors,protectors of sporting integrity,rent-a-mob start beating their key boards to death with their sarcastic, un-witty responses finished with just the right measure of bile, I`d like to point out that at no point have I condoned ANY of the actions of Rangers or the previous administration at the club. They will have to deal with the ramifications of their actions for years to come.In the fullness of time the criminal investigation will hopefully lead to the right people being called to account at all levels.

You should all be honest and admit that none of the current out pouring is being done in the name of "sporting integrity" or because you think that your club has been hard done to at some point by Rangers. You are being carried along with the mob mentality which says more about our current society than anything else has ever done in the last 50 years. I was fortunate enough to have played professional football at a decent level and I know what goes on behind the scenes of clubs up and down the country and some of it isn`t pretty nor legal. If you are all really hell bent on "sporting integrity" then you should now be lobbying the powers that be (SFA,SPL,SFL) to carry out an audit of ALL the member clubs on the same basis as the audit carried out on Rangers. " Without fear or favour " I believe was the phrase used by Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster on several occassions. Mr Regan and Mr Doncasters respective panels would be snowed under with the "prima facae" evidence of financial mis-management,contractual irregularities and overall general bad management at every member club. What then????

I have good memories from football and I`ll share those memories with my son`s and let them watch the DVD`s of what the game used to be like in Scotland. I`ll encourage them to play football and enjoy it for what it is now but I`ll also enjoy taking them fishing,golfing and any other outdoor pursuits that catch my eye because football at a serious level in Scotland is now officially in decline after the keys to the asylum were handed over to the patients.

Last one out please make sure you turn the lights off...........

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What surprised me most about the Rangers fans during all of this was their complete inability to grasp the severity of the situation and get together, get organised, project a united front. I'm no expert on the factions within the Rangers support, but pre-Feb 14, I was aware of the names 'Blue Order', 'Union Bears', and there was always some guy on the telly, an older guy, who was some sort of spokesman for the official Rangers supporters clubs. Following administration on Feb 14, I don't think I saw this older guy on the telly at all. There was that fat baldy chunt - who all Rangers fans seemed to hate too, and the younger guy with a neat line in leather jackets and regular appearances on the Scotland Tonight sofa. He was on the telly again last night, saying that by canvassing their own supporters views, clubs like Dundee United and Aberdeen simply kicked Rangers when they were down. To think that this arrogant wee chunt is choking into his cornflakes this morning pleases me greatly.

Then of course we had the RFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and their wonderful roll-up bannerstand. More typo' errors and mistakes in one 850mm x 2236mm graphic than I managed in a lifetime. Sandy Jardine seemed to spend a fair bit of time with the typo' error boys. Cannot believe they managed to typeset S-a-n-d-y J-a-r-d-i-n-e, and not the correct useage; U-t-t-e-r C-u-n-t. Talk about a typo' error.

So, these Blue Order, Union Bears, supporters clubs, fat baldy guys, older guy, and younger but seriously deluded guy..... plus the myriad of worldwide and local Rangers supporters clubs, bus convenors, blah, blah de blah.... where were they? Why weren't they organised into one group, speaking with one voice - and putting their triumphalist superiority complex WATP bullshit on hold? Us diddies recognised right away that their club was in a fight for its very survival - Rangers fans appeared to think they were in a fight to retain Champions League group stage qualification, and their 'rightful' position of shitting on the Sellik.

Ach, not my concern. Fcuk um'.

You seriously need to start a blog. This is the stuff the masses want to be reading.

Edited by BinoBalls
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Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it.


I wonder what today will bring? More players announcing they'll not go to newco or Sevco withdrawing their application for the SPL place?

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You`re all deluded.... I never realised that Scotland had so many legal experts and tax experts all playing on the same forum and don`t even get me started on the subject of "sporting integrity" experts. How do you measure sporting integrity by the way?

Judging by the way that the people charged with the responsibility of looking after the interests of their own clubs (ie Chairmen, Boards of Directors )and also tasked with the responsibility of running their own league, ie member clubs of the SPL, have been and are still currently behaving, then its absolutely no surprise that the Scottish game is in the state that it is. Greed, delusion,fear, self-interest, procrastination are just some of the character traits that are currently being portrayed by the afore-mentioned office bearers for each of the respective clubs. They are to busy trying to be seen to be pleasing the "rent-a-mob fan base" that have suddenly surfaced waving the sporting integrity banner in one hand and their club colours in the other hand. To pass a decision of this magnitude over to the afore mentioned rent-a-mob fans is nothing short of ridiculous (it`s also a breach of their fiduciary duties as a Company Director) It would appear that not one of them has had the courage to actually say "NO COMMENT " when being asked which way their club will vote on July 04th whilst at the same time actually then looking at all the COMMERCIAL implications of rejecting an application for NEWCO to join the SPL. By pandering to the rent-a-mob they are collectively signing the death warrant of the game in Scotland and consigning the SPL to years in the doldrums. I`ll guarantee you that all the so called "supporters" who have been on the forums, newspapers, radio etc over this saga will be the very same ones who will be on the same media vehicles a year from now complaining about the state of Scottish football and how poorly regarded we are by the rest of the world,we need league re-construction,oh woe is me, etc..................... do these so called office bearers currently charged with making these decisions today really think that all the rent-a-mob fans are going to be digging deep into their pockets and turning out in the middle of winter when moneys tight, Xmas is coming and the weathers crap because Dundee/Dunfermline/Club 12 are coming calling. The rent-a-mob fans will be out shopping with their wives,sitting at home on their key boards typing crap about something else,sitting watching the darts on TV.......the only thing they won`t be doing is out supporting their clubs. It will be a similar story in the last quarter of the season as well because 99% of them will have ZERO to play for. So by the end of the coming season each of the clubs (the ones that survive,because Administration is a heart beat away for at least 2 of them) will then see the real effects of the decision made this season. Budgets and revenues will be slashed to levels that will then finish the job of consigning the SPL to a level that it will never recover from. This decision will send ripples through the Scottish game right down to grass roots level so the SFL, Junior and Amateur leagues are all going to feel the effects of this decison for years to come.

Before the brain surgeons,doctors,protectors of sporting integrity,rent-a-mob start beating their key boards to death with their sarcastic, un-witty responses finished with just the right measure of bile, I`d like to point out that at no point have I condoned ANY of the actions of Rangers or the previous administration at the club. They will have to deal with the ramifications of their actions for years to come.In the fullness of time the criminal investigation will hopefully lead to the right people being called to account at all levels.

You should all be honest and admit that none of the current out pouring is being done in the name of "sporting integrity" or because you think that your club has been hard done to at some point by Rangers. You are being carried along with the mob mentality which says more about our current society than anything else has ever done in the last 50 years. I was fortunate enough to have played professional football at a decent level and I know what goes on behind the scenes of clubs up and down the country and some of it isn`t pretty nor legal. If you are all really hell bent on "sporting integrity" then you should now be lobbying the powers that be (SFA,SPL,SFL) to carry out an audit of ALL the member clubs on the same basis as the audit carried out on Rangers. " Without fear or favour " I believe was the phrase used by Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster on several occassions. Mr Regan and Mr Doncasters respective panels would be snowed under with the "prima facae" evidence of financial mis-management,contractual irregularities and overall general bad management at every member club. What then????

I have good memories from football and I`ll share those memories with my son`s and let them watch the DVD`s of what the game used to be like in Scotland. I`ll encourage them to play football and enjoy it for what it is now but I`ll also enjoy taking them fishing,golfing and any other outdoor pursuits that catch my eye because football at a serious level in Scotland is now officially in decline after the keys to the asylum were handed over to the patients.

Last one out please make sure you turn the lights off...........

Thank you for eloquently demonstrating why nobody has the slightest piece of sympathy for Rangers FC (deceased).

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The fact these b*****ds want to transfer their traditions to Newco should be enough to have any application from them turned down as not being a fit and proper club. They must remain dead. No point in winning the battle if we lose the war.

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You`re all deluded.... I never realised that Scotland had so many legal experts and tax experts all playing on the same forum and don`t even get me started on the subject of "sporting integrity" experts. How do you measure sporting integrity by the way?

The Delusion is all yours I'm afraid. You did this to yourselves. You and your club alone. If you would like to rectify the situation, you can pay all your creditors their debts in full. Oh wait you can't? Well I suppose we can just forget all about it and let your club suck the life out the game for the rest of our lives.

Throwing a hissy fit about deflecting the blame onto us for simply making sure you suffer the consequences, when there is no chance in all that is f**k that you'd be guaranteed to do the same will get you nowhere.

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Traynor today still saying that Newco Gers are about to be demoted to the SFL1 - says it's deal done.... but also promoting the 'lack of integrity' that decision displays by not punting them all the way down to the 3rd.

Why can they not effin realise that being allowed in any division AT ALL is being generous - and it's not effin demotion!!


Edited by Rusty 218
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I never realised that Scotland had so many legal experts and tax experts all playing on the same forum


I was fortunate enough to have played professional football at a decent level and I know what goes on behind the scenes of clubs up and down the country and some of it isn`t pretty nor legal. If you are all really hell bent on "sporting integrity" then you should now be lobbying the powers that be (SFA,SPL,SFL) to carry out an audit of ALL the member clubs on the same basis as the audit carried out on Rangers. " Without fear or favour " I believe was the phrase used by Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster on several occassions. Mr Regan and Mr Doncasters respective panels would be snowed under with the "prima facae" evidence of financial mis-management,contractual irregularities and overall general bad management at every member club.

So are you one of the legal or tax experts? Did you play for every club and have intimate knowledge of their workings? wink.gif

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Can someone PLEASE phone Talksport to put that fat c**t Brazil right?

I wish I was eloquent enough to phone him and put him straight. He's still trotting out the "SPL won't survive without Rangers" line. It's brutal listening to be honest, I'm only remaining tuned in to see if someone calls up to rip him a new one!!

So please, can someone, ANYONE, get this arsehole tuned in!!

Rant over!

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Traynor today still saying that Newco Gers are about to be demoted to the SFL1 - says it's deal done.... but also promoting the 'lack of integrity' that decision displays by not punting them all the way down to the 3rd.

Why can they not effin realise that being allowed in any division AT ALL is being generous - and it's not effin demotion!!


Traynor's genuinely a moron, but the Orc Media can't seem to get their heads around the fact that Rangers 2 need to stand for election. Rangers 1 are dead and therefore cannot be demoted. And secondly, placement in the first division is entirely opposed by fans. It won't happen.

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What frankly still astonishes me is the total denial of their teams actions. I was out with a Sevco5088 fan the other day and brought up the subject of where they were going to play etc. when he said:

1. 99.9% of Rankurs people did nothing wrong

2. Why are SPL chairmen allowing fans to dictate what they think?

3. The SPL and SFA should decided any punishment, not the clubs.

4. What extra punishments do they want to impose?

5. We should never be stripped of titles, I will refuse to acknowledge they have been taken away (2002 League Cup?).

6. We have been found guilty of nothing.

I could have argued all points although stuck my neck out on 5, because whatever else they need to hand back anything they cheated on.

I am afraid for our country. The Orcs on RM need to wake up and smell the napalm.

I have already emailed Ayr and demanded that they refuse membership to any Newcorpse except to Division 3. Lachlan Cameron is in Barbados sipping his Pina Colada. Apparently.

Or in other words have got the square root of f**k all back.

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What surprised me most about the Rangers fans during all of this was their complete inability to grasp the severity of the situation and get together, get organised, project a united front. I'm no expert on the factions within the Rangers support, but pre-Feb 14, I was aware of the names 'Blue Order', 'Union Bears', and there was always some guy on the telly, an older guy, who was some sort of spokesman for the official Rangers supporters clubs. Following administration on Feb 14, I don't think I saw this older guy on the telly at all. There was that fat baldy chunt - who all Rangers fans seemed to hate too, and the younger guy with a neat line in leather jackets and regular appearances on the Scotland Tonight sofa. He was on the telly again last night, saying that by canvassing their own supporters views, clubs like Dundee United and Aberdeen simply kicked Rangers when they were down. To think that this arrogant wee chunt is choking into his cornflakes this morning pleases me greatly.

Then of course we had the RFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and their wonderful roll-up bannerstand. More typo' errors and mistakes in one 850mm x 2236mm graphic than I managed in a lifetime. Sandy Jardine seemed to spend a fair bit of time with the typo' error boys. Cannot believe they managed to typeset S-a-n-d-y J-a-r-d-i-n-e, and not the correct useage; U-t-t-e-r C-u-n-t. Talk about a typo' error.

So, these Blue Order, Union Bears, supporters clubs, fat baldy guys, older guy, and younger but seriously deluded guy..... plus the myriad of worldwide and local Rangers supporters clubs, bus convenors, blah, blah de blah.... where were they? Why weren't they organised into one group, speaking with one voice - and putting their triumphalist superiority complex WATP bullshit on hold? Us diddies recognised right away that their club was in a fight for its very survival - Rangers fans appeared to think they were in a fight to retain Champions League group stage qualification, and their 'rightful' position of shitting on the Sellik.

Ach, not my concern. Fcuk um'.

Its amazing really isnt it? You would hope that if our club went tits up, even with a hardcore of 3000 home fans, we could muster up at least as much as the Rangers fighting fund did, which amassed an amazing £6.50 per fan that was in Manchester. The club needed the money in the cup and a paltry 16k turned out against Dundee United.

While they directed their anger and hatred towards everyone else and blamed everyone else for their troubles, they completely missed the opportunity to pull together and take responsibility for the situation, too many people sitting on their thumbs complaining. That fighting fund should have been at 5m within 30 days of going into administration, where were the fundraising things? They got 8000 to a march, charge everyone £20 who wants to go to that, theres 160k right there, sell T-shirts at a tenner a pop for the march, another 50k profit, there are so many things they could have done but instead - zip - nada, a token gesture and an empty march.

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It`s obviously not clear enough to all the brain surgeons and protectors of sporting integrity out there so I`ll put it in CAPITAL LETTERS and even make them BOLD for you all.


My rent-a-mob quote stands and judging by the responses already posted who think I`m posting out of some mis-guided loyalty or support for Rangers, the quote is well justified. Try and read between the lines and at least have some form of original thoughts for yourselves befor it gets really embarressing.


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You`re all deluded.... I never realised that Scotland had so many legal experts and tax experts all playing on the same forum and don`t even get me started on the subject of "sporting integrity" experts. How do you measure sporting integrity by the way?

Judging by the way that the people charged with the responsibility of looking after the interests of their own clubs (ie Chairmen, Boards of Directors )and also tasked with the responsibility of running their own league, ie member clubs of the SPL, have been and are still currently behaving, then its absolutely no surprise that the Scottish game is in the state that it is. Greed, delusion,fear, self-interest, procrastination are just some of the character traits that are currently being portrayed by the afore-mentioned office bearers for each of the respective clubs. They are to busy trying to be seen to be pleasing the "rent-a-mob fan base" that have suddenly surfaced waving the sporting integrity banner in one hand and their club colours in the other hand. To pass a decision of this magnitude over to the afore mentioned rent-a-mob fans is nothing short of ridiculous (it`s also a breach of their fiduciary duties as a Company Director) It would appear that not one of them has had the courage to actually say "NO COMMENT " when being asked which way their club will vote on July 04th whilst at the same time actually then looking at all the COMMERCIAL implications of rejecting an application for NEWCO to join the SPL. By pandering to the rent-a-mob they are collectively signing the death warrant of the game in Scotland and consigning the SPL to years in the doldrums. I`ll guarantee you that all the so called "supporters" who have been on the forums, newspapers, radio etc over this saga will be the very same ones who will be on the same media vehicles a year from now complaining about the state of Scottish football and how poorly regarded we are by the rest of the world,we need league re-construction,oh woe is me, etc..................... do these so called office bearers currently charged with making these decisions today really think that all the rent-a-mob fans are going to be digging deep into their pockets and turning out in the middle of winter when moneys tight, Xmas is coming and the weathers crap because Dundee/Dunfermline/Club 12 are coming calling. The rent-a-mob fans will be out shopping with their wives,sitting at home on their key boards typing crap about something else,sitting watching the darts on TV.......the only thing they won`t be doing is out supporting their clubs. It will be a similar story in the last quarter of the season as well because 99% of them will have ZERO to play for. So by the end of the coming season each of the clubs (the ones that survive,because Administration is a heart beat away for at least 2 of them) will then see the real effects of the decision made this season. Budgets and revenues will be slashed to levels that will then finish the job of consigning the SPL to a level that it will never recover from. This decision will send ripples through the Scottish game right down to grass roots level so the SFL, Junior and Amateur leagues are all going to feel the effects of this decison for years to come.

Before the brain surgeons,doctors,protectors of sporting integrity,rent-a-mob start beating their key boards to death with their sarcastic, un-witty responses finished with just the right measure of bile, I`d like to point out that at no point have I condoned ANY of the actions of Rangers or the previous administration at the club. They will have to deal with the ramifications of their actions for years to come.In the fullness of time the criminal investigation will hopefully lead to the right people being called to account at all levels.

You should all be honest and admit that none of the current out pouring is being done in the name of "sporting integrity" or because you think that your club has been hard done to at some point by Rangers. You are being carried along with the mob mentality which says more about our current society than anything else has ever done in the last 50 years. I was fortunate enough to have played professional football at a decent level and I know what goes on behind the scenes of clubs up and down the country and some of it isn`t pretty nor legal. If you are all really hell bent on "sporting integrity" then you should now be lobbying the powers that be (SFA,SPL,SFL) to carry out an audit of ALL the member clubs on the same basis as the audit carried out on Rangers. " Without fear or favour " I believe was the phrase used by Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster on several occassions. Mr Regan and Mr Doncasters respective panels would be snowed under with the "prima facae" evidence of financial mis-management,contractual irregularities and overall general bad management at every member club. What then????

I have good memories from football and I`ll share those memories with my son`s and let them watch the DVD`s of what the game used to be like in Scotland. I`ll encourage them to play football and enjoy it for what it is now but I`ll also enjoy taking them fishing,golfing and any other outdoor pursuits that catch my eye because football at a serious level in Scotland is now officially in decline after the keys to the asylum were handed over to the patients.

Last one out please make sure you turn the lights off...........

I feel your pain. Actually, no I don't. I'm looking forward to the season opener against ICT, with a lush green pitch, the hope for a decent season foremost in my mind, and I'll be cheering on 11 boys in the stripes, resplendent in their new strips, Bovril in hand and cries of 'GET IT SORTED DANNY / GET A SUB ON DANNY / FFS DANNY!' revving up in my throat... just in case.

Mon' the tax paying, PAYE paying, illegal double contract avoiding diddies.

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You`re all deluded.... I never realised that Scotland had so many legal experts and tax experts all playing on the same forum and don`t even get me started on the subject of "sporting integrity" experts. How do you measure sporting integrity by the way?

Judging by the way that the people charged with the responsibility of looking after the interests of their own clubs (ie Chairmen, Boards of Directors )and also tasked with the responsibility of running their own league, ie member clubs of the SPL, have been and are still currently behaving, then its absolutely no surprise that the Scottish game is in the state that it is. Greed, delusion,fear, self-interest, procrastination are just some of the character traits that are currently being portrayed by the afore-mentioned office bearers for each of the respective clubs. They are to busy trying to be seen to be pleasing the "rent-a-mob fan base" that have suddenly surfaced waving the sporting integrity banner in one hand and their club colours in the other hand. To pass a decision of this magnitude over to the afore mentioned rent-a-mob fans is nothing short of ridiculous (it`s also a breach of their fiduciary duties as a Company Director) It would appear that not one of them has had the courage to actually say "NO COMMENT " when being asked which way their club will vote on July 04th whilst at the same time actually then looking at all the COMMERCIAL implications of rejecting an application for NEWCO to join the SPL. By pandering to the rent-a-mob they are collectively signing the death warrant of the game in Scotland and consigning the SPL to years in the doldrums. I`ll guarantee you that all the so called "supporters" who have been on the forums, newspapers, radio etc over this saga will be the very same ones who will be on the same media vehicles a year from now complaining about the state of Scottish football and how poorly regarded we are by the rest of the world,we need league re-construction,oh woe is me, etc..................... do these so called office bearers currently charged with making these decisions today really think that all the rent-a-mob fans are going to be digging deep into their pockets and turning out in the middle of winter when moneys tight, Xmas is coming and the weathers crap because Dundee/Dunfermline/Club 12 are coming calling. The rent-a-mob fans will be out shopping with their wives,sitting at home on their key boards typing crap about something else,sitting watching the darts on TV.......the only thing they won`t be doing is out supporting their clubs. It will be a similar story in the last quarter of the season as well because 99% of them will have ZERO to play for. So by the end of the coming season each of the clubs (the ones that survive,because Administration is a heart beat away for at least 2 of them) will then see the real effects of the decision made this season. Budgets and revenues will be slashed to levels that will then finish the job of consigning the SPL to a level that it will never recover from. This decision will send ripples through the Scottish game right down to grass roots level so the SFL, Junior and Amateur leagues are all going to feel the effects of this decison for years to come.

Before the brain surgeons,doctors,protectors of sporting integrity,rent-a-mob start beating their key boards to death with their sarcastic, un-witty responses finished with just the right measure of bile, I`d like to point out that at no point have I condoned ANY of the actions of Rangers or the previous administration at the club. They will have to deal with the ramifications of their actions for years to come.In the fullness of time the criminal investigation will hopefully lead to the right people being called to account at all levels.

You should all be honest and admit that none of the current out pouring is being done in the name of "sporting integrity" or because you think that your club has been hard done to at some point by Rangers. You are being carried along with the mob mentality which says more about our current society than anything else has ever done in the last 50 years. I was fortunate enough to have played professional football at a decent level and I know what goes on behind the scenes of clubs up and down the country and some of it isn`t pretty nor legal. If you are all really hell bent on "sporting integrity" then you should now be lobbying the powers that be (SFA,SPL,SFL) to carry out an audit of ALL the member clubs on the same basis as the audit carried out on Rangers. " Without fear or favour " I believe was the phrase used by Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster on several occassions. Mr Regan and Mr Doncasters respective panels would be snowed under with the "prima facae" evidence of financial mis-management,contractual irregularities and overall general bad management at every member club. What then????

I have good memories from football and I`ll share those memories with my son`s and let them watch the DVD`s of what the game used to be like in Scotland. I`ll encourage them to play football and enjoy it for what it is now but I`ll also enjoy taking them fishing,golfing and any other outdoor pursuits that catch my eye because football at a serious level in Scotland is now officially in decline after the keys to the asylum were handed over to the patients.

Last one out please make sure you turn the lights off...........

You can't flog a dead horse but you can ensure the new one plays by the rules.

Now fcuk off and dry your eyes.

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