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They just won`t die, will they?

Radio Scotland just wheeled out an eminent(?) sport solicitor called David Thompson who stated directors who vote against Newco despite being aware of the financial hit involved could be in breach of the Companies Act and could face possible action as they`re remit is to protect the Company and they cannot take sporting integrity into account.

Possible action by who? Their shareholders? Who are in almost all cases, fans?

I mean really, unless alkie Leggo is planning to drag clubs directors through the courts, that is a complete red herring.

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Lifted from Orctalk so we can keep an eye on who goes/is left etc

Feel free to score out as they depart :D

Fwiw, I think Wallace has been told he can't go as the contract to be TUPE'd is uncertain/dodgy, so he might get stuck nowhere if he bins it....

They seem to have completely removed Whittaker and Naismith? Too painful for them to see a wee line through their name? Perhaps they've just tipexed a line through the back of their strip!

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They just won`t die, will they?

Radio Scotland just wheeled out an eminent(?) sport solicitor called David Thompson who stated directors who vote against Newco despite being aware of the financial hit involved could be in breach of the Companies Act and could face possible action as they`re remit is to protect the Company and they cannot take sporting integrity into account.

Unless of course they consider that the financial hit would be less than that caused by a ST boycott by their own club's supporters. I don't think that they could make this charge stick. Too many unknowns. Clearly another Sevco 5088 apologist.

ETA - sorry, it's been well covered before my post. smile.gif

Edited by cuyahoga
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I suppose they don't have to fit in International/European dates though. Never mind.....

How many times are Scottish clubs in Europe past August?

As for a few international friendlies? They're irrelevant.

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We'd a 44-game season in the days before expanded international and European football... and the Football League isn't subject to the UEFA Embargo.

It would be 'possible' but only by literally cramming the season to the gunnels... scrapping the Winter Break (4 dates) allows you to play 8 games in 4 weeks in January, to which you would have to add the midweeks of April 16th and May 8th.

However it'd see you playing 2 games a week from mid-December until early February, and it;d leave almost no scope for rearrangements caused by postponements or cup-ties (replays, SFs, etc.).

Aye. I wasn't suggesting it, just saying it had been done in the past.

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They seem to have completely removed Whittaker and Naismith? Too painful for them to see a wee line through their name? Perhaps they've just tipexed a line through the back of their strip!

Posted after they had gone :D, and the lines through were alllllllll mine.

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I do not know who it was but there was some "expert" on radio Scotland claiming no where in the rules for directors of football clubs should then take into account "Sporting Integrity" when making decisions. This expert said that directors duty should be on the financial health of their club and thus make the decisions base on that alone. It was if he was attempting to discredit the decisions that SPL and now of course some of the SFL clubs have made. Hmm wonder how long that is picked up by the Old Firm loving media and peddled out to the masses. I also think he was trying to say and in round about way that the Directors should not listen to the fans, I hope I was wrong about that. It was Radio Scotland Drive time show just before 5.

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They just won`t die, will they?

Radio Scotland just wheeled out an eminent(?) sport solicitor called David Thompson who stated directors who vote against Newco despite being aware of the financial hit involved could be in breach of the Companies Act and could face possible action as they`re remit is to protect the Company and they cannot take sporting integrity into account.

'financial hit' - is he talking about the severe loss of income that will happen when fans boycott their own clubs and deprive their own clubs of income ?

A matter for argument I'd say.

And i reckon he's talking bollox

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Nope, Cowdenbeath have pinned their colours quite disgracefully to the mast so far. GMFC is putting out nothing but white noise.

Good news IMO. Just today we have seen some statements of intent against the Newco from the likes of Raith, an extra week gives the fans time to organise and apply pressure on their clubs. The Morton's Supporters Trust are holding an open meeting on Thursday, for example, and will be handing over its observations to the club.

Plus it's another week until the start of the season, another week of Sevco blundering along with no significant income.

The Accies line atm from an official "Please bear in mind much of the info in the media is not accurate and equally out of date by the time it is in print as this story changes daily, and sometimes several times a day. At present this is an SPL matter. They may or may not have a vacancy. If they do, they may choose not to fill it. As Tubbs and others have said, the SFL do not have a vacancy at present. Bear in mind the season is about to start! There's plenty more I could say...but wont !


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Phah, easy enough to refute I'd think, especially as nobody actually knows how much a team would lose if Rangers aren't in the SPL. If questioned, a clubs directors could say "We estimated we'd lose £X due to Rangers not being in the SPL. We estimated we'd lose £Y from lower attendances due to our own fans disillusionment if Rangers were voted back in. Since £Y was greater than £X we decided to vote 'No'".


Yup... and while they might lose cash from a visiting Rangers fan twice a season at £24 a pop, losing a single regular home fan equates to roughly 18 league games at roughly £20 a pop, plus possible home cup ties, plus regular spending on food and programmes, plus they might stop buying merchandise, plus alienating a home fan could see them stop taking their kid to games, and future fans in local areas will be lost.... plus of course, in voting 'No' the chairmen have had a heads-up that Sky don't do walking away.

Spin it any way they want - it is the correct decision to lose Orc dollars and keep your own loyal fans onside.

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Unless of course they consider that the financial hit would be less than that caused by a ST boycott by their own club's supporters. I don't think that they could make this charge stick. Too many unknowns. Clearly another Sevco 5088 apologist.

ETA - sorry, it's been well covered before my post. smile.gif

It's the same rubbish spouted by Celtic apologists who have been trying to defend their board's non-committal policy.

Any football club board who has voted no can argue a good, solid business reason for doing so. BBC are now becoming (even more) desperate in their defence of newco.

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I do not know who it was but there was some "expert" on radio Scotland claiming no where in the rules for directors of football clubs should then take into account "Sporting Integrity" when making decisions. This expert said that directors duty should be on the financial health of their club and thus make the decisions base on that alone. It was if he was attempting to discredit the decisions that SPL and now of course some of the SFL clubs have made. Hmm wonder how long that is picked up by the Old Firm loving media and peddled out to the masses. I also think he was trying to say and in round about way that the Directors should not listen to the fans, I hope I was wrong about that. It was Radio Scotland Drive time show just before 5.

I'm not worried. Anyone remember the London-based 'financial expert' on Newsnight Scotland a while back, convinced that Rangers would get their CVA through no bother?

Presumably he's going to be the next Greek Finance Minister.

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Keep your powder dry bears, just heard from a very well informed first cousin of a friend of a friend that an absolute 'haymaker' is about to be delivered and really turn things around for us. This is not a wind-up. crabflute.gif

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Listening to this Daily Record Podcast would drive you to drink. Frustrating doesn't do it...............Rangers are victims apparently.

Craig Whyte caused all the problems ? It had nothing to do with Rangers.

Why then did Rangers decide to sell to him ? I know.........it was David Murray's fault. Hang on, I thought it was Craig Whyte's fault ?

Well, OK, Craig Whyte and David Murray then but definitely not Rangers to blame.

Why didn't the Directors of the company take action if Whyte, or Murray for that matter, were committing offences ? Well, OK, It was Craig Whyte, David Murray, John Greig and John McLelland but at no time were Rangers involved.

These imbeciles believe that it is 14 year old boys in their bedroom who are causing the problems. How do they know I'm 14 year old and that I'm typing in my bedroom ? I will admit they are very close. I'm male and I'm in my house. I'm actually in my living room and I'm a 58 year old. No need to back up their claims with facts. As usual, Traynor and his band of clowns make up their minds that it is youngsters who know nothing who are putting the boot into Rangers and therefore it becomes a fact.

These people live in their own wee world and think they are doing us a favour by sharing their perceived wisdom. In reality they are lazy, self interested nonentities who have had a forum on which to justify their skewed perception of scottish football and importantly, they have had no challenge up till now.

Things have changed, thanks to the emergence of the internet, and ordinary people like ourselves are finally able to comment on the topical issues of the day. These self appointed experts don't like the idea of Joe Public having a view and their ever diminishing confidence has left them with the only alternative available. That is, attack the new voices, proclaim that everyone on an internet forum is stupid and the only way forward is to listen to them.

These media fools are exhibiting the classic symptom of individuals with a low self esteem. They are attempting to drag everyone else down instead of aspiring to a a higher level themselves. Rather than engage with people who have something to contribute to the debate, they would rather dismiss people like us, not because our arguments have no merit, but because it undermines their monopoly of the communicated word.

If Traynor, Keegins, Jackson et al don't want to be swept away in the tide of progress, I would suggest that they embrace change and start working harder to convince us that they are worthwhile listening to.

As for disregarding the rants of the 'fourteen year old keyboard gangstas', you will eventually learn that internet forums are a wee bit more sophisticated than that and life could well become increasingly uncomfortable for you magnificent, honest, knowledgeable journalists with more sporting integrity than the rest of us mere mortals.

Absolutely correct and very well put, Sir.

The thing is that print journalism is a dying art. The media we have are as slow to embrace the concept of user-led content and real choice as were the music and movie industries, and look how that went for them...

Now, we have fan led websites that cater to an individual group of fans far more specifically and thus with less flab and more insight than has ever been possible...except perhaps for the fanzines of the 80s/90s. The web has replaced them. Now, those were no threat to the papers, being rather amateur and very occasional. Now, though, fans can not only access but produce content with immense ease. And they do.

Radio and TV are also under threat as user-generated content now comes from inside the clubs, who generally have their own media teams of dedicated fans.

But the dinosaurs of the formerly unchallenged MSM have not understood the change. This means that when Traynor and his ilk condescend to speak to punters on their pathetic phone-in shows they feel contempt is the correct attitude. Because it has genuinely not occurred to them that any given fan might actually know as much about the game as the host , and/or their football guests.

The BBC and Record et al think they have embraced modern media by allowing people their say. The realisation must come soon that giving people that say isn't enough by itself...they actually need to reflect the opinions of the audience. Or they will die, as places like this become more valuable to fans than the old ways.

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I'm not worried. Anyone remember the London-based 'financial expert' on Newsnight Scotland a while back, convinced that Rangers would get their CVA through no bother?

Presumably he's going to be the next Greek Finance Minister.

I think that was actually his previous job. rolleyes.gif

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They just won`t die, will they?

Radio Scotland just wheeled out an eminent(?) sport solicitor called David Thompson who stated directors who vote against Newco despite being aware of the financial hit involved could be in breach of the Companies Act and could face possible action as they`re remit is to protect the Company and they cannot take sporting integrity into account.

No change there, then.......

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They just won`t die, will they?

Radio Scotland just wheeled out an eminent(?) sport solicitor called David Thompson who stated directors who vote against Newco despite being aware of the financial hit involved could be in breach of the Companies Act and could face possible action as they`re remit is to protect the Company and they cannot take sporting integrity into account.

Equally though, they need to consider that hundreds of fans/customers (who pay about 40% of most clubs costs just by entrance money alone) have told them that they are not happy. That's also a financial risk. Finally, who is going to pull them up? The shareholders? Don't think so. Time to check David Thompson's debenture seat number I think.

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