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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So after 1 season, status quo is resumed. A chance to freshen up Scottish football will have gone if this goes through and apathy along with small crowds will return.

East Fife better vote against this motion or I wont be going back to Bayview anytime soon.

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In doing this, it would just mean that Sevco would walk the league at a canter.

I think the time has come for the NO TO NEWCO supporters to take to the streets. Do what Rangers fans did, march to Hampden in our thousands and make our feelings heard loud and clear.

Or 20 keyboard commanders turn up and it looks like no-one actually gives a f**k.

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PRESS STATEMENT: The SFL can confirm that no agreement has been reached between The SFL and any other body regarding the position of Rangers Newco in the First Division. Consultation will continue to take place, primarily with our clubs, as previously advised.

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If this goes through, I'll walk away from the senior set up in Scotland.

What other league would cheats be rewarded in this way.

Celtic really need to come out now and make a statement.

Celtic are playing a blinder Rico, were you not at the meetings?

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This proposal has the power to help destroy Scottish football at all levels such is

its stupidity. Football clubs in the SPL are so out of touch with the fans that

they prob refer to this plan as 'The plan to keep everyone happy and save the day'.

Its no surprise Rod Petrie is involved

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Can someone clear this up?

If they "immediately" relegate Rangers, then that would have to be the oldco as it is in possession of the share. But they have no chance of fullfilling fixtures, are about to get liquidated, and AFAIK cannot transfer an SFL share to a newco so would be screwed.

The only way that Sevco can end up in SPL1 through a relegation is for the SPL to vote them in next week (which if it happened would cause SPL fan meltdown) and then immediately relegate them (for some made-up reason). However would this be Sevco 5088 or Sevco Scotland?

Smells like shite to me.

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It should do considering Rangers no longer exist.So how can you relegate a team that no longer exists,sevco want into the league,and should do as the Airdrie United's and Gretna's did and apply to get into the spl3.

I dont speak alone in saying what the SFA is doing reeks of corruption,if you see it differently well i suppose that is your choice.

Where on earth have I said that :unsure:...? Of course the whole thing is unpalataeable, but my post relates to a suggestion that Sepp Blatter would intervene in an attempt to root out 'corruption' (there's an irony if there ever was one, btw).

Yes i know we lost the vote,and you can see i have said it many times before in this thread.It is just something on this occassion i didn't mention.

And yet you did mention that bodysnatching Clydebank was...

A sad situation which was forced on us due to 3 year audit,not wanting us to look like a pheonix club,also the fact they slated our fanbase and weren't prepared to see it rekindled.

... despite that statement being partly complete fabrication, and partly complete sob-story sympathy seeking.

Airdrie tried to Newco right back and when the ballot was lost, instead bodysnatched another club, in doing so starting-out a level up.

That's not an attack, abuse, or being judgemental, it's simply an expression of fact.

Airdrie are not the GUILTY party here,we didn't go into liquidation on tax evasion,we weren't fast tracked back into our old position.What we did was wrong,but that compared to what Rangers are doing is very small.Clydebank still exist as well i may add,Airdrieonians don't.

Completely. Unfortunately none of this is of any relevance to the original point.

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I really don't think it would have. There would be no incentive to it, with Rangers out the game staying in the top division would be crucial to maintain dropping finances for clubs servicing debts. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas.

The SFL aren't sure about a pyramid, this is the SFA agenda as I'm sure the SPL don't really think about division 3.

Expansion is tricky 14 needs a worse split than 12, 16 is too few games without a split. No one has put forward a credible plan that solves all the issues. With a single governing body do you think expansion is more or less likely. I personally think it is unlikely in either scenario but more likely with one body.

The deal on the table might not cure all of the games woes but you can at least acknowledge it is a step in the right direction.

What's so bad about a split? 14/14/14 with a 7/7 or 6/8 split would make me think something was changing for the better, and maybe worth a bit of compromise. That way the SFL could allow Sevco into the third level, and they could have their bigot fests back in only 2 years. Everyone wins..rolleyes.gif

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I think it's bull tbh, but if it's true can we try another form of protest ?...let them into div 1 & then sabotage every 'rangers' away match.

let's say they come to cappielow, after say, 20 mins morton fans walk onto the pitch for a peaceful protest & refuse to leave, game gets abandoned. if the fans of every other club do the same thing when 'rangers' visit then the whole season turns into a farce.

Time to turn diddy power up a notch.

one slight snag with this- If the home teams fans force abandonment, then the HOME team will be punished resulting in a 3-0 win for newco times that by however many away games they play, you have effectivly handed newco the leagueph34r.gif

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A fcking stitch up. Where is the sporting integrity in all this? I was slated for saying that other clubs chairman would put money before integrity. They would put money before their own fans feelings well here you have it!! I am so sickened by all this nonsense i feel like ripping up my renewal forms!!

I am sick of wee deals being done behind closed doors. This is a new club. There is absolutely no way they can justify putting the new club in the 1st division. It had to be the SPL...The SPL with sanctions or apply to the SFL for a place in the 3rd.

I would email my club to put my point across but i don't have a club at the moment. As things stand i might never have a club in Scottish Football. I am actually laughing at those chairman who spoke up about how they would put Integrity before Money...2 faced arseholes. I actually feel for the supporters of clubs like that went out and invested in season tickets believing their club were making a stand.

I migth be going to quite a few Queens Park and Johnstone Burgh games the way this is going <_<

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I've missed a few pages, so apologies if I'm getting this wrong. The situation appears to be that Vlad broke ranks first, and in his own inimitable style, Hearts said 'No' to newco in the SPL. Hibs, ICT, Aberdeen, Arabs... and others (in no particular order) also publicly said 'No' to newco in the SPL. Supporters on here naturally assumed that if Charlie Green (or anyone) could get organised - there were two options facing the newco. One was to apply for what would become a vacant slot in SFL Div 3, and the second was doing a 'Third Lanark' and disappearing, either permanently, or temporarily if they could even do that, and try to come back as a newco somewhere down the line.

However, while those SPL chairmen were starting to speak publicly and saying 'No' to newco in the SPL, behind the scenes they knew fine well that there was a cunning plan afoot to do a quick shuffle of the Scottish football pack - purely to allow a Rangers newco to avoid Div 3 or worse, and to grease them a much easier route back to the SPL itself - by creating a new league structure that would see them begin life in 'SPL 2'. Have I picked this up correctly so far?

IF (big if) this is the picture - then just how stupid do the SPL chairmen think we are, and how utterly stupid can they be? If this scenario is true, are they really that stupid that they don't realise this is actually worse than simply saying 'yes' to a newco in the SPL in the first place?

We have a top flight club who went into administration, then liquidation, due to factors we all are clear about now. It is every bit as wrong to suddenly manufacture a 'league reconstruction' to accomodate their new guise simply because of who this club used to be, as it would be to allow a newco club (ANY newco club) direct entry into the SPL.

What is so difficult to understand about this? I have no truck with a re-organisation of the Scottish football scene, it's long overdue - but by Christ, Rangers being corrupt cheating bastuts is no reason to start. FFS - the people running Scottish football? What planet are they on?

edit: Posted the above, before seeing the SFL denial that a dodgy deal to re-jig the leagues has been done. Hopefully that is correct, because my God, otherwise they really must think we all came up the Clyde on a banana boat.

Edited by pozbaird
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Assuming the BBC report is true...

Too many people have been too focused on the killing Rangers over and over, it will never last. They can get more than 40,000 people to turn up to watch Rangers and if you tell them their new team isn't Rangers most of them won't believe you or won't care. (see Clydebank/Airdrie). If you kick them to division 3 Scottish football gains nothing, if you kick them out completely you still gain nothing apart from some club will be taken over and rebadged.

This way things actually happen instead of Scottish football suddenly becoming a lot poorer. Rangers get relegated which is fair. Dundee/Dunfermline situation is unsatisfactory but nothing's perfect and the SPL can still deal with revenue sharing, votes, friendly exceptions and anything else where the OF have been running roughshod over the diddies.

This isn't about killing Rangers as they are already dead, its about sporting integrity and imho Newco company should start at the bottom league and work their way up. If we bend the rules to get them in division 1 then i will not go to another SPL/SFL league again.

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Maybe so, but would they not be better mulling over these proposals for the next 12 months and then deciding if it's the best way forward, rather than looking at them for 12 hours and deciding tomorrow?

What about Sevco I hear you say? What about them? Apply for SFL3 now, or sit outside the SFL structure for 12 months and apply to join next season at whatever the lowest level when this re-construction takes place.

I don't agree. We are all in limbo right now, those in power must take decisive action. If this is what they have come up with then they should push it forward, if it fails they should all walk away. If Petrie, Doncaster and Longmuir can't get their plan through they don't deserve to be leaders.

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In doing this, it would just mean that Sevco would walk the league at a canter.

I think the time has come for the NO TO NEWCO supporters to take to the streets. Do what Rangers fans did, march to Hampden in our thousands and make our feelings heard loud and clear.

This is not required. Social media has played a huge part in mobilising people without the need for physical protest. What we needed to do was convince the powers that be that the views of fans would not be ignored on this issue.

SPL chairmen meeting at the moment; be interesting to see what is said at the end of this meeting.

We've won the battle, now we can go on and win the war.

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