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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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They're talking about relegating the Oldco between now and 3rd July.

But oldco are going bust and have no players or ground. SFL should take one look at that and punt them to SFL3 at best as they have no hope of fulfilling their fixtures.

Can someone find the appropriate rules that say that the SFL won't let you transfer from oldco to newco - or did I dream that one up?

Edited by Forest_Fifer
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Any word on whether salaries have been paid at Ibrokes??????

Think about it boys and girls, Sevco has no income at present and has to pay salaries to all staff, even those that have announced they won't move across up until at least the time when they advised their intentions. What must that amount to and with another full month and more between now and the start of the season there will be next to no income in that period either. Meanwhile, there are the running costs of Ibrokes & MP and whatever other expenditure needs to be met.

Who actually thinks the Sevco zombies 2012 will be around to see the start of the season in spite of the SFA/SPL/SFL's best efforts to nurse them along with the minimum of sanction for their cheating.?

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Copy of my e-mail sent to SFL I know it probably won't do any good but it made me feel a little bit better

To whom it may concern As stated in your recent press release "The Scottish Football League is trying to address the question of whether we are in a position to accommodate a solution to the Rangers F.C. scenario." I would be grateful if you could clarify that statement, as far as I was aware Rangers FC were in the process of being liquidated and therfore will not exist in a few weeks time. And as far as any reincarnation of Rangers FC are concerned they will be an entirely new entity and therfore surely must apply to the SPL or SFL for entry into their leagues. If you are proposing to rip up the rule book in order to favour one club over the rest of Scottish football surely you are not representing Scottish football only Glasgow football. I await your reply

Stunningly similar to the one I fired off an hour ago! Great minds and all that...

To whom it may concern:

I note, with great concern, a plan reported by the BBC and many other news outlets which suggests that a horse and cart could be driven through the integrity of the game we hold so dear. Whilst it is unfotunate that one member of the Scottish football family has fallen on hard times, to place commercial considerations over and above the ethos of fair and equal play shall surely result in the rapid death of our game as a whole.

To summarise: The Rangers Football Club are a new entity, and should therefore go through the process of applying to join the league in the same manner as Ross County, Inverness Caley Thistle, Annan Athletic et al. If The Rangers Football Club wishes to participate in the 2012/13 season, that can only mean that the Club will be admitted into the Scottish Football League Third Division, not the First Division as has been widely rumoured.

I, and many like-minded fans, are extremely concerned at the current state of our national game, and allowing The Rangers Football Club into the Scottish Football League First Division will be the final straw for many.



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Quote from Rangers Tax Case (http://rangerstaxcase.wordpress.com/2012/06/22/an-unholy-mess/comment-page-77/#comment-120809)"If I was the suspicious and cynical type, I would conclude that this deal is not as done as has been claimed. It has been rumoured on messageboards that Green did not have the funds available to conclude the deal as planned and that Duff & Phelps proceeded anyway- giving Green time to pay from the proceeds of season ticket sales. Certainly this would explain some of the strange circumstances described above. Players could not be sent TUPE notifications if their contracts have not in fact been transferred yet. Duff & Phelps would doubtless prefer to receive season ticket funds directly rather than wait for Green to make good on a promise."

This would seem to explain a lot. What do you think of this theory?

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Neil Doncaster has been quiet because he is carefully considering all the best possible scenarios for Scottish football. Here's a quick guide to his thought process so far....


There is one vital ingredient missing from that pic Poz, although it could be argued that the face does enough to explain what that might be.

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Quote from Rangers Tax Case (http://rangerstaxcas...#comment-120809)"If I was the suspicious and cynical type, I would conclude that this deal is not as done as has been claimed. It has been rumoured on messageboards that Green did not have the funds available to conclude the deal as planned and that Duff & Phelps proceeded anyway- giving Green time to pay from the proceeds of season ticket sales. Certainly this would explain some of the strange circumstances described above. Players could not be sent TUPE notifications if their contracts have not in fact been transferred yet. Duff & Phelps would doubtless prefer to receive season ticket funds directly rather than wait for Green to make good on a promise."

This would seem to explain a lot. What do you think of this theory?

That could go somewhere towards making sense of the shambles.

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If all you want is a dead Rangers, then relax, you've already got it. What I'd like is a dead Rangers, a 3x14 league set up, fair distribution of revenue and voting rights, and the death of the SPL.

For that I'd be prepared to allow Sevco 5088 compete for a place in the bottom level.

Seize the moment!

hmm that is a compelling argument. I'm sure the SPL will acquiesce to your demands with such a great offer.

Here is the SPL counter offer, take Rangers in the 1st or there will be no negotiation on anything. Ever.

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Possible SFA/SFL/SPL stitch up but SFL clubs no nothing about it it seems. Media badly want it to be so, with Newco in the First but no other fucker does.

So are we sayin that the cockwomble has gone behind the SPL clubs backs like?

Where's this being reported, cos all Talksport are sayin is that the SPL are sayin their still in consultation.

Is there a whistleblower somewhere? Anyone got a link?


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hmm that is a compelling argument. I'm sure the SPL will acquiesce to your demands with such a great offer.

Here is the SPL counter offer, take Rangers in the 1st or there will be no negotiation on anything. Ever.

That's fine, sevco will not be in any league, head straight to an EGM and overthrow the useless fcukers.

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hmm that is a compelling argument. I'm sure the SPL will acquiesce to your demands with such a great offer.

Here is the SPL counter offer, take Rangers in the 1st or there will be no negotiation on anything. Ever.

So be it. But my offer gets you the Sevco 5088 lucre back in 2 years, maybe just in time to save you from liquidation if your board is to be believed. What does your plan offer any team in the SFL below the 1st Division?

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Long time lurker blinking into the light here:

Please, please f*ck off and die. I can't be arsed listening to any more of this. At first it was amusing, then exciting, now I'm just fed up. Get them kicked out and the rest of Scottish football can move on.

This corpse just won't stop twitching. You're meant to shoot a zombie in the head to kill it but what can you do when there's no evidence of a brain to shoot?

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Folk are looking the wrong way here.

Its not Doncaster, Regan, the SPL, the SFL nor the SFA that is attempting to come up with a solution to keep Rangers in Scottish football.

Its Celtic.

Celtic are the driving force.

Fans need to wake up and realise that Celtic are absolutely desperate to keep the Old Firm alive. Their business model depends on a sectarian rivalry with Rangers. They can't survive as they are in the long term - or even the medium term - without Rangers.

Supporters need to keep the pressure on their clubs to ensure that the Old Firm do not win the day here.

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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hmm that is a compelling argument. I'm sure the SPL will acquiesce to your demands with such a great offer.

Here is the SPL counter offer, take Rangers in the 1st or there will be no negotiation on anything. Ever.

Didn't know you spoke on behalf of the SPL - are you Cockwomble in disguise?

One thing's for sure you don't speak on behalf of football fans, including, I'm glad to say, Motherwell fans.

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Where on earth have I said that :unsure:...? Of course the whole thing is unpalataeable, but my post relates to a suggestion that Sepp Blatter would intervene in an attempt to root out 'corruption' (there's an irony if there ever was one, btw).

Did i say you did,i said if you see it differently this is your choice.

And yet you did mention that bodysnatching Clydebank was...

Do i have to repeat everything i have ever said in each reply to someone just to keep you happy?

Instead of criticising me,read all my posts and you will see that those points you said i failed to mention have all been mentioned by me in this thread.

... despite that statement being partly complete fabrication, and partly complete sob-story sympathy seeking.

oh well,how well knowledged you must be on Airdrie.This is things we have been told by our own club,and well respected members on this site enlightened me recently on the fans bit,which i was not aware of.The other 2 were from sources that i would believe them rather than doubt them.

As for sympathy,you having a laugh....sympathy? whats that...isn't that a group of people who play musical instruments :lol: That is the last thing i am looking for,i follow a team each season that wins feck all,i do because i want to,not for sympathy;if i wanted sympathy i would phone the samaritans.Also while i am at it,do you actually read some of the stuff you write,i have seen one or 2 post that looked like you want to play on the heart strings.

Airdrie tried to Newco right back and when the ballot was lost, instead bodysnatched another club, in doing so starting-out a level up.

That's not an attack, abuse, or being judgemental, it's simply an expression of fact.

At least we can agree on something,yes Jim Ballantyne tried and failed to register a club and get straight back into the league.It failed,and was my point to the other guys thread that we were in fact no different to Rangers,yet they seem to still be getting allowed to get back into the league in possibly div1.

As for bodysnatching,you can call it that if you want.We bought out a club which was about to be liquidated,i know there was a fans consortium,but they were unable to bring to the table the same offer that Jim Ballantyne offered for them.As i keep saying,not our greatest moment,and something i am not proud of...i may just make a signature stating this just to keep you happy and let you know i have never forgotten it.Also the bit you keep seeming to miss out on is Clydebank still exist,and play football as well,they may even one day get back into the league. As for then starting out a level up,well of course we would...we had only renamed Clydebank at that time and still kept the league membership.So you saying that we should have started in the 3rd now because of what we did to them? Basically relegating Clydebank.

Completely. Unfortunately none of this is of any relevance to the original point.

Well you brought it up,and my original reply to the other guy was about us,so in fact it was of relevance.

You seem to gloss over things,and only quote the bits that justify in making you look an expert and that i am a complete buffoon in what knowledge i have of my club.............all i will say is at least i know which club it is i am chosing to follow.

So maybe we will bump into one another next season at Shielfield Park,or will it be Easter Road? You tell me.

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Its not Doncaster, Regan, the SPL, the SFL nor the SFA that is attempting to come up with a solution to keep Rangers in Scottish football.

Its Celtic.

Doncaster will be involved - whether the driving force or no, his fingerprints will be on the documents.

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Doncaster will be involved - whether the driving force or no, his fingerprints will be on the documents.

Doncaster is an irrelevance. He's a paid employee and he does the bidding of the clubs.

The fingerprints that really matter are Celtic's.

Celtic are driving this and diddy fans need to wake up and smell the coffee.

This isn;t just about Rangers its about the Old Firm. Celtic are doing all they can to keep the Old Firm alive. The diddy fans need to keep the pressure on our clubs to make sure it doesn't happen.

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