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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the footballing authorities bend around to suit Club 12 I will be fucking furious. It has to be Division Three for them.

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Putting the squeeze of the diddies to vote the way the SPL wants? Surely this is now a case for UEFA? How can a governing league body tell clubs "if you don't vote the way we want you to then you are no longer welcome"? They aren't even bothering to pretend that they aren't corrupt if this is true. It's time we told the SPL to stick their league up their arse and all joined the SFL again.

UEFAs 11 Values...


Financial fair play and regularity of competitions

UEFA supports fair play both on and off the pitch. Financial fair play means that clubs operate transparently and responsibly, to protect both sporting competition and the clubs themselves. Financial fair play means clubs not getting into a spiral of debt to compete with their rivals but rather competing with their own means, ie the resources they generate.

Good governance and autonomy

UEFA and its member associations are committed to good governance. Good governance means openness, democracy, transparency and responsibility. In this spirit, UEFA defends the autonomy of sports structures, so that football bodies – with national associations in the lead – are the ultimate decision-makers in matters concerning football, with no undue interference from governments.

Football first

In everything that we do, football must always be the first and most important element that we take into consideration. Football is a game before being a product, a sport before being a market, a show before being a business.

All three of these go completely out the window. Does anyone have a contact email address for UEFA? This seems a bit mental, but I feel strongly enough about the game that I would genuinely be willing to draft an email, have someone from here look over it for glaring errors, and send it off. I'd encourage everyone else to do the same. I don't want to sound overly dramatic, but I feel our game is being ripped apart here.

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Dear Mr Lawrie

I am writing to you about the current situation with the club currently being liquidated Rangers FC.

I have been a Dumbarton fan for all of my life

I have pictures of my great grandad rebuilding the wall at Boghead in the 1950,s

I have pictures of my Grannies washing line with all the strips hanging out after she had washed them, something she did for a while

In fact I was attending Boghead before I was born as both my mum and Auntie served in the snack bar on the end of the Turnberry stand.

I attended with my brother from aged 8 on, I was there when Ian Wallace scored against Kilmarnock in ,76 went to Hampden for the cup semi final

Attended every game through the ,84 promotion run to the top league

There for the last game at Boghead , in fact got a piece of the pitch in the garden and some of the bricks from that wall my granda repaired

There for the first game at the Rock,jumping up and down when we put 6 past Elgin to cap an amazing catch up of Cowdenbeath.

My birthday present on my 40th was 300 shares in the club

My daughter was taken along on her first birthday to experience what has brought me so much joy and satisfaction

I am still in shock at us going up this year.

However the situation with Sevco 5088 or TCFKAR is so iniquitous that it may well lead to me giving up on Dumbarton and Scottish football completely.

The rules are clear Sevco must apply to the bottom rung of the league structure as any other prospective new club would

Doesn't matter how many fans they have

Doesn't matter what ground they have

this is a club that has cheated every person in Scotland

Cheated the normal hard working tax payers

Cheated every league competition since 1998 at least

Is home to significant amount of rabid sectarian hooligans

Anything other than an insistence on applying to league 3 is craven cowardice or cheating itself by the footballing authorities

I will not be party to this nor will any of my family

I hope you are as disgusted as I am at the plan to parachute Sevco into the 1st division.

I will be sending a copy Of this letter to the SFA which will also include details of my support of the national team

I would be grateful for your thoughts on the matter

Yours Sincerely


Sent from my iPad

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What are the powers that be that are supposed to run our game most afraid off ?

The loss of TV revenue or the mass destruction the orc fans will create if there is no newco team playing football ?.

I'm gonna go with what the orcs will do if their club gets what it deserves ! resigned into the history books like Third Lanark was when it folded over.The animosity these newco fans will do to the ruling bodies members and buildings as well as club members if there is no newco rangers does not bear thinking about.There is no limit to what some of their fans will go to if their beloved club is killed off once and for all.

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Step one should be to stop trying to emulate the EPL. That is clearly what got us in this mess. We cannot offer the same sort of appeal that the EPL has. What we can do is offer a personal experience and that may mean that non of our matches are televised and a lot of teams would have to drop their wage bill significantly. But i enjoyed the years outwith the SPL more than those when we were in it.

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What a complete and utter clusterfuck.

I watch this thread daily in the hope that common sense and bottle prevails, and the cheats - who cheated every supporter bar their own for years, and rubbed our faces in it while doing so - would get a fit punishment. I watch knowing fine well that any convenient stitch-up will spell the end of my 30 year love affair with the Scottish game. These proposals are that stitch up.

sad.gif f**k 'em, harder than they've been fucked before.

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Firstly, well done to Stewart Milne on re-stating Aberdeen's position. It's time for all the other 'No's, across the leagues, to do likewise. And every other club opposed to this shameful carve-up to join them.

Secondly, had the original 'Sevco5088' in the SPL/admitted to the First gone through, I'd have been unhappy. I wouldn't have decided whether or not I would boycott the carve-up, I'd have probably just gone to fewer games, taken less of an interest in a sport devoid of it's integrity. If this, last-gasp, shameful carve-up is pushed through, then I cannot see me attending another game. It is an absolute disgrace.

This means I'm going to have to hammer out another e-mail to our chairman, to express my outrage at these plans, and calling on Morton to object to both this insidious merger plan, and to refuse SPL2. I would rather we were put down even to the very bottom tier again rather than collaborate with the shower of c***s who have dreamt this up.

In France they'd have barricades up in the streets for this level of corruption, from top to bottom. Longmuir at the SFL should be the first to go for his part in this scheme.

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Hi, 1st post I have been following the big thread since it started. Thanks for the entertainment guys.Now that the SPL clubs have shown the nuts to do the right thing, it is time for the rest of us to do the right thing. We all have a once in a lifetime opertunity to rid Scotland of the vile bigotry that has infected our society through the medium of our game. If you fail to act now you will never get another chance and our game will die. Seize the moment. Scottish football will prosper in the long term without sevco. The homegrown talent will be allowed to shine through without the fear of being poached and laid to waste by a team which has paid for players with money they have stolen off of every man, woman, child and dog in our wonderful country. Let the SFL, your club, everyone know how you feel. These morons are not Scottish and all they stand for and their history should be eradicated. SFL NO TO SEVCO

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:lol: the dirty dozen is taking shape. They cam maybe do a world tour of world wide hotspots until someone let's them in out of the cold. I'd send them to Syria first..

Syria , Seria B, its all Italy......

Don't the SPL realise they are just making a rod for their own backs by taking it up the downpipe over this? I am sure that when more allegations appear, and they will, newcorpse will be as extinct as oldcorpse.

Q. Is it possible for all the SPL clubs to give the years notice, and apply direct to the SFL. That would leave only one League body, the chance for 'proper' reconstruction and Cockwomble on the dole!

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Peter A Smith@PeterAdamSmithThe SPL wants Rangers to be in SFL 1 next season. Commercial consequences would be "catastrophic" if Rangers in SFL3.http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs


4mPeter_normal.jpgPeter A Smith@PeterAdamSmithSPL clubs confident a financial incentive is enough to accept Rangers directly into SFL1. Including TV revenue, gate money. STV News a 6.


6mPeter_normal.jpgPeter A Smith@PeterAdamSmithProposals will be put to SFL clubs to accept Rangers' NewCo directly into the SFL1. More on the STV News at 6.


27mPeter_normal.jpgPeter A Smith@PeterAdamSmithSome very interesting developments from today's SPL meeting coming up on the STV News at 6. Things are becoming much clearer.


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Hi, 1st post I have been following the big thread since it started. Thanks for the entertainment guys.Now that the SPL clubs have shown the nuts to do the right thing, it is time for the rest of us to do the right thing. We all have a once in a lifetime opertunity to rid Scotland of the vile bigotry that has infected our society through the medium of our game. If you fail to act now you will never get another chance and our game will die. Seize the moment. Scottish football will prosper in the long term without sevco. The homegrown talent will be allowed to shine through without the fear of being poached and laid to waste by a team which has paid for players with money they have stolen off of every man, woman, child and dog in our wonderful country. Let the SFL, your club, everyone know how you feel. These morons are not Scottish and all they stand for and their history should be eradicated. SFL NO TO SEVCO

Think you should read the last two pages, mate. f**k the SPL.

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"SPL threaten breakaway second tier if clubs do not agree to Rangers plans"

Games a bogey!

No quotes at all in that article. I wonder where this evil plan came from and who is on favour of it?? Must be at least some clubs in favour.

Nice to see doncaster's smiling mug at the top of the page. A face i'd never tire of punching.

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